Currently, the cheapest dog breeds (of course, not taking into account the mongrels) and very popular are small pets. This is due to their attractive and cute appearance, as well as significant space savings. Scientists have found that small breeds of dogs are much more loyal to the owner and quickly become attached to him. The biggest advantage of such dogs is the ability to easily keep them in a small apartment. Having small dimensions, they do not bring any discomfort to their owner. In addition, certain species of these animals are inexpensive. Below are photos and names of cheap dog breeds.
What determines the price
Many people want to buy a four-legged faithful pet, but the cost of dogs often repels the acquisition of a puppy. Overpriced have their own reasons. After all, the future owner should think not only about money, but also about further care.
Prices for cheap dog breeds are close to maximum marks for a reason. First of all, this is associated with great responsibility, and those who want to buy an animal can not always provide the necessary care for it, properly feed it and regularly go to the veterinary clinic. After all, finding the amount to buy is not all that is required. The owner will have to raise a dog and acquire the following things:
- bowls for water and food;
- stern;
- toys and so on.
No one canceled vaccinations and preventive examinations. Therefore, the inflated cost allows you to weed out those who in the future will not be able to take good care of the dog and provide it with all of the above attributes.
The concept of "cheap types of dogs" suggests a price of 5 to 80 thousand rubles. But when buying an animal in the range from five to fifteen thousand rubles, it should be understood that with such a pet it will hardly be possible to participate in competitions and exhibitions. But the dog will be a faithful friend!
The first representatives of this type of dogs appeared in European countries from China. Pugs are considered naturally good-natured and cheerful pets. It is worth noting that they are not predisposed to active games and prefer stable food, a long sleep and, of course, affection.
The breed has a rather short coat, so pugs do not need constant care. In nutrition, dogs are unpretentious and eat everything that their owner gives. This breed was created for the family and is positioned as a companion. You can buy it for 20-50 thousand rubles.
This cheap dog breed is one of those pets that are very fond of being spoiled, however, this should be done in moderation. The Pekingese are very active and get along well with both adults and children. A feature of the breed is that representatives of this species can not stand loneliness.
Pekingese wool requires constant care, for this the owner must have a special comb. It doesn’t take much time for the care procedures. The Pekingese are unpretentious in nutrition, however, they need additional vitamins and minerals. The breed is positioned as a companion. The cost of a puppy is from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.
Representatives of this breed of cheap small dogs require constant manifestation of love and attention from the owner. Such a pet needs to be given a lot of time, to which he will respond with devotion and affection.
Also, lapdogs are distinguished by good intelligence. They can easily be taught to perform various tricks. In addition, you should monitor the hair of the animal. You need to bathe the dog at least twice a month. The cost of the breed is from 18 to 50 thousand rubles.
Dogs available for purchase
The following are also cheap dog breeds:
- Chihuahua. The popularity of this breed is growing rapidly every year. The future owner will have to pay 20 to 50 thousand rubles for a small pet. Chihuahua is easy to care for, feels good in a small apartment and can do without serious physical exertion. Animals are not picky in their diet and eat a minimal amount of food.
- American Cocker Spaniel. When deciding to buy a small breed dog at a bargain price, you should pay attention to this type. As a rule, they become great friends, are not picky in food and do not require large financial costs for maintenance. The cost starts from 20 thousand rubles. This is a great option for buying a dog, representing a budget category.
- Jack Russell Terrier. These pets are very energetic and friendly. Just like pugs, they don’t need to care for the coat. Dogs have good health and are not picky about food. The cost varies from 18 to 50 thousand.
- Beagle Another active dog in the budget category. You can buy it 25 to 50 thousand rubles. Eating does not take a lot of money from the owner, but there is one feature: dogs of this breed require frequent walks on the street.
- English bulldog. The dog does not require much space and gets along well in a small apartment. In view of the folds, the bulldog needs careful care. You can buy a puppy for 40 thousand rubles.
More cheap dog breeds
If you want to buy a dog inexpensively, you can take a closer look at the following breeds, their cost ranges from 10-60 thousand rubles:
- Dachshund. There are several varieties of this species: standard, rabbit, dwarf, smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired. The breed gets along well in a small apartment, is unpretentious in food, and its cost varies from three to ten thousand rubles.
- Papillon is a beautiful and cheerful dog. The breed has a cute appearance, due to the special shape of the ears, resembling the wings of butterflies. The cost starts from 25 thousand rubles.
- Yorkshire Terrier. Today, this breed is considered the most popular among decorative dogs. Depending on the color, size and title of the parents, the price of a puppy varies from 7500 to 20 thousand rubles.
- Border Collie. Active and very smart dog. The breed is very popular. Her physical and intellectual characteristics are often used in search and rescue services. The cost of a puppy from private sellers starts from 20 thousand rubles.
Other inexpensive dogs
For those who want to get a pet for an amount of not more than ten thousand rubles, you can take a closer look at xoloitzcuintle. This is one of the cheapest breeds of small dogs. It will cost only 5,000 rubles. Low cost due to large numbers. But at the time of purchase, you must be careful not to run into scammers. To do this:
- pay attention to the appearance of the puppy;
- find out if he is healthy.
The price may be reduced due to lack of documents or health problems in the animal. This applies to any breed of dog.
How else can you buy cheap small breeds of dogs
Adult pets in most cases do not even need to buy. Basically, these dogs are given absolutely free. For example, the owner attaches it in connection with a long business trip or as a result of moving to another country. Sometimes there are situations when they give service dogs, as they have lost their skills.
It should be understood that some types of dogs need special care. Therefore, deciding to buy a small cheap breed of dog, you need to realize the full responsibility. Consider whether it will be possible to raise a faithful, real and, most importantly, healthy pet from a cheerful puppy. Is it possible to provide the puppy with toys, walk him, buy cosmetics, healthy food and spend money on the veterinarian? If so, then you can safely go to the kennel or to the market for a beautiful dog in need of a loving and caring owner.