Since the beginning of 2016, more than 200 children have died in traffic accidents. Another approximately 5 thousand 200 children received injuries of varying severity. That is why it is so important to teach minors the basics of traffic rules from an early age. This is best achieved in a game form, such as riddles for traffic rules, didactic and educational games, relay races.
Save children's lives
The life and safety of children on the road, in the first place, depends on their parents and teachers. Puzzles on traffic rules - it would seem a simple form of teaching a child the basics of behavior on the roadway, but it is she who is extremely effective.
It is important not only to tell the kid that it is only necessary to cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and at the green light of the traffic light, but also with a personal example daily show how these simple rules are implemented. If you teach your child alone, and you yourself constantly violate traffic rules, even in small things, the effect will be only negative.
Every day on the roads there is a huge amount of terrible accidents and disasters, so it is so important to protect your child by any means, to warn him from a fatal mistake.
Why do children need to be taught traffic rules from early childhood?
Employees of the State traffic inspectorate often draw the attention of parents to the fact that it is too late to teach children the basics of traffic rules at school age. By this time, many are already developing a specific model of behavior, which is often difficult to change.
That is why parents should not wait until their child goes to school, and hope that teachers will teach him everything there. Explain how to cross the road, why it is dangerous to play outdoor games near the roadway, you need much earlier. Even when the baby goes to kindergarten. Especially when it starts to ride a bike on its own.
It often happens that a primary school student knows where to cross the road and what rules to observe while doing this, but does not follow them. Most often because their parents ignore them. A personal example to demonstrate how to behave correctly on the roadway and while driving a personal car, parents should from the first years of their baby's life.
Rules of the road in a playful way
What methods should be used to explain the rules of the road to a child intelligibly and in an accessible way? One of the most effective is, of course, puzzles for traffic rules for children, but there are many other forms.
First of all, these are educational didactic games, cognitive relay races. It is extremely useful to learn cycling on the basis of the city, which are now open at many high schools.
It is very important that all classes are carried out necessarily in a playful way. Indeed, for children who have not yet gone to school, playing activity is the most effective. You just need to look at the special didactic materials in order to find special games according to the rules of the road or riddles on the topic of traffic rules.
In kindergartens, the practice is widespread when educators invent classes with game subjects themselves, conversation classes can also be conducted using visual materials, and additional excursions are also organized. On them, children can follow the roadway, visually study road signs.
You and your children can also simulate various situations that may arise on the road in order to figure out what to do in each such individual case. It is important not to prompt the child, but to make sure that he independently arrives at the correct answer.
The lessons in the form of theatrical performances in which heroes familiar to your child participate are of great benefit. Usually these are cartoon characters and books. For example, they can ask riddles on traffic rules.
If you organize such a program for a large number of children, then you can even arrange a holiday on the road theme. Its participants can divide into pedestrians, passengers and drivers and learn how to safely cross the road, behave correctly in public transport.
Puzzles for preschoolers
Puzzles for traffic rules for kindergarten children should be short and simple, the child should easily solve them and receive useful information. For instance:
- Three colorful circles
Blink after each other.
Glow, blink -
People are helped.
Such simple tasks should familiarize the kids with the basic concepts related to traffic - this is the traffic light mentioned earlier in the riddle, the road, the traffic controller, a pedestrian crossing, cars, a driver, a wand. It is best that they be in poetic form.
Children can easily cope with such tasks already in middle and senior kindergarten groups. This will help them secure their lives for the future.
Riddles about the traffic light
The first thing you need to teach your child is to cross the road correctly. This is best done in the safest place. Therefore, the baby needs to be introduced to a traffic light. What does each of the flowers mean when it is impossible to move, when to prepare and when to go across the road - all this the kid must remember and learn by heart.
Good helpers in this are traffic rules puzzles for elementary school. It is important to inform the children that it is impossible to cross the road, even if the cars are not visible on the horizon, but a red light is on. After all, the speed of the car is very high, and it can appear very suddenly due to a turn.
Remember also that if the pedestrian crossing is not equipped with a traffic light, then first you need to look to the left, and after passing half the way - to the right. Crossing the road in places where there is no zebra at all is strictly prohibited.
Do not forget about such a difficult and dangerous situation when the green light is on for both the driver and the pedestrian. In this case, the pedestrian, of course, has the advantage on the road, but you should be very careful and go only when you are sure that the driver sees you.
An example of a similar riddle is this:
- Wait! Cars are moving!
Where the paths converge
Who will help people cross the street?
Riddles about traffic signs
It is very important to explain to the child what the road signs mean. For this, traffic rules puzzles will also come to the rescue. This section is rather complicated, therefore it is suitable only for children over 7 years old.
It is important that the child understands that road signs are set not only for drivers, but also for pedestrians. They should also be closely monitored. With their help, your baby will be able to find the nearest underground or ground crosswalk.
Conveniently, if you have a car, in this case you can start studying signs with a child right on the road.
- A round sign with a window in it,
Do not rush in a hurry,
And think a little bit
What's here, brick dump?
So, for example, a road sign “Entry is forbidden” is made for children.
Riddles about the road
A large number of puzzles are dedicated to the road. They also include concepts such as street and pavement. The child must understand and distinguish between them.
After all, the safety of the baby directly depends on his behavior on the road. He must remember that in no case can you run out onto the roadway, you can only move along the sidewalk and you need to carefully look around. Otherwise, it can lead to sad consequences.
Children's riddles should help to understand this. Traffic rules in them are explained easily and easily.
About the pedestrian crossing
A pedestrian crossing, or zebra, is one of the key places on the roadway. How to use it, you need to understand first of all.
The child should know that it is forbidden to cross the road if he has a difficult view of the approaching transport, in a difficult case, wait for adults with whom it will be safe to cross the road.
It is important to know which way to get around public transport. There is a tram in front and a bus and trolleybus in the back. Crossing the road, you need not to be distracted. If suddenly a child drops something on the road, and this often happens with young children, you do not need to return and pick up this item. Leave it on the roadway, it will be a lesson for the kid that during the crossing of the road you need to be extremely collected and attentive.
The place of increased danger is a railway crossing. Explain to the child that it is necessary to step over the rails, in no case cross the road at the point of transfer of arrows. And most importantly, any road is not a place for games.
If you use the riddles of traffic rules with answers, then easily explain this to the child. For example, ask him who he is:
- I'm walking around town
I won’t get into trouble
Because I know for sure:
I follow the rules.
Mysteries about a zebra
It is possible to explain to a child simply and clearly what a pedestrian crossing is with the help of such a figurative concept as a zebra. This will amuse the baby, and will expand his knowledge of the diverse animal world.
Baffle your baby with a simple at first glance question:
- What kind of animal helps us cross the street?
Be sure to explain to the baby that he cannot correctly calculate the speed of the approaching transport, so the maximum number of traffic lights and the minimum number of unregulated pedestrian crossings should be on his way.
Riddles about traffic
To summarize all the information you will be helped by riddles about traffic rules with answers that are devoted in general to road traffic.
Such puzzles will help the kid understand the basic elements on the road, because in addition to pedestrian crossings and traffic lights, these are also barriers, speed bumps and other inanimate road users.
You need to get acquainted with them in the format of the game, then the child will remember well what each of them means, how to behave, being in close proximity to them.
Do not forget to talk about public transport stops. On your own example, explain that you can get on and off the bus and tram only after it stops completely.
Poems about traffic rules
In order to protect your child, you need to use all possible methods - poems, riddles. It is important to know traffic rules, only this way the baby will not get into an unpleasant situation on the road.
In an entertaining and accessible form with their help, you can explain any element of the road scheme. For example, to illustrate in verse what is an "island of security."
In general, the maximum number of tasks for young children should be in poetic form. You can compose small poems yourself, put on riddles in a poetic form. So the child will better remember and perceive the material. This means that in the future it will preserve its life and health.