The question of the diagonal of the laptop screen is controversial. Many manufacturers do not indicate the actual size, but the rounded number of inches. Therefore, a laptop's passport will not particularly help here. Now we will try to describe several ways that will help us figure out how to find out the diagonal of a laptop (in real sizes). It is worth considering that the actual number of inches can differ greatly from the declared one.
Most manufacturers tend to round the diagonals up. But some still honestly inform users about screen sizes. The only trouble is that there are very few such companies. Well, let's get to knowing the real screen size.
If accuracy is not needed
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Some need to know the real dimensions out of sheer curiosity. It is always interesting to find out how unscrupulous manufacturers are and by how many inches they have deceived users. Although this happens quite rarely.
Now the question of how to find out the diagonal of a laptop is no longer needed. And if the screen of your device fails, you can easily measure the old one and order a new one. There is nothing complicated about it. And for self-education it is useful to know how inches are counted in diagonals.