The cat has a stuffy nose: what to do and how to treat?

The cat has a stuffy nose. How to be If the owner is attentive to the animal, then he will be able to see the changes that have occurred to him. If the kitten’s mood has become dull and the appetite is sluggish, then it is likely that the pet is sick. In no case should you ignore the sniffling of your pet, as this can be a sign of a cold or a more serious illness.

Because of which stuffy nose

cat sneezes

Pets are prone to infectious diseases, as they can often catch a cold sitting on the floor or in a draft. If the cat has a stuffy nose, the reason may be covered at the beginning of the inflammatory process. The diagnosis can only be made by an experienced specialist. There you can also get recommendations about pet treatment.

Attention! If there is nasal congestion, then it becomes difficult for the animal to assess the environment, since this organ helps the pet navigate in space and recognize the danger.

If a cat has a stuffy nose, he feels a sense of discomfort. Each owner is obliged to help the animal. Before proceeding with treatment, it is important to determine the cause of such a malaise, which may be as follows:

  • a viral disease;
  • the presence of parasites in the body;
  • rhinitis, rhinotracheitis or sinusitis;
  • hypothermia;
  • rotting of the mucosa.

Some diseases can be cured on their own, but you need to focus on a correctly diagnosed diagnosis. In order to cope with severe forms of the disease, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Allergic reaction

cat allergy

If a cat has a stuffy nose and watery eyes, then he may be allergic. This problem can be encountered regardless of the age of the animal. It is imperative to identify the reason why such symptoms occur, and eliminate the allergen, which can act as:

  • dust particles;
  • household chemicals;
  • mold formation;
  • perfume or aerosol;
  • tobacco smoke.

It is sometimes very difficult to rid an animal of complete contact with an allergen. For example, when the flowers begin to bloom, the kitten is able to experience discomfort. Breathing becomes difficult, and due to constant itching in the nose, the animal begins to sneeze.

If a cat has a stuffy nose and a pet sneezes, then experts recommend giving him antihistamine-type drugs. The most popular drug is Suprastin, with an adult animal only needing a quarter tablet per day.

Virus Diseases

viral disease

This infection can manifest itself in different ways, everything will depend on the body's immunity. If the cat has a stuffy nose, it loses its appetite, discharge from the eyes is observed, general lethargy is noted, then it can be suspected that the pet is suffering from a virus type of disease.

Sometimes other complications may be added to the symptoms already listed, so it is important to consult a doctor for treatment. Most often, the appointment of "Maxidine", "Gamavit" and "Fosprenil", which are used simultaneously. It is important to follow the recommended dosage.

Sick animal care

care for a sick cat

Many people are faced with the question of what to do if the cat has a stuffy nose. First of all, take care of peace so that the animal is warm and in a comfortable place. Be sure to give as much water as possible. Sometimes for this you have to drink the cat forcibly, using a syringe. If even this does not help, then apply a dropper with saline solution, since dehydration can occur very quickly. It is important to give soft food during the period of illness.

Treatment of rhinitis or sinusitis

sinusitis treatment

Due to severe hypothermia, sometimes problems arise, you can notice that the cat has a stuffy nose, what to do in this situation. If this does not develop into a chronic stage, then you can get rid of the disease at home. The following treatment options are acceptable:

  1. Give the animal "Dicyclicin" according to the instructions.
  2. Flush nose with saline.
  3. Treat sinus infections with sea buckthorn oil.
  4. Use drops of furatsilin solution.
  5. Put bags on the nose into which to put warm salt.

Very rarely, antibiotic treatment is used in this case. In order for the pet to recover faster, it is necessary to take care of its comfort. It is also recommended that you drink plenty of it with ordinary heated water.

The presence of an external object in the nose

If something strange is noted in the behavior of the animal, it opens its mouth and constantly tries to scratch its nose or starts sneezing, the reason may be a foreign object inside the sinus. It is unlikely that you can remove such a problem yourself, therefore it is better to consult a doctor.

What to do to help your pet

help pet

First of all, in order not to aggravate the situation, it is worth consulting with a specialist about a probable disease. Treatment is most often complex. If the cat has a stuffy nose and the reason for this is rhinitis, then antibiotic therapy is most often used. However, only the doctor chooses the drug!

With nasal congestion, anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed, and those that help lower the temperature are also prescribed, it can not do without vitamins. If there is a strong flow from the nose, then the use of special drops is recommended. Again, under the supervision of a doctor!

If a cat has a stuffy nose, how to treat it? The answer can only be given by an experienced veterinarian. Of folk remedies, the use of inhalations with ethers and the use of warm compresses are recommended. Washing the nose can be done with aloe juice, the benefits of this plant are already widely known.

It happens that crusts form on the face, they must be removed, for this you need to use a cotton swab dipped in water. If the mucous membrane is excessively dry, then you should lubricate the nose with cream, you can apply oil.

Preventative measures

In order to protect the animal, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary care. Many diseases of the cat's body are able to overcome on their own, if there is good immunity. Therefore, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Make sure that the pet eats balanced and receives all the necessary vitamins.
  2. If a pet has access to the street, it is important that he is not in a cold or damp environment for a long time.
  3. If there is a sick animal in the house, it must be separated from the rest in order to prevent infection.
  4. Regularly carry out hygiene of the eyes, nasal cavity and ears.
  5. Closely monitor the behavior of the pet and respond to changes in behavior.
  6. If you suspect that the cat is sick, be sure to contact your veterinarian.
  7. Monitor the condition of the berth, bowl and tray of the animal.

If, despite all the efforts, the cat is still ill, then it is better not to try to cure it yourself. You can carry out the procedures at home, but only strictly following the recommendations of the veterinarian. This will protect the pet from complications and possible consequences. Proper treatment can stop the disease, and the animal will again be cheerful and active.

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