How to distinguish the gender of a kitten? Find the answer to an intriguing question!

Not only guys but also many adults dream of fluffy mewing babies, trying to fulfill their childhood dreams. Someone specifically wants Barsik, some prefer the affectionate Muska. And how to distinguish the gender of a kitten? After all, it often happens that Kuzka later turns out to be Kuzmina. In this regard, knowledgeable people have several recommendations.

Newborn kitten

Let's start with newborn kittens. Some find it difficult to name the gender of the baby. But there is a factor that plays in favor of this period of determining cats. The fact is that the coat in newborns is wet. And even in long-haired breeds it fits snugly to the skin, exposing the area that needs to be examined. This is the underside. A baby that has been born should be carefully taken and put in the palm of your hand with your stomach. Gently lifting the tail, you will see two vital holes. One for urination, the other for anal. Even in newborn boys and girls, they are located at different distances. In females there is only about five millimeters between them, almost close by, and in males more, it reaches a centimeter.

how to determine the gender of a monthly kitten

If you deal with animals that were born for the first time, then you can easily make a mistake by conducting a visual inspection. Then how to distinguish the sex of a kitten? There is also advice on this case. If there are still babies from this litter, you can simply compare several of them, also carefully inspecting under the tail. The difference will be obvious. The main thing is to fulfill several conditions necessary for the implementation of this procedure. Cat mom should let you take kittens in your arms. Otherwise, she may “express” her discontent in an unpredictable form. Or it will play a role on her attitude to the baby. Inspect the newborn only with her approval or in the absence of an alert parent. Create the most comfortable conditions. Hands should be warm and gentle handling.

How to distinguish the sex of a kitten at the age of one month?

Are there any doubts after the comparison? Then wait 3-4 weeks. At this age, kittens are already fluffy, a little stronger. To cope with the inspection will be a little more difficult due to the playful temperament of the kids. However, there will be more ways to determine the sex of a monthly kitten.

how to determine the gender of a kitten photo

At this age, males and females begin to show differences in size. Boys are often larger than girls. Muzzles also have characteristic differences. In males they are more elongated. The eyes of females are predominantly round, and those of the opposite sex are almond-shaped. Everyone also has their own character. The boys are credited with laziness, calm, even some indifference to the owner and independence. In games, they are very careless, while females behave more prudently. Girls at this age are playful, as well as addicted to domestic ones. There is a small reservation. Using these signs is not for everyone. Here, the experience of communicating with pets plays a large role.

At the age of one month, you can again look under the tail of a cat. In this area there are additional differences between the sexes. In some males, by this age, testicles are clearly visible below the anus, which under long hair can be felt with light touches. They will look like two small swelling. In addition, between the anus and the urogenital organs in girls there is a path on which hair is practically absent, and in boys it is covered with “hair” and is almost invisible.

how to distinguish the gender of a kitten

If you still do not fully understand how to determine the gender of a kitten, the photos posted in the article will help you. In these pictures you can visually look at the differences between the male and the female. Examine, compare the image with what you saw with your pet. And, perhaps, you will be able to get the right answer to the question of who will be your main favorite in the house - a boy or a girl.

How to recognize a kitten’s gender if it doesn’t allow to look under its tail?

This also happens due to the "scratching" characteristics of the animal. Try tickling his tummy. In a cat you will not find two rows of nipples, but in cats you have them and it will be easy to feel them with your fingers.

Another way

Even if you do not care who settles in your house, if only there was a fluffy pet, it is better to give a name to him, knowing the gender for sure. Therefore, you can pay attention to some more indicative characteristics. How to distinguish the gender of a kitten? Color can also help in this matter.

how to distinguish the gender of a kitten

Multicolor, tortie color at the genetic level is more manifested in females. Males rarely become owners of such a skin. But among them there are more truly redhead representatives.

Little conclusion

Variegated, white, coal-black, kittens of any color and gender can bring joy and love to your home. Do not forget only that any feelings, even in relations with pets, should be mutual.

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