Felt-tip pens gradually firmly entered our lives. Children like to draw them, they are actively used in the office and in industry, when sewing clothes and in interior design. Perhaps there is no such house, enterprise or office where there is not even one marker or marker. Accordingly, sometimes the question arises: what to do if the felt-tip pen is dry? Is it possible to somehow restore its "performance" at least temporarily?
Felt pens are made on the basis of water or alcohol. There are not only markers for drawing on paper, but also on metal, concrete, leather, glass, rubber and other all kinds of surfaces. In addition, they are collapsible and non-collapsible. Also, on some markers and markers, the manufacturer indicates that they are strictly forbidden to disassemble or refuel. Let's take a closer look at all these nuances.
Water Markers
Almost all modern children's water-based felt-tip pens. This is done in order to provide bright saturated colors and at the same time make them safe for the youngest artists. In addition, such markers are easily washed off clothes and any surfaces, have no unpleasant odor and can be stored for a long time even with open caps. The drawing made by such a felt-tip pen is stored for a long time and does not fade in the sun. But, as you know, nothing lasts forever. Sooner or later, even such markers cease to please their owner.
If the felt-tip pen is dry?
What to do. First understand the composition of the writing medium. For example, I stopped writing water-based felt-tip pens.
Most often this happens because the water that allows the dye to drain has run out or is dry. In this case, there are several ways to restore the felt-tip pen and give it a second life:
- If the design of the felt-tip pen is such that it can be easily disassembled, it is necessary to completely remove the rod and place it in a bowl with warm or even hot water. This is necessary so that the rod is completely saturated, and the remaining dye is evenly distributed inside.
- If the non-separable felt-tip pen has withered, then you can try to reanimate it by lowering only the tip into hot water and leaving it there for a while. In addition, at the same time, you can try to introduce water into the rod and on the other side of the felt-tip pen. This can be done with a syringe. Fill the water with a syringe, do not overdo it, since you can even wash the dye from the core of the marker.
- Another interesting and effective way to restore a water-based marker is to moisten its tip with vinegar. To do this, you can apply a few drops with a pipette or the same syringe.
Unfortunately, all of the above methods will not help if the dye has run out in the rod. By the way, with intensive refueling or a large amount of water being poured, you can accidentally wash it yourself.
If the composition contains alcohol
Children rarely use alcoholic felt-tip pens, as they have a sharp unpleasant odor and can be hazardous to their health. In addition, they dry out quickly enough, and at a price much more expensive than water. Felt-tip pens and alcohol-based markers are used in offices, in industry or in art. As a rule, the inscription made with such a felt-tip pen can be removed using an alcohol-containing solution.
Recovery of felt-tip pen on alcohol
What to do if the alcohol felt-tip pen is dry? First you need to check whether it is possible to remove the plug, which is located on the end of the felt-tip pen. If yes, then simply remove it and drip a few drops of alcohol or any alcohol-containing liquid inside, as we did in childhood. If this part is sealed, then there are two ways by which it can be reanimated if the felt-tip pen is dry.
What to do?
- The first way. Pour alcohol into the cap from the marker or into another small container and place the marker there. Leave it there for a while until it draws the required amount of fluid.
- The second way. Carefully drill or pierce a hole with a hot nail through which a few drops of alcohol are poured with a syringe. Then solder or put a removable plug.
Attention! When using this method, do not use hot objects, as flammable vapors of alcohol may collect under the lid. Simply lightly heat a nail or any other sharp object.
Ways to refill a marker
To be completely honest, all of the above methods do not fill, namely, they dissolve the dye already in the felt-tip pen, that is, they help if the felt-tip pen is dry. What to do when the dye is over?
You can try adding ink for printers to the core, or you can use various household dyes, for example, zelenka, manganese, etc. But you should remember that felt-tip pens refilled in this way will not last you long. And their price is quite low and does not justify such efforts. All of these methods are suitable, rather, when it is not possible to purchase a new felt-tip pen at this very moment.
In addition, some alcohol felt-tip pens are not designed for refueling. Trying to bring them back to life, you just fail. Usually this information is indicated on the packaging. Most often, these are expensive art felt-tip pens or, conversely, cheap Chinese, in which all the dye immediately flows.
The amount of “refueling” in any case will depend on how much dye was originally in the marker. If the manufacturer immediately saved, then such a felt-tip pen will not be able to serve you for a long time, no matter how you tidy up.