In order to have at least a minimal advantage in the game Counter Strike, users use different methods. One of them is the bind of the jump wheel. At a minimum, there are different methods of how to tie the jump on the wheel.
Why is this necessary at all?
Previously, the wheel was used to change weapons, but this is extremely inconvenient, because it is easier to press a button. However, the wheel should not stand idle. Therefore, users set a jump on it.
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If you do not want to get into the settings, then just write the command in the console. Open the console (button "~") and write there: bind "mwheelup" + jump. Now the jump will be activated when scrolling the wheel up. It’s much more convenient to assign it to scroll down. If you write mwheeldown instead of mwheelup, then the jump will be activated when you scroll the wheel down. Now you know how to spin the jump wheel. Use these methods. Perhaps they will provide an advantage in the game.