Space Engineers: a guide for beginners. Where to start the game?

Space Engineers is a survival strategy game in which the main character is left alone with space. The meaning of the game is not only in simple construction, but also in making the constructed work.

For beginners

Space Engineers does not provide a guide for beginners or elementary training, so the description of actions will go in order.

After installing the game on a computer, you need to run it and set the language to Russian in order to understand what the game is about. Since the game is still at an early access stage, not all text has been translated, and you will have to intuitively guess the content.

Start of construction

Next is the choice of the game world: "New World", "Custom" and "Custom World". After choosing a game world, you can begin to create it, and for this there is a script on the left - here beginners need to choose a “loner”, as other users can simply interfere with the game at first. Then the name of the world and the description are determined, which can be changed at your discretion. What description will be given to the world is what other players will see.

The most important thing is the game mode, since the complexity of further progress depends on it. The creative mode is suitable for those who want to plunge headlong into the construction of ships and stations, building masterpieces of architecture. The "Survival" mode implies construction due to limited resources that need to be constantly replenished - this mode will suit experienced players.

Individual settings

Here is a detailed guide to Space Engineers on the individual settings of the game.

The first thing you can see is the size of the inventory, which displays the maximum number of carry items. Only three parameters, and they are arranged in increasing order: Realism, X3 and X10. Next, the efficiency of the assembly shop and the ore cleaning rate are tuned.


For Space Engineers, the interface guide is presented in this way: the position of the player can be in three variations - this is movement on two legs, when the player sneaks, flight. The health of the protagonist is displayed in percentage. With the help of a jetpack, a character can fly, but you can do this with the Space bar, and go down with C. A flashlight is also available, if you press "L", it will be able to illuminate the path to the player.

User interface

It is very important to correctly distribute the weight, because the greater the load on the character, the slower it will move. Another important parameter is the energy level, which is displayed as a percentage. If the level of this parameter drops to zero, then the main character will slowly die.

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