Almost every person once turned up a furry pet at home. Each animal has special behaviors. But the owner should know when such actions are the norm, and when a symptom of the disease. For example, a cat snores. What is it? Is this a normal occurrence for an animal, or is the help of a veterinarian still required? It is worth discussing this in more detail.
Types of Snoring
If the cat snores, what should I do? First of all, it is worthwhile to understand whether this phenomenon is normal or not. To do this, it is worth listening to how he does it. There are several types of snoring in total:
- Dry snoring is a completely normal occurrence. A person can hardly hear him at the moment when the animal exhales. It looks more like a slight sniffling. This type of snoring is not a symptom of the disease, it is associated with an individual structural feature of the bronchi or trachea.
- A negative symptom is wet snoring. The owner may have the feeling that during inhalation and exhalation, bubbles flow inside the cat. Moreover, the characteristic sound is noticeably felt at a fairly large distance, it can be clearly heard, even if the animal is in another room.
- Inspirational snoring becomes a symptom of a disease or malfunction of the upper respiratory tract, it is also called stridor. During the implementation of inhalation and exhalation in the respiratory tract of the pet, whistling and hissing are clearly carried out.
- Crackling snoring is also a dangerous signal. The owner clearly hears that in those moments when the animal is breathing, a characteristic crack is felt. In most cases, this phenomenon is associated with the spread of adhered alveoli.
Cat snoring can be like an absolutely normal phenomenon associated with an individual characteristic of the body, it can also signal the development of a serious disease. If any suspicious symptoms appear, show the animal to the veterinarian and undergo a diagnostic examination.
Negative Concomitant Symptoms
If the cat snores, then you should carefully monitor its health. If this phenomenon is accompanied by other concomitant symptoms, then you need to see a doctor immediately. These include:
- increase in body temperature;
- general deterioration in well-being: lack of appetite, constant drowsiness;
- changes in the consistency of the stool - diarrhea;
- prolonged lack of stool - more than 2 days;
- shortness of breath or rapid breathing;
- cough;
- frequent sneezing
- continued wheezing, even while awake.
It should be wary if the cat's health worsens. His life may be in jeopardy, the help of a specialist and drug therapy are needed immediately.
Diagnostic examination
Only by the results of a diagnostic examination can we accurately say why the cat snores and whether it is healthy. This medical event consists of several stages:
- At the initial appointment, the veterinarian will draw up a detailed history. The owner of the cat will need to provide clear information about the cat: its age; weight; type of snoring; when he appeared; the presence of concomitant symptoms; the presence of injuries; possible drugs or substances that may cause allergies.
- The specialist examines the animal: listens for possible wheezing in the bronchi, evaluates the condition of the mucous membranes and pallor of the skin.
- Next, an ultrasound examination and an x-ray of the respiratory organs are required.
If the cat snores, then a diagnostic examination is required as soon as possible. What therapeutic measures will need to be taken depends on its results.
Possible diseases
If the cat snores in a dream, then this can become a symptom of the development of various diseases, for example:
- Laryngeal edema due to exposure to this organ.
- Asthma. With the development of this disease, snoring always appears. It is accompanied by a number of other symptoms: an obsessive cough, rapid breathing.
- Genitourinary system disease. During its development, the owner may notice spotting in the urine of the pet, the appearance of pain during each trip to the toilet, which can be noticed by the behavior of the cat.
- Bronchitis. As in an adult, this disease is accompanied not only by snoring, but also by constant coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath and moist rales, even during wakefulness.
- Disorders of the heart (heart failure), according to concomitant signs, this disease can be confused with bronchitis.
- Excess weight, due to which the load on the heart increases, accordingly, snoring appears.
Why a cat snores in a dream, you can accurately find out by doing a diagnostic examination. To do this, you need to visit a veterinary clinic or call a specialist at home.
Non-Disease Causes
Fortunately, this phenomenon is not always associated with the disease. For example, if a cat snores in a dream. The reason for this may be the individual structure of the body. This is typical for animals with a shortened muzzle (brachycephalus). But such breeds of furry pets are more likely to suffer from diseases associated with the respiratory system.
Do not take into account an isolated case of snoring. Perhaps the cat just fell fast asleep and has a dream in which he fights or hunts for another individual. It is worth observing his condition in the future, if there are no other symptoms, and snoring will not be repeated again, then there is no reason for concern.
Only the veterinarian should prescribe the treatment method for the animal after a diagnostic examination. According to its results, various therapeutic measures can be prescribed, for example:
- If the cat snores and sniffles in his sleep, while he is overweight, then the owner should think about organizing proper nutrition for him. The diet should include special diet food or low-calorie cereals. You need to take care of the amount of food. Feeding the animal is required in small portions, but every 4-5 hours.
- In the event of a pathology such as soft palate hyperplasia, an operation to remove it is prescribed.
- The longest treatment lasts for respiratory diseases: asthma and bronchitis. In this case, the cat will need to be injected daily, give decongestants or aerosols. The type of drug treatment and the method of introducing it into the body depends only on the stage of the pet’s disease.
- If the cause of snoring is an allergic reaction, the cat is given a special drug that suppresses the effects of the allergen.
It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication. Such a rash act can lead to a deterioration in the well-being of the animal and even to suffocation.
Pet care
Drug therapy is an important point in treating a pet for snoring. But a caring owner also requires competent care for the pet during the period of illness.
- First of all, it is required to create conditions comfortable for him. Equip a soft couch and put it in a secluded place where the pet could regain its strength without being distracted by extraneous factors.
- If the animal refuses food, then it is not necessary to force him to eat food. As soon as his health improves, he himself will go to the bowl.
- If cat snoring is accompanied by the appearance of a cough, it is recommended to give the pet as much water as possible so that sputum comes out easier and faster from the lungs. You can use a special drinker for this purpose.
- You should monitor the health of the cat during treatment, and if no positive results are found, then you need to re-contact the veterinarian to select the most effective treatment.
With suitable medical therapy and the implementation of competent care, the cat will very soon cheer up and will again please its owner with a good mood.
In order to prevent the occurrence of snoring, several preventative measures are required. First of all, these include the complete restriction of the cat's contact with infected people or other pets. If someone is sick in the house, then it’s worth temporarily attaching the pet in good hands. Do not allow hypothermia. If the street is cold or rain, it is not recommended to let the cat go for a walk. It is also worth not to allow them to consume cold water or food. In the season of colds, it is worth giving the pet vitamins that strengthen immunity. The rules of their choice can be consulted with a veterinarian.
Does the cat snore in a dream? Be sure to give him special attention. In case of any deterioration in well-being, it is required to seek the help of a veterinarian. The exception is cats with a flat muzzle, for which snoring becomes normal.