Doggies of the Chihuahua breed are famous for their poise and calm. In addition, they have one more advantage convenient for the owner: they are unusually tiny. According to standards, their body weight cannot exceed three kilograms. But in fact, purebred chihuahuas are twice as small. Often, these tiny pets are worn by the owners in the bosom, in your pocket or purse. In addition, these dogs are unpretentious, undemanding and loyal to the owners. Therefore, they are considered the most wonderful companions, especially for the sick and the elderly.
Interestingly, the hair of such creatures can have the most original, even unthinkable shades. And therefore they are rightfully ranked among the most colorful. Of the doggies with an unusual color, purple chihuahuas stand out especially. Moreover, the shade of the fur of such animals can also be very different.
What are they
Can a Chihuahua really be purple? If we consider the issue in the classical sense, then this is a big exaggeration. Those of the dogs, which are commonly called lilac chihuahuas, in fact turn out to be fawn, red-sable or light chocolate, but with a purple tint. Other shades of similar colors in the most interesting and unexpected combinations are possible. Dogs of this breed with similar colors are often called isabella or pink. This is when the lilac shade is very light.
It is permitted that such doggies have small white patches of hair on the chest and on the tips of the legs. Tricolor is also possible, but wool with a lilac hue in these specimens should still be predominant. White spots may be significant, but not on the back or sides.
In the photo above you can see a magnificent copy of the lilac-fawn chihuahua.
Similar colors in the same breed
The breed of dogs described here is truly striking in the variety of possible colors. Moreover, experts say that there are no two Chihuahuas in the world with exactly the same colors, that is, with a complete repetition of the combination of colors and shades. Therefore, when discussing the color of the dog, it is difficult to give definite, non-objectionable answers to some questions.
It is often difficult for the amateur to accurately identify the lilac color of a Chihuahua. Moreover, there are representatives of this breed of dogs with similar shades of hair. However, they are called differently. An example is the blue chihuahua. Dogs got a similar name, as you might guess, because of the special color of their coat. But in this case, it is different from the previously described. It can be blue with a blue or gray tint, as well as the addition of other shades.
How not to mix up
Since there are difficulties for prospective owners looking for necessarily purple chihuahua puppies, they should be given important advice so that they don’t make a mistake. When choosing a pet, it is better to immediately carefully examine some, at first glance, insignificant parts of his body. First of all, the nose is important. Here you need to pay special attention to the shade. It must match a specific color scheme and range from dark purple to lilac pink. In addition, in isabella dogs, the eyelids, paw pads and claws have a pink-beige or similar shade. This circumstance is also better to keep in mind.
If this is not observed, then the dog of this breed cannot be considered lilac in color. For example, in blue dogs the nose is quite capable of being black. This does not mean that the puppy is not a purebred chihuahua, he just certainly is not purple.
Origin Versions
The whole variety of color options is demonstrated by the photos of purple chihuahua presented in the article. But how did such wonderful creatures even appear and when? It is not known exactly, but there are some considerations regarding their origin. Firstly, it is possible that a chihuahua of such an interesting color appeared to the world due to some kind of accident. For example, the ancestors of such dogs at once from two sides were not purebred, but hybrid. And as a result of mating, a well-known sign suddenly arose and later entrenched.
But most likely, a genetic mutation still took place here, which weakened the richly black or dark color with the addition of certain colors, while lightening it to the shades already mentioned above. So, purple chihuahua in some way can be called albinos.
How is inherited
It is assumed that once in dogs with a similar unique color, a special gene appeared that helps to lighten the shade of the coat gene. Moreover, it was not dominant, but recessive. This means that the color of interest can be inherited only if the mother and father of the future puppy of a chihuahua of a purple color are the owners of this gene. This does not mean that they themselves should have just that coat color. It’s just that their ancestors must have ancestors of a similar color, who passed them a certain genetic set.
It’s not so difficult to choose the right partners for the mating to get the color of interest from the offspring. It is enough to study the genealogy of the applicants, because all the colors of the predecessors are indicated there.
What is the difficulty
To find a pair of parents who have a clarifier gene is a lot of chances. However, this only means that their descendants may be purple chihuahuas, but will not necessarily become such. It is sad, but it is impossible to establish in advance with accuracy what color the puppies will be in the litter. In predictions, when it comes to dogs of this breed, the science of genetics is practically powerless, and probability theory reigns here. What is the reason? You can try to figure it out.
Certain genes are responsible for the hair color of an individual. To date, there are about twenty of them. All of them exist in different forms, which are commonly called alleles. And they are combined in the genes of the offspring when they are crossed in many ways. So, in cases with a chihuahua, the number of possible combinations is truly huge. Therefore, what happens when two purebred representatives of the breed come into contact even with a favorable set of genes cannot be assumed at all.
Still, forecasts are possible.
There is no way to fully predict the result? But there are pluses to this. And if everything was different, we would not be able to observe that variety of chihuahua purple color (photos are presented to the attention of the reader in the article) if everything turned out to be too predictable and simple.
However, predictions are still possible, because no one has yet repealed the laws of genetics.
The rules are as follows:
- having crossed the purple and blue parents, one should expect the offspring of only these colors, no other shades should simply be;
- from a lilac pair you get just such a gamut of puppies;
- purple and gray parents are likely to give birth to cubs with a creamy shade of wool, with a purple or gray tan being possible.
The rules are rules, but it should be borne in mind that in one litter obtained from two purebred chihuahuas, puppies can be not the same, but of different colors.
Long haired purple chihuahua
Dogs of this breed and the specified color look especially beautiful if they have long hair. However, in this case, pets need additional care. Including at least once a month the dog should do a hygienic haircut. This allows the skin of the animal to breathe, which is especially true during the heat in summer. Also, long haired chihuahuas often make model haircuts, complemented by hairpins and other decorative ornaments.
In the photo above you can admire two representatives of this breed. The first of them has a fawn-purple color. His neighbor on the right is a male named Pinke. This is a celebrity. At the age of five months, a cute doggie - a purple chihuahua with blue eyes - earned the title of winner of the exhibition after becoming a participant in the prestigious competition "Eurasia-1-2013".
From the history
This breed of dog has very ancient roots. Nowadays, it is considered decorative, but at one time its representatives performed security functions. And although looking at such crumbs, it is difficult to believe in it, the one who knows these doggies better is able to confirm that they are very brave.
This character trait was often used by persons of royal blood from Japan and China from ancient times, hiding little brave men in their sleeves and other secluded places of clothing. And if someone attempted their life, the emperors gave vent to pocket dogs who made a grandiose noise, which not only attracted the attention of the rulers, but also could really frighten nervous intruders.
Here are the heroes that the ancestors of those same purple chihuahua, whose photos are shown here, came to know. Images of similar dogs are also found in the ancient Aztecs and Mayans. A very large contribution to the development of the breed was made by breeders of the Middle Ages.
What are they today
Chihuahua puppies mature psychologically very early, so at the age of about a year they are already fully formed animals according to their habits, behavior and nature. The intelligence of these dogs is unusually developed. In addition, they have a special flair for people, easily guessing their mood and adapting to the condition of others. These creatures quickly adapt to the characteristics of the character of the owners, as well as the environment accompanying their lives.
One of the useful features of the psyche of such pets is curiosity. In addition, for owners, they are often very useful in everyday life. For example, they take upon themselves the obligation to bring to their patrons various necessary small objects and things. However, these dogs are not so simple. Using their ingenuity and natural charm, they are often so attractive to their masters that they psychologically prevail over them and try to manipulate in their interests.
About choosing a purple puppy
Does the color of the dog's coat not affect the quality of the breed? This question is important. Especially if the prospective owner wants to participate in prestigious exhibitions with his favorite in the future. In fact, the shade of the hair is just one of many signs, the same as the shape of the body and head, the condition of the teeth and other parameters. So, in answer to the question posed, it should be noted: in general, the lilac color of the Chihuahua (photos prove that this color is quite original) does not affect the quality characteristics of the breed.
Although the same mutated gene, which was mentioned earlier, is not considered the norm for nature. And any deviation from the standard natural indicators can affect the health of the animal. Therefore, such Chihuahuas can be painful and produce weakened offspring. Also, such a deviation from the norm in some cases spoils the character of the pet. But with the proper maintenance, care and breeding of such dogs, all the unpleasant aspects concerning the mutant gene disappear by themselves. The main thing for the owner is to have the necessary knowledge and skills. And for the lack of such, one should listen to the recommendations of experienced specialists.