Spring and autumn force moms to closely monitor the health of the child, since it is during this period with an unstable temperature that the risk of diseases in children increases several times. As a rule, it all ends with a common cold, but in some cases there is a sore throat, which will be harder to deal with, and its complications are much more dangerous than with a normal SARS. Usually, tonsillitis in children is accompanied by fever, sore throat, cough. Since it is very easy to confuse it with acute respiratory viral infections in the initial stages, you should still consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis.
Angina is an infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. Interestingly, the virus can stay in the body for some time without manifesting itself, and then, under the influence of cold, become the cause of the onset of the disease. It can be identified by a white coating on the tonsils. There are several types of it, among which purulent tonsillitis in children is one of the most dangerous. Due to the serious complications that may arise as a result of improper treatment, the correct diagnosis for her is still to consult a doctor.
Self- treatment of angina in children may not be effective. It all depends on what stage the disease is at. If the child is tormented only by a mild fever and sore throat, then you can help him with folk remedies. If abdominal pain and inability to swallow are added to this, then a doctor should be called. Any treatment for tonsillitis in children should start with bed rest for 3 days. If the child in every possible way resists this, then one should not particularly insist. It is necessary to increase the amount of warm drinking liquid, add to the diet broths of wild rose, fruit drinks, herbal preparations.
The volume of warm liquid should be no less than 2 liters per day. Drinking plenty of fluids helps cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances that affect its resistance to infections. You can relieve a sore throat with warm milk and honey or oil dissolved in it. It is worthwhile to start giving antipyretic drugs only after the child's body temperature rises to 38.5 ° C. Until this point, the body fights the infection on its own.
In order to reduce the pain in the throat of the baby, you need to rinse it every half hour with decoctions of herbs, diluted potassium permanganate and furacilin solution. All means need to be alternated among themselves. If the child is still too small for independent rinsing, the mother should irrigate his throat with a spray bottle. You need to do this as deep as possible, so that all medicinal substances fall on the tonsils, and not on the tongue and sky. Any treatment for tonsillitis in children should be under the supervision of a doctor, which will help to avoid its further development.
If the lymph nodes on the child’s neck are inflamed and increased in size, then a compress should be applied to them periodically. It is applied to the chest and neck and lasts about 30-40 minutes, after which it changes. There are many options for compresses: with cabbage leaf, potato with vinegar, potato with honey and others. They will help relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes and accelerate the recovery of the child.
The correct treatment for tonsillitis in children can only be prescribed by a doctor after examination and analysis. Do not risk the health of your baby and try to cope with the disease yourself. Angina is a very complex disease that is dangerous for its complications. Having brought down the temperature and getting rid of severe sore throat, it may seem that the sore throat has passed, but this is not always the case. Imaginary cure can reduce the vigilance of parents in this matter and put the child’s health in serious danger.