Зачем нужна логоритмика для малышей

In order to find out what is the logic rhythm for kids, the concept itself should be defined. This word refers to the methodology of teaching children with speech impairment, delayed psycho-speech development. Logo rhythm is a form of therapy, which is a synthesis of music, speech and movement. The application of this technique is possible at any age. As a rule, classes are conducted by a speech therapist together with a music director.

logic for babies

Intensive formation of speech occurs in children, starting from three years. Logo rhythm for babies helps not only its development, but also strengthens the muscular system, forms the correct breathing. Due to the synchronization of movements with text, this technique allows you to form the basics of phonemic hearing, the pace of speech. In the formation of correct posture and the development of motor coordination, it also plays an important role.

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development center for children

The early development of a child’s speech is now a rarity. If twenty years ago, most children between the ages of one and a half to two years old expressed small poems with expression, today there are very few such children. The bulk of the kids begins to speak more or less coherently only by the age of three. There is no explanation why this is happening. Perhaps because it has become fashionable to develop children from the cradle, to brag about the fact that as early as 4 years old a son or daughter perform simple mathematical operations and read fluently.

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early development of speech

Many adults believe that their mission is completed as soon as they send the child to the development center for children. However, only in interaction and cooperation with its employees are positive results achieved in raising children. Such an institution differs from the usual kindergarten in the selection of specialists working with the child, in the number of services provided. And while in ordinary kindergartens the logic of rhythms for kids is very rare, then in the development center these classes are in demand and popular. They are carried out there for preventive purposes, which subsequently avoids complex speech disorders in the child. It is advisable to conduct these classes on their own at home. To do this, you only need to consult with a speech therapist, how to properly perform certain exercises.An experienced teacher will tell and show the most accessible elements for this methodology for parents.

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