Pharyngitis in a child: symptoms, treatment. How to help the baby?

You can often hear from parents that the baby’s “weak spot” is the throat. Indeed, in the process of growing up and strengthening human immunity, the respiratory tract is exposed to various infections, infection by bacteria and simply banal hypothermia. All of these causes can cause pharyngitis in a child. Symptoms, treatment of it we will try to consider and understand how to effectively overcome this trouble.

pharyngitis in a child symptoms treatment

How does the disease arise?

Most often, this ailment is caused precisely by viruses that enter the baby’s mucous membrane and provoke inflammation of the larynx. In more rare cases, the disease can develop due to pathogenic microbes that enter the body and begin to multiply. In such cases, the process is quite difficult in children and is accompanied by various complications.

A common cause of the disease is also considered hypothermia of the body. The child catches a cold and inflammation of the airways occurs. The disease affects precisely the most weakened areas of a small organism. Doctors say the need to strengthen immunity in order to prevent pharyngitis in a child. Symptoms, treatment of the disease, we will consider in detail in our article.

How to recognize

Your baby may begin to complain of an unpleasant sensation in the throat, there will be pain when swallowing solid foods and very hot drinks. The temperature, as a rule, rises slightly, but if bacteria provoked the disease, it can rise to 38-40 ° C. The child complains of a sore throat, constantly coughing, trying to free herself from the foreign body. And, of course, if you examine the back of the larynx, it will be red and inflamed. Sometimes a white coating appears.

pharyngitis in a child 2 years

Often pharyngitis occurs with other concomitant troubles: runny nose, tonsils become inflamed, conjunctivitis may appear. Difficulties arise in the smallest, because they can not say what bothers them. Watch the baby. His sleep may sharply worsen, he will constantly act up, eat badly. Measure the temperature and, if possible, inspect the neck. Do you doubt if the child has pharyngitis? Symptoms, treatment is best determined by a qualified pediatrician. He will tell you how best to help the baby in such a situation.

Getting started treatment

How to cure pharyngitis in a child and not harm him? You must understand that such a disease, if it is not complicated by the bacterial course, does not require antibiotics. They can seriously harm the baby, but they can’t overcome the cause of the disease. In this situation, eliminating the symptoms is enough, and if the virus has penetrated, the body must fight it on its own in order to develop strong immunity. You must provide your child with plenty of warm drink and maintain humidity in the apartment. Offer him fruit drinks, tea, milk and all the drinks that he likes (avoid soda and drinking too sweet).

Children from 2 years old can sprinkle their throats with special sprays that relieve pain and relieve inflammation. Aerosol preparations "Orasept", "Hexoral" are suitable. Avoid alcohol-based products; they irritate the mucous membrane. You can offer your baby special lollipops that can cope with pain - Faringosept tablets, Laripront capsules or sweets with a refreshing, distracting effect (eucalyptus, lemon). Rinsing will help defeat the pharyngitis in the child, the symptoms, the treatment of which we are now able to determine independently. It is allowed to apply various medicinal herbs: calendula or chamomile flowers, plantain leaves. They relieve swelling and act as antiseptics.

how to cure pharyngitis in a child

An excellent remedy for such a disease will be a solution "Yoks." It disinfects the throat and eliminates plaque, relieves pain. If there is no temperature, steam the legs, you can add a little mustard. If it is elevated (38 ° C), Paracetamol tablets or Ibuprofen syrup are suitable. When it is established that the disease is caused by a virus, it is necessary to take medications that cope with it. The medicine "Arbidol" in tablets and the children's syrup "Anaferon" are suitable. For severe pain, use hot alcohol-based compresses. Unfortunately, all these tools do not fit very small!

Be sure to consult a doctor if pharyngitis in a child is suspected. 2 years is the age when the baby can expand the list of drugs. Be careful until now. Do not use sprays, they can cause airway spasm. Antibiotics are indicated only as a last resort. Let the baby drink as much as possible, it is allowed to spray an antiseptic in the neck. Apply dry compresses and do a light massage. At home, it is difficult to help the baby, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

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