Basic input devices

In any computing system, certain input devices are required. Without them, the system can be compared with a deaf and blind person who is deprived of the opportunity to receive information from the outside world.

Input Devices

Many authors, describing devices for inputting information into a PC, completely miss the fact that the list of such solutions is not limited only to familiar components. This is only partially true. Temperature and light sensors, recorders of sound vibrations, traps of moisture particles, blocks for measuring wind strength, etc. - these are also input devices. Why? Because these above-mentioned devices just form the data stream into the computer system.

Common means familiar

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- , – ( – keyboard). , - . , . , , - . , . BIOS - . is part of the housing.

pc data input devices

The arrangement of characters is usually standardized - the first row of letters of the alphabet is a sequence of QWERTYUIOP ... (or YTsUKENGSH ...). The reason for this placement is the desire of the creators of the device to make it as close as possible to typewriters of that time. Subsequently, attempts were made to change the established standard (for example, the Dvorak solution), however, so far no one has achieved significant success in this direction.

The mouse is the main device for working with graphic elements of modern operating systems and application programs. When the manipulator moves along the surface, its relative coordinates are transmitted to the computer and converted to the cursor cursor.

pci input device

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