Helminths are very common and can affect various organs and tissues of domestic animals. The infected pet becomes lethargic, his appetite worsens, his immunity decreases, and allergies can begin. Especially often infected with worms cats. Therefore, owners of furry pets need to regularly conduct deworming. Now there are many drugs against worms, but most often they are available in tablets. It is not always convenient and not suitable for all animals. Therefore, veterinarians often recommend the drug "Profender" for cats. The instruction for use notes that it can be used by animals of any age and health condition for the treatment and prevention of helminthic invasions. Let's study this drug in detail.
general characteristics
Drops "Profender" for cats from worms are an external drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer. The package is a plastic soft pipette with a specific dosage. There are drops for small animals, medium and large. For a safe and effective action, the weight of the pet must be taken into account.
A yellow or light brown liquid with a pungent odor is the Profender drug for cats. Instructions for use notes that these drops must be applied to the withers of the animal. This is much more convenient than giving him pills. The only drawback of the drug is a sharp herbal odor, which many hosts do not like.
The drug "Profender" has a complex effect on the body of the animal, destroying all round and ribbon worms. This effect is provided by a unique combination of two strong anthelmintic agents. The composition of the drug includes praziquantel and emodepside. These substances cause paralysis of the motor muscles of the helminths and their nerve centers, which leads to their death.
Benefits of using
In some cases, it is impossible to use conventional anthelmintic drugs. Some animals refuse to eat pills, while others are contraindicated. Therefore, the drug "Profender" for cats is so popular. Instructions for use notes that it can be used even for kittens and weakened animals. The release form of this drug, as well as its high efficiency, provide such advantages of its use:
- almost no contraindications;
- easily tolerated by all animals;
- used once;
- you need to apply drops to the withers of the animal, which is very convenient;
- valid for a month after application;
- kills adult helminths, as well as their larvae and eggs.
Indications for use
For the treatment and prevention of mixed helminthic invasions, as well as nematodoses and cestodoses, the most effective drops are Profender for cats. The instruction notes that the drug begins to act only after 2 hours, and the highest concentration of active substances in the blood of the animal is observed after 2-4 days. A similar effect lasts for almost a month. Therefore, for therapeutic purposes, drops are applied once.
But it is recommended to regularly conduct deworming of the animal with preventive purposes. This is especially important for those cats that go for a walk on the street. Therefore, the prophylactic application of the drug "Profender" is recommended to be done every 2-3 months. So the pet will be protected from infection.
Contraindications and side effects
Almost all furry pets can use Profender for cats. Instructions for use as contraindications include only the age of the animal - less than 2 months, and its weight - less than 500 g. For other pets, drops can be given. Even pregnant and lactating cats are safe. But the animal may have an individual intolerance to this remedy.
Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and carefully monitor the condition of the animal for several days after applying the drops. If there is a disorder of stool, lethargy, allergic reactions, the cat must be bathed, give it a sorbent. Profender cannot be used for this animal anymore.
In rare cases, non-hazardous side effects are possible that do not require discontinuation of the drug. This is profuse salivation, itching and redness of the skin. But if such symptoms appear, you should still consult your veterinarian.
"Profender" for cats: instructions for use
The effect of the drug depends on the correctness of its dosage. You must purchase a package that is designed for the weight of your animal. Three varieties of drops are available:
- for kittens and cats from 500 g to 2.5 kg - pipettes in a dosage of 0.35 ml;
- dosage for medium cats is 0.7 ml. This amount is calculated for an animal weighing from 2.5 to 5 kg;
- for cats 5-8 kg in weight - a pipette that contains 1.12 ml.
If the cat weighs more than 8 kg, the pipettes are combined. But you need to consider that for 1 kg of pet weight, 0.14 ml of the drug is needed. Do not exceed the recommended dosage, as this may be hazardous to the health of the animal.
The drug can be toxic to humans. Therefore, when applying it, you must strictly follow the instructions:
- wear rubber gloves before use;
- remove the protective cap from the pipette;
- push the hair at the withers of the animal below the base of the skull;
- apply the required amount of the drug;
- if the weight of the cat is more than 8 kg, drops are applied in several places: between the shoulder blades, on the withers;
- the used pipette must be wrapped in a bag and discarded;
- After treatment, wash your hands with soap and water.
special instructions
Despite the safety of the product, it is better to consult a specialist before using it, especially if the animal has serious health problems. But even for a healthy cat, it is very important to strictly observe the dosage of the drug.
It must be remembered that in the first few days after applying the drops you can not bathe the animal. On the first day, it is not recommended to even take the cat in your arms and stroke it. It is especially important to protect young children from communicating with the pet. If a drug gets on their skin, it can be dangerous to their health. So that treatment of a pet does not cause problems for family members, it is very important to carefully study the instructions for using Profender for cats.
Reviews about the drug
The attitude to this anthelmintic agent among cat owners is ambiguous. But most of all the positive reviews. People note that the drug is easy to use, it is well tolerated by the cat. After a few days, you can notice an improvement in the animal’s health: he has an appetite, he becomes active.
But there are also negative reviews about the drug "Profender" for cats. Instructions for use do not indicate a price, but this is important for many. Some owners of cats doubt whether to give such money, because they are not sure that the drug will work. And there are drops of about 450 rubles. In addition, many do not like the pungent smell that lasts for some time on the cat's coat.