How to feed newborns so that they grow up healthy

One of the most important questions that concerns all mothers: "How to feed newborn babies?" There are two different opinions regarding the regimen and quantity of feedings: feeding on demand and hourly. But as for how to feed the baby, all doctors and teachers are inclined to believe that only breast milk is ideal for the baby. It contains all the necessary nutrients for the proper growth and development of the baby.

how to feed newborns

Therefore, every mother should know how to breastfeed a newborn baby, be able to apply the baby in any position and be prepared for this. The child should suck as much as he needs, because for normal growth and development it is necessary to get the so-called “back” milk. In addition, it is very important for the baby in the first months of life to satisfy his sucking instinct. A newborn should suckle as much as he wants, it is possible to take a nipple only when the baby falls asleep.

With breastfeeding, the baby can not overeat, because milk is completely absorbed. Therefore, it is better to feed the baby more than necessary. Breast milk will provide the baby not only with good nutrition, but also with strong immunity, as well as psychological protection.

Very rarely, doctors give mothers full advice on how to feed newborn babies. Usually, everything is limited to the recommendation to apply to the baby’s chest every 2-3 hours and take a night break of 5-6 hours. Many doctors still advise feeding the babies hourly, and even waking him up if he has overslept feeding.

how to breastfeed a newborn baby

But new studies have confirmed the belief that the newborn should be applied to the chest as many times as he asks. This not only provides the mother with normal milk production and quick recovery after childbirth, but also gives the child psychological protection. The child will be more calm if he often feels his mother next to him, so do not be afraid to accustom him to his hands and take it as soon as he worries. It is proved that children who are constantly with their mother in the first year of life develop better and get sick less.

Therefore, for mothers who want to raise a happy and healthy baby, the question of how to feed newborn children is resolved unambiguously - only by breast. Most often, women switch to artificial feeding because of ignorance, laziness or inability. But there are times when nothing helps, and the mother cannot breastfeed her baby. Then she has to switch to artificial nutrition.

In this case, the question will be appropriate: "How much to feed a newborn baby, if he eats mixtures? "After all, breast milk is completely absorbed and it is impossible to overfeed the baby, but the mixtures take a lot of time to assimilate, so the artificially child needs to be fed clockwise. Besides, it’s very difficult to pick up the mixture,

how much to feed a newborn baby

suitable for your child. He may not overeat or overeat, so the feeding regimen is set individually.

The question of how to feed newborns is very relevant now, when calculating the number of babies with reduced immunity and dysbiosis. Moms need to know that breastfeeding can protect their baby from these problems.

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