There are times when you need to change the software on your mobile phone. From this thought, many people stand on end their hair and heart palpitations. And in vain, because in fact it is not difficult to do.
Why flash a mobile phone?
Now is the time for computer technology and flat-panel smartphones with a touch screen. However, contrary to the technological boom, do not discount old push-button mobile phones. Those same "bricks", sliders and "clamshells" that everyone had just a few years ago. Nobody even thought about changing the software on these legendary devices. The question is, why bother to flash them at all?
Phone firmware (Samsung, Nokia, etc.) can be done for the following reasons:
- the device software is out of order or has become worse;
- to get newer software.
, , , . .
, .
- (, , ..) . (MyPhoneExplorer ).
- : 80 % , 100 %.
- , . , , - . .
- , , 100 %;
- - ( USB, -);
- ; , , , : *#06# ( Nokia - *#0000#);
- ;
- («»).
. , , , , , . «» , «» :
- Nokia – Phoenix Service Nokia Software Updater;
- Sony Ericsson – PC Companion ( SEUS), DaVinchi;
- LG – «» Speedo, GsMulti;
- Motorola – Flash&Backup, P2K;
- Samsung – OptiFlash;
- BenQ – Winswup, Update Tool.
, Phoenix («»), . , , -, , - (Nokia Software Update, Nokia PC Suite ) . «» . .
Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver Nokia Flashing Cable Driver. . , , « ». . « » Wireless Communication Devices. .
( PC Suite) Phoenix. Connection Setting. Add. Driver, USB (Scan). . Select. Connection . File\\ Scan Product. . , .
Flashing, Firmware Update. . , , . : , Russian, Cyrillic RU. Product Code , Refurbish. , . 7-10 . , .
, Flashtool , .
. , . Flashtool. , Flashmode. «». USB-. , .
«» , . , .. – .
, ( Recovery).
- (Flashtool, Bootloader – PC Companion Sony Ericsson, « Fly» Fly ..).
- . , . Firmwares Flashtool.
- .
- , ( -, ).
- USB-, USB ( «», « », « USB» ).
- 100 %.
Flashtool .
Recovery. . Recovery. ( , – ). , . «Apply Update From External Storage» ( «» «» ).
Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile . , , , USB- Windows Phone Recovery Tool . ( :, ), . , .
. , . , . , . , , . , , . : , , .
, Reinstal Software, , . , USB-, / , .