How to make a picture round? Tips & Tricks

Graphic editors conquer the mass of people with their advanced arsenal for creating, formatting and retouching images. In addition to the in-depth features that professionals use, application developers have taken care of novice users.

The most necessary tools for work are located on the quick access panel and are easy to use. It is no coincidence that they are placed in a prominent place - this is done so that the user knows, for example, how to make the picture round. Many novice users go into graphical environments to remove unnecessary parts of the picture and they do not need to know all the subtleties of a particular program.

Round image

Many are well aware that for various situations sometimes you have to crop the image. For example, some social networks support user avatars in a round form. A round image is also used to compose a collage of images or to create clusters.

How to make a round picture in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop uses a huge number of tools for converting images. No exception is cropping a picture with a round frame. It is in this graphical environment that you can achieve the perfect effect, since, among other things, Photoshop is able to edit the framed image. Before you make the picture round in Photoshop, you must do the following steps:

Adobe photoshop logo

  1. Run the program Adobe Photoshop and create the necessary document with the image.
  2. We are interested in the quick access panel, where the cell with frames is located. Choose a frame with rounded ends and format the image to the desired size.

Another way to create a round image is that the user through the selection function removes unnecessary objects. First of all, you need to use the Oval Region tool and use the Shift key to adjust the image parameters. After that, go to the "Selection" section and select "Invert". Now you need to remove unwanted elements from the image thanks to the Delete key.

Round image in Word

Word Icons

Surprisingly, even a text editor can crop images. The user should not worry too much about how to make the picture round in Word, because there is also an oval crop. Correcting the image in a text editor makes life easier for many users and allows you to format objects without going into a graphical environment separately. But it is worth noting that the program has only basic editing elements.

  1. We launch the application and add the original image.
  2. Click on the image so that the image becomes active and accessible for formatting.
  3. In the header of the program there is a tab “Work with drawings”, where the user needs to select the “Crop” tool (located in the right corner of the section). Here, the user in the drop-down list will be asked to crop the image according to a certain figure, including a circular area.
  4. Using the tool, we adjust the image to the desired parameters.
Word logo

Round picture in Paint

Before you make a round picture in Paint, you should understand the advantages and disadvantages of this standard editor. On the plus side, the fact that the program is present initially in any version of Windows can be noted. This allows you to edit the image without first installing the software. The second indisputable advantage is that the program is very easy to use and familiar to the user for a long time.

Perhaps the main disadvantage here is the insufficient technical base. The editing functions in Paint are practically absent. It does not provide work with layers, image correction, and much more. But despite this, you can still make a round image:

paint logo

  1. Open the program and the desired image in it.
  2. At the top of the program there is an oval highlight function.
  3. You can adjust the highlighted area by holding the Shift key.
  4. Paint does not provide inversion of selection, so the user will have to copy the selected area with the Ctrl + C button combination, and then use the Eraser tool to erase all objects in the document.
  5. Paste the combination of buttons Ctrl + V round the area that is on the clipboard.

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