Cat ears: structure and features

Ears of cats come in different sizes and shapes: small, large, hanging (folded) and straight. But whatever they are, their purpose is to perform two main functions: to maintain balance during movement; serve for hearing, which is unique in these pets. What are the ears of a cat and what is their structure? Consider these issues in the article.

cat ear photo

Cat hearing

Hearing is an important tool for soft coat creation, allowing the animal to survive in the wild. The structure of the ears of cats is different from human. These animals perceive much more sounds at the same time and can determine the distance to the object through hearing. Their ears have muscles that can move independently of each other, allowing animals to control organs as locators, deploy them in different directions and pick up any signals around them.

cat with short ears

The structure of the ears of cats

In this animal, the anatomy of the ear is quite complex. The organ of hearing consists of 3 parts:

  • internal;
  • outdoor;
  • average.

Consider in more detail the structure of the ears of cats.

Outer ear

This part includes:

  • Auricle. In most breeds, it is erect, straight. But there are animals with hanging ears bent.
  • Auditory passage.

The cartilage of the outer ear is slightly concave, on the outside it is covered with wool, on the inside it has delicate skin and long thin hairs.

Ear canal with pink thin tissue. Sulfur glands are located in this part. The color of sulfur in cats is not yellow, as in humans, but brown. In healthy animals, these accumulations are practically absent in the canal.

At the end of the ear canal is the membrane. Outside it is not visible. It is well protected by a large bend of the channel, thus being practically “around the corner”. Due to this, the most important organ is reliably sheltered and protected from injuries.

Middle ear

It includes the eardrum and the auditory ossicles (small bones) located at the base of the skull. They take various sounds, and then reflect them in the middle ear. The signal passes through a bubble filled with air. Its purpose is to amplify sound vibrations.

Inner ear

In cats, the inner ear (labyrinth) is the deepest part of the entire auditory system. It includes the sensory structures of the apparatus and balance. The ear canal here protects the temporal bone. In this ear of cats there is a very important organ of Corti, which converts the sounds coming from the eardrum into electrical impulses that are transmitted through the neural networks to the brain.

In addition, the vestibular apparatus is located in this area - three semicircular small channels filled with fluid. They have microscopic hairs. All fluid movements are captured by these bristles, which generate nerve impulses. The brain receives these signals and determines the horizon, the position of the body, where the top and bottom and the animal maintains balance.

Thus, in cats, the ears are made up of a sound-receiving system and organs that help animals maintain balance during movement.

Owners of such tender pets should know the structural features of the ears of cats in order to properly care for these important organs.

what kind of cat ears

What are the ears of cats

What kind of ears cats have: wide apart, with a column, low set, small with rounded tips, with an inclination forward, large spiky, wide at the base, upright, cup-shaped, pubescent with tassels ... Breeders-felinologists very often discuss their merits and limitations. It turns out that the ears are not just an element of the exterior, but a real "crown" of feline beauty. And how complicated it is, you had the opportunity to see in the photo.

We have already studied the structure of the cat’s ear. Next, consider the best breeds of these amazing pets.

Breeds with small ears

Cats with small ears are cute and cute. Many of them are characterized by sociability, friendly disposition and devotion. There are many breeds of such animals. Consider the most famous of them.

cat ear structure photo

Scottish lop-eared

Scottish fold short-ears cats are beautiful and very friendly. They feature soft plush fur and round big eyes. The Scots character is calm and affectionate. Animals enjoy playing with their master.

Breed features

Scots differ:

  • With good health, with proper care, they can live up to 15 and even more years.
  • Sustainable psyche.
  • Animals are quite quiet, very rarely meow.
  • Due to its unusual shape, the ears of the cat (we examined the structure in the article) are so small that they are almost invisible.

The first representatives of this breed were found in Scotland. The ancestors were simple domestic cats, and fold appeared as a result of a mutation. Kittens after birth have standing shells, which are very small, but when the animal grows up, they acquire their characteristic sign. Not all babies of this breed become fold. During the first weeks, even an experienced breeder will not be able to predict their future appearance.

the structure of the ears of cats


Animals with erect small ears. This is a very beautiful breed of cats, the origin of which has not yet been fully identified. Some scientists point to a kinship with the steppe cats, the wild inhabitants of Asia, while others believe that the direct ancestor of the Persians is the Pallas, which has characteristic miniature ears.

The distinctive features of the Persians

These cute cats with round ears are distinguished by:

  • a large body with muscular chest, low legs and developed shoulders;
  • fluffy tail of medium size;
  • wide-set ears;
  • small snub nose.
  • very long, thick, but thin coat.

An adult animal weighs approximately 7 kg.

American curl

A wonderful breed of cats with small ears. The animals are very peaceful, have a thick coat, which can be both short and long. Pets are active and love to play, good at training, can walk on a leash with the owner. They are distinguished by small auricles with tassels, which makes cats recognizable.

The nature of animals is flexible, they get along well with children, are unobtrusive, but enjoy playing with the owner. There is another interesting feature in cat ear design. The photo of the animal demonstrates how the ears of the representatives of this breed bend outward, so that the pets look unusual and even funny.

american curl

Appearance Features

Among the features of the breed can be noted:

  • muscular lean body of medium size with a powerful chest and fairly strong limbs;
  • wedge-shaped head;
  • oval large eyes of green, blue or golden color;
  • silky thin coat and small undercoat.

These animals can become real friends, but their biggest drawback is that very careful grooming is required behind the ears. Cats are curious, get along with children.

cat ear structure

Cat Ear Care

It consists in periodically cleaning the ears with cotton swabs, but this should be done no more than once a week. Especially care is needed for hygienic purposes or if the cat is walking on the street. The owner of the animal should regularly check his pet’s ears. If you notice signs of disease, dark discharge, redness, or an unpleasant odor, you must immediately show your pet to your veterinarian.

If the discharge from the ears is odorless and light yellow in color - this is normal, since it is a protective reaction of the animal to the ingestion of various pathogenic microbes and bacteria. If the animal shakes its head, scratches the auricles - this is a dangerous symptom and requires examination by a specialist. There are several reasons that cause ear diseases in cats, and all of them are dangerous for the health of the pet, so the owners need to be vigilant and monitor the condition of the ears of their pets.

Ear examination

Examination of the cat's ears should be a regular procedure, to begin to accustom to which the animal is needed from a very early age. Pitomits will get used to her and this will not cause him negative reactions. The owner should pay attention to factors such as:

  • accumulation of sulfur and dirt;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • blood;
  • inflammation and redness;
  • sores and scratches;
  • frequent shaking of the ears and head.

The last sign may be a signal that the cat has ear mites.

Check your animal for hearing, dirt, odor, secretions, redness, and pain. If you find any symptom, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

cats with round ears

How to clean the ears of cats and cats

When carrying out a procedure such as cleaning the ears of cats and cats, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  • First of all, you need to put your pet sideways on your knees, and then press his head and his whole body to him. If the animal breaks out, you can take it by the withers or use a towel, wrapping a cat in it as if swaddling a baby. After this, you need to clasp your head with one hand so that the pet does not twirl it and does not open its mouth, with the other hand, turn the auricle out.
  • Next, it is necessary to open the ear of the animal and examine it for the presence of secretions, dirt and redness.
  • If strong accumulations of pathogenic contents are found, it is necessary to take a cotton swab, moisten it in “Chlorhexidine”, squeeze it well and gently wipe the inside of the cat’s ear, without deeply digging into it.
  • Carrying out the instillation procedure, you need to carefully lower the dropper of the bottle with drops two to three millimeters into the ear canal and squeeze out the required amount of medicine, according to the instructions.
  • Immediately after the manipulation, the cat does not need to be released, because it will begin to shake its head strongly, which is why all the medicine can come out.
  • It is advisable to gently massage the animal’s ear at the base so that the drops fall as directed.
  • If cotton buds are used to clean the cat’s ears, you don’t need to try to shove them very deep inward, as you can shove the dirt even deeper or damage the passage.

After the procedures, it is advisable to pet and praise the animal, give him a treat.

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