How many months do dogs of different breeds grow: features and stages of development

When the dog grows, it needs enhanced nutrition. So many owners, novices, think, adding to the baby all the new servings. As a result, the dog is growing. But only in breadth, not in height.

How many months do dogs grow? And how to feed them during this period? Read about it in the article.

Growth stages

Discussions about growth begin with its stages. In total, there are four of them:

  • Weight changes.

  • Height.

  • Changes in the exterior.

  • Physiological features

Now consider in more detail all the steps.

Weight changes

How many months do dogs grow? About this a little later, and now the reader will find out how long the weight gain lasts.

It is known that the fastest dialing starts from birth to one month of age. A puppy gains mass 4 times greater than it was at birth. For example, the weight of a newborn German shepherd is 800 grams. At 34 days, this figure can be 3200 grams.


How many months do dogs grow? It all depends on the breed. As a rule, large dogs grow longer than small ones. This process stops at the age of 1 year to 2 years, depending on which breed the dog belongs to.

Exterior changes

In other words, growth is in breadth. This happens after six months of age. The chest begins to be heard in the puppy, the hips become more massive. The case takes on a smooth shape, almost nothing remains of the teenage angularity.

Physiological features

How many months do dogs grow? Among lovers and breeders there is an opinion that before the first knitting. After that, the growth of pets stops.

It is known that females grow to the first estrus in height. Then they continue to gain mass and are distributed in breadth.

Stages of development

How many months have dogs grown, we found out. It all depends on the particular breed. Along with growth, the development of a puppy occurs. If a pet receives proper nutrition during this period, then no problems should arise.

The very first stage of development is intrauterine. A puppy is formed, its organs, tissues, skeleton are laid. That is why a pregnant dog needs proper care and a balanced diet. Poor nutrition and maintenance affect the development of the fetus within the mother.

The second stage occurs in the suction period of the puppy. It lasts from birth to 1.5-2 months. At this time, the baby is actively gaining weight.

From the moment of weaning from a bitch to six months, the puppy is actively growing. He forms tubular bones. There is an active set of body mass, teeth are changing.

From six months to a year, the pet slows down in height. But flat bones begin to grow. And the puppy is becoming more and more like an adult dog.

The fifth period lasts from a year to two years. Growth stops, but there is a complete and final formation of the skeleton. In addition, the animal continues to gain weight. Closer to two years, weight loss stops.

Large breed growth

How many months do large breed dogs grow? It depends on which species we want to know. Other representatives of canids are finally formed only by three years.

For most, growth in height ends in 8-12 months.

How many months do shepherd dogs grow? If we are talking about German, then it is fully formed by 1.5 years. The active growth phase lasts up to 8 months, then slows down and stops the year.

Shepherd growth

"Caucasians" refer to late dogs. These bumps grow up to 2 years. Full formation occurs by 3-3.5 years.

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs grow up to 3 years. Given the fact that they are finally formed closer to 4 years.

Medium breed growth

How many months do medium-sized dogs grow? They form much faster than large ones. And if the latter grow for a long time, then the representatives of medium breeds have already grown up by 6-8 months. From this age they begin to form in breadth.

Chow chow puppies

Small breed growth

How many months do Yorkie dogs grow? Or pugs? Or the Pekingese?

I grow these kids very quickly. By six months of age, they almost reach the growth of adult dogs. From six months of age, their growth has almost stopped. Fully animals are formed by the year. Then they finally become adults and reach the appropriate sizes.

Yorik Growth

The growth of "sneezes"

We suggest considering how quickly the growth of some representatives of small breeds ends. Among them is a chihuahua. One of the smallest dogs in the world, having a very aggressive character.

How many months do Chihuahua dogs grow? The chuni puppy grows up to 6-8 months. Then it rapidly gains muscle mass and is distributed in the chest.

Chuni Growth

Toy Terrier

Consider another representative of small breeds. How many months do toy terrier dogs grow? On average, their rapid growth ends at the age of 7-10 months. Some individuals stop growing already in half a year, while someone continues to grow up to 12 months. But the latter option is very rare. Most often, the growth of a toy terrier stops when the puppy reaches 9 months.

About a year, representatives of the breed have very fragile bones. This must be taken into account when the owner picks up the doggie. And when playing with a dog, you should not let your baby jump and run too abruptly.

Noble breed

If it is clear with the growth of representatives of certain breeds, then nothing is clear with the mutts. After all, it is not known how many breeds are mixed in them. No matter how many months the dogs are mongrels, no one will say. Even the most experienced veterinarian or dog handler.

The fact is that in these dogs too much blood is mixed. It is impossible to study its genetics, and accordingly, growth is also predicted.

Sometimes you can hear a recommendation: look at the parents of the puppy and understand how it will grow. This applies only to thoroughbred dogs. And completely rely on the visualization of parental growth is impossible. A puppy can grow larger or smaller. The mongrels in this regard are completely unpredictable. How can you predict the approximate growth of a puppy if he has a large mom and small dad, for example? And even if both parents are large or small, it is possible that genetics will play a cruel joke, and the puppy will grow to her grandmother, who was a little higher than the dachshund.

Mongrel puppy

We measure a puppy

Do you know that before the age of six months a pet needs to be measured? This will help to track the growth trend and at the same time understand whether the puppy fits into the breed standard.

How to measure the baby? Everything is simple:

  • We are armed with a centimeter.

  • We measure the height of the dog at the withers (from the shoulder blades to the floor).

  • Measure the circumference of the chest.

  • We measure the circumference of the paws.

What affects puppy growth?

You now know how many months dogs of various breeds grow. It remains to find out what affects this process.

  1. Balanced diet.

  2. Physical exercise.

  3. Environment.

Well, nutrition and exercise are a matter of course. But where does the situation?

The fact is that some breeds are able to stop growing in unfavorable psychological conditions. For example, Chihuahuas are afraid of loud and sharp sounds. If the dog lives in the same apartment with noisy children who scare her with their cries, then the animal turns into a neurotic. And this is only half the trouble. The dog stops growing. As a result, deformation of the internal organs occurs, and the puppy remains a dwarf forever.

The same story with the Yorkshire Terrier. These are dogs with a gentle psyche that painfully react to the slightest noise. Thinking about acquiring a small dog, soberly evaluate the environment in which she will have to live. If the family has noisy children, the TV is constantly on, music plays loudly, or adults find out the relationship, the dog will be very difficult in such an environment.

How to feed a puppy?

A small pet needs a balanced diet during the growth period. If possible, feed your baby super-premium puppy food. If not, then buy quality products. Here is their list:

  • Beef or turkey meat. It is the fillet, not the trim and offal. Only in boiled form.

  • Kefir up to 2.5% fat. Cottage cheese up to 1.7%. You can give natural yogurt without sugar. Not more than once a week. They don’t give milk to puppies.

  • Boiled vegetables. To a very small puppy they are crushed to a puree state.

  • Cereals, in particular buckwheat and rice. Oatmeal can be given no more than three times a week. Grains are boiled in water without the addition of salt and spices.

  • Low-fat meat broth without additives and spices.

  • Offal is introduced into the diet of puppies from the age of six months.

  • Chicken eggs are given twice a week. Only hard boiled.

  • Apples They start with a wedge, by the age of six months they bring the consumption of these fruits to 1 piece per day.

  • Wheat crackers. Home-made, without salt and spices. From the age of four months, they are introduced into the pet's diet. Give a little, two to three times a week.

Puppy eating


What is meant by physical activity, readers have guessed. Of course, regular walks. This does not mean that as soon as the puppy appears in the house, he is immediately dragged to the street. No, first a second vaccination is given if the breeder did not. After this, five days pass, and the baby can be taken out.

The first walks are short but frequent. After each feeding, the puppy is taken out to the street to do his tricks. The older the pet, the longer the walks become.

Dogs of large breeds are fully walked from the age of three months. A German shepherd puppy, for example, will not give up half an hour on the street. If the weather is warm, walk longer and more often.

Play with puppy


We found out how many months dogs grow, which affects their development. We examined the stages of growth and how puppies develop.

Feeding and walking are the two foundations for the harmonious maturation of a pet.

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