How to organize a holiday of autumn in the preparatory group of kindergarten?

In kindergarten, it is customary to arrange holidays of the seasons. And this is not only entertainment, but also the opportunity to explain in more detail and clearly to the kids how one season differs from another and what features it has. Moreover, most often children are attracted to the organization of the holiday, but are not offered to watch the performance from the audience. Do not be surprised if the autumn holiday in the preparatory group requires the participation of parents.

It all starts with a script

Autumn festival in the preparatory group

Thousands of scenarios of children's matinees have been written for a long time, many of which are really good. If you wish, you can always come up with a new one. What is your performance supposed to be about? Will the narration be on behalf of the gifts of autumn - ripe vegetables and fruits, or will the migratory birds and animals preparing for wintering tell about the approaching cold? You can use well-known fairy-tale characters in the play , and do not forget about the queen of triumph. The autumn holiday in the preparatory group should not be too long. You should not offer kids too complex roles. The text of each actor should consist of literally 1-2 sentences. The verbose characters should be performed by one of the teachers (preferably the teacher of another group) or invited actors. Traditionally, any play begins with an introduction, has a plot plot, the main part and its ending. Add colors - send a team of participants in search of a magical item or a missing character. If your script teaches kids something, even if it’s banal “good conquers evil”, the success of your production is guaranteed.

Event preparation

Dow Autumn Festival

It is advisable to start thinking about a gala evening in at least a month. You need to do a lot of things - prepare the text, distribute the roles and decorate the kindergarten. The scenario of the autumn holiday should have a number of characters equal to the pupils of the group. If there are more or fewer, remember that you can remove someone from the play. But all the kids should appear on stage that day. Once the roles are distributed, the kids should begin to learn the text, and their parents are the time to think about costumes. You can purchase themed baby clothes in the store or sew them yourself. It all depends on the material security and talents of the parents. Do not forget about costumes for adult actors, and the creation of scenery. As the main decor, you can use painted and real dried leaves. If the scenario involves interaction with some furniture, you need to prepare the props. You can draw doors and windows on large sheets of cardboard and set up the scenery if the hero must “open to someone” or “look at the street from the house”.

Autumn festival at DOW - joy for the child

kindergarten autumn holiday script

Parents should help their children prepare for the event. The main task of adults is to explain that the performance is first of all an interesting holiday and a game of real actors. A child should not be afraid that something will not work out for him, he should be warned in advance that no matter how he performs, his parents are still proud of him and love him.

Nevertheless, the holiday of autumn in the preparatory group is a serious event for every baby. Parents should observe their son or daughter and control their moods. You need to try to find out whether the child is satisfied with the role received or not. If the kid does not like something much, it makes sense to talk with the teacher about how to slightly change the holiday of autumn in the preparatory group. For example, to ask the child to offer a different role or shorten the text of his character.

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