Almost 60% of pregnant women hear the diagnosis of “uterine tone” already at the first visit to the gynecologist in order to confirm their position and registration. This seemingly non-hazardous condition carries certain risks associated with the bearing and development of the fetus. About how to understand that the uterus is in good shape, we will tell in our article. Be sure to dwell on the symptoms and causes of this condition, possible methods of its treatment and prevention.
What is uterine tone ?
During pregnancy, short-term contractions of smooth muscle tissue are the norm. This is a completely natural condition, which usually does not cause a woman any discomfort. So, the uterus contracts during sneezing, laughter, worries, gynecological examination and ultrasound. As soon as the action of the stimulus ceases, the myometrium again takes a relaxed state.
Throughout pregnancy, the uterus tenses quite often. Up to 12 weeks, muscle contractions are the least intense, due to physiology. At this time, the body works to maintain pregnancy and prevent miscarriage. Gradually, the number of contractions increases, and by 20 weeks they may be accompanied by short-term pain. This is due to the preparation of the woman's body for childbirth.
In European countries, such a physiological process does not require special attention from a doctor, unless it is accompanied by symptoms that cause discomfort and indicate serious violations in the body. In order not to miss them, it is important to know how to understand that the uterus is in good shape. First of all, a woman should be wary of the fact that the muscular organ is in tension for a long time. This is a dangerous signal that pregnancy and normal fetal development are at risk.
Danger of increased tone during pregnancy
Constant tension of the myometrium can have negative consequences for the future mother and fetus. That is why it is important to understand in time that the uterus is in good shape. Both in the first and in the last trimester of pregnancy, the risks of premature termination of pregnancy are quite high.
The danger of increased tone is as follows:
- violation of implantation of the ovum;
- anembryony;
- spontaneous abortion;
- premature birth;
- hypoxia;
- malnutrition.
Most often, uterine tone occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. During this period, tension in the muscular organ can cause rejection of the fetal egg during implantation. As a result of this, it will stop its development and spontaneous miscarriage.
In late pregnancy, uterine tone usually does not cause concern. As a rule, he is associated with Brexton-Hicks training fights. The uterus is just getting ready for childbirth. This explains the periodic muscle contractions.
The tone can not only cause discomfort in the mother, but also lead to a lack of oxygen and nutrients by the fetus. In the first case, hypoxia occurs, and in the second, hypotrophy or stunting of the child. All this arises due to the clamping of the vessels of the umbilical cord by the uterus, which is constantly in tension. That is why it is so important to diagnose such a condition in a timely manner.
Symptoms of increased uterine tone during pregnancy
Many women doubt whether they can independently diagnose muscle tension in themselves. In fact, it is not difficult to do this, although the symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy at 14 weeks and at 38 are significantly different. It is important to familiarize yourself with them as early as possible.
The signs of uterine tonus in early pregnancy are as follows:
- heaviness in the lower abdomen;
- pulling pains like during menstruation;
- discomfort in the lower back and sacral region.
In the second and third trimesters, the signs of hypertonicity can be as follows:
- involuntary contractions of the abdomen, during which it becomes hard, literally "stone";
- pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back.
Pain in the lower abdomen is usually cramping.
The above symptoms at any stage of pregnancy may be accompanied by spotting spotting. This symptom of muscle hypertonicity requires emergency medical attention. But first you need to try to calm down. In most cases, with timely medical assistance, pregnancy can be maintained.
The symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy are 2 trimesters and in the third should be added changes in the intensity of fetal movements compared to previous weeks. The woman should be alert and discomfort that occurs during fetal movements, which may be associated with a decrease in space for him in the uterus. All suspicions should be immediately reported to the gynecologist.
In medical practice, there are cases when the uterine tone is asymptomatic. In this case, you can diagnose the condition using a gynecological examination or an ultrasound scan.
Reasons for the condition
If you listen to the symptoms described above, then it is easy to understand that the uterus is in good shape during pregnancy. As with other pathologies, the causes of this condition can be varied. First of all, they are associated with physiological processes that occur in the body during the period of gestation. But most often it is pathological changes and problems that cause the appearance of symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy. The reasons for this condition are as follows:
- The lack of progesterone in the body. In the early stages, a deficiency of the main female hormone responsible for a favorable pregnancy outcome can lead to a disruption of the implantation process of the ovum and spontaneous miscarriage. Similar effects can occur in the presence of other hormonal changes in the body.
- Severe toxicosis. Vomiting often provokes contraction of the muscles of the abdominal cavity and uterus. In this case, it is important to do everything necessary to ease the condition of the woman.
- Anomalies in the development of the uterus. In rare cases, this organ may have a bicorn or saddle shape, as well as have other disorders. All of them interfere with the normal bearing of the fetus or even make it impossible.
- Rhesus conflict. It occurs when the mother has a negative blood type, and the fetus has a positive blood type. In this case, the woman’s body rejects the child like a foreign body. At this time, hypertonicity also occurs.
- Inflammatory and infectious processes of the genitals or in the uterine cavity. In this case, hypertonicity is often accompanied by other symptoms: discharge, itching, etc.
- Strong uterine distension. This condition occurs with multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, large fetal size.
- Psychological problems. Stress has a direct effect on the state of smooth muscles.
- Change in intestinal motility. With the onset of pregnancy, changes affect not only the reproductive organs, but also other body systems. So, increased gas formation may well cause tension of the uterus.
- Miscarriages and abortions in the past. The adverse outcome of previous pregnancies may adversely affect the condition of the present. Women who are at risk require constant monitoring by a gynecologist.
Hypertonic Diagnosis
It is possible to make a correct diagnosis and understand that the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, as with any other changes in the body that are not related to physiological processes, is possible after a preliminary medical history. Medical diagnosis of this condition is carried out in various ways:
- Gynecological examination. It is carried out by a gynecologist only in the early stages of pregnancy. After 20 weeks, palpation is done through the anterior abdominal wall. In this case, the woman lies horizontally on her back with legs bent at the knees. This position allows you to relieve tension in the abdominal wall and feel the seal.
- Ultrasonography. This method allows not only to diagnose hypertonicity, but also to establish its degree, as well as which uterine wall it affects.
- Tonometry. Diagnosis is carried out using special sensors that measure the tone of the uterus. This method is used much less often than the previous ones, since in most cases it is not difficult to identify hypertonicity. It is much more difficult to determine the cause of this condition.
Identify that the uterus is in good shape, and you can do it yourself. But you need to do this in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the uterus is located above the navel. How to understand if there is a tone of the uterus? To do this, take a horizontal position on a flat surface, bend your legs at the knee joints and try to relax. After that, gently palpate the surface of the abdomen. A solid, especially “stone” stomach will indicate hypertonicity. This is a signal that you need to see a doctor.
How to understand that the uterus is in good shape on an ultrasound?
To diagnose hypertension, the doctor is enough to conduct an examination according to the gestational age. But to confirm their assumptions, an ultrasound is most often prescribed by a gynecologist. This is an additional examination that helps to assess the degree of thickening of the muscle layer and the condition of the cervix. According to the results of an ultrasound, the doctor sees if there is a threat of abortion.
The advantage of this method of examination is that it allows you to identify local tone, that is, in separate areas of the uterus. It is his woman who most often does not feel, while the danger of an unfavorable outcome of pregnancy remains.
If an ultrasound reveals that the uterus is at tone at the 36th week of pregnancy, and the symptoms that bother the woman (pain, spotting) intensify, this may indicate the onset of labor. In this case, the pregnant woman needs emergency assistance.
Treatment of increased tone in a pregnant woman
Regardless of the way in which muscle tension was detected - during an ultrasound examination or independently, consultation and examination of a gynecologist are mandatory. Only a doctor can determine how strong the symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy are. Treatment will depend on this, as well as on the reasons that caused it.
A woman who is diagnosed with uterine tone is given bed rest. If stress does not pose a risk to the mother and the fetus, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.
Traditional therapy includes the following medications:
- No-shpa;
- "Papaverine";
- "Magnesium B6";
- motherwort tincture.
All these remedies will help relieve muscle spasm, but they will not eliminate the reason why the uterine tone occurred during pregnancy (2 trimester). Symptoms will manifest themselves again after a while. In addition, toxicosis usually releases by the beginning of the 2nd trimester, which means that it cannot cause muscle spasm of the abdominal wall. Therefore, before the end of 13 weeks, a woman is required to pass all tests to detect hormonal disorders and blood to determine the Rh factor.
In accordance with the results, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment. If the tone is associated with a lack of progesterone, it is eliminated by taking special medications, if the stress is formed due to an excess of male hormones, then it is corrected by antipodes. In Rh conflict, another, but no less effective therapy is prescribed. And it is also worth noting that the sooner a woman goes to the doctor, the faster she will be prescribed the necessary tests and the reason for this condition will be found. Do not risk your own health and the life of your baby.
When is hospitalization needed?
If the tone lasts too long and cannot be removed on an outpatient basis, the doctor will insist on further treatment in the hospital. Despite the fact that most women try to agree with a gynecologist not to give them directions to the hospital, it is worth noting that there are advantages in hospitalization:
- The pregnant woman will fully comply with the prescribed bed rest. She will no longer be distracted by doing household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, washing, etc.
- In the hospital, a woman will be under the supervision of doctors around the clock, who can, if necessary, promptly reduce the intensified cramps. In addition, the pregnant woman will not have to guess and try to understand if the uterus is toned, as she did at home. Systematic examinations of doctors will help to identify any changes in a timely manner.
After the causes and symptoms of increased uterine tone during pregnancy are eliminated, we can talk about continuing therapy at home.
And it is also worth noting why it is so important to go to the hospital on time. The fact is that childbirth that begins after the 28th week of pregnancy is considered to be premature. And although the child is not yet full-term, he can try to save his life. Therefore, doctors will try their best to hold out at least until this deadline, but even better if it can be extended. But if the tone of the uterus provokes the onset of labor at 25 weeks, gynecologists will take all measures to stop it. Children who were born at this period survive extremely rarely or have multiple developmental pathologies in the future.
How to remove the tone of the uterus at home?
Most women, especially in cases of repeated pregnancies, are in no hurry to the hospital with pulling pains in the abdomen or lower back. Even if they already know how to understand whether the tone of the uterus is increased and can independently identify its cause, as a rule, future mothers first try to remove it themselves. In addition to such medicines as No-Shpa and Papaverin, the following actions and exercises will help eliminate the discomfort caused by spasm of muscle muscles.
- Full relaxation and healthy sleep. According to reviews, symptoms of uterine tone during pregnancy often appear after intense exertion (cleaning, weight lifting, a busy day). In this case, the woman needs to ensure a good rest. It is important to create conditions so that she can relax. Then the tonus will be lifted by hand.
- Exercise "cat." A pregnant woman needs to get on all fours, bend her back and raise her head up. After a minute, return to its original position. Perform 3-4 approaches, after which take a horizontal position and rest for about an hour. After some time, you need to check that the tone of the uterus is not increased. How to understand this has been described above.
- Get on all fours , focusing on the elbows, so that the uterus is in limbo. This will remove or reduce hypertonicity.
- Lower your head down, relaxing your face and neck muscles as much as possible. In this case, inhale and exhale air only by mouth.
Preventive actions
If you listen to your feelings, it will be difficult to miss the obvious symptoms of uterine tone. And to understand how to eliminate them, the consultation of the gynecologist and strict observance of his appointments will help. Well, in order to completely forget about the discomfort during pregnancy, prevention is needed:
- avoid excessive physical exertion;
- try to solve any conflicts peacefully, avoid stressful situations;
- adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and daily routine;
- provide a good rest during the day and healthy sleep at night;
- give up alcohol and smoking even in small doses, it is advisable to do this at the planning stage;
- monitor your weight;
- refuse sex in the last weeks of pregnancy;
- wear a prenatal bandage that will support the uterus and relieve muscle tension.
Symptoms of uterine tone at 33 weeks of gestation, such as lower back and lower abdominal pain, are often associated with physiological processes and preparation for childbirth. But in order to exclude the likelihood of complications and minimize the risk of premature birth, you should consult a doctor. , .