Turtles are exotic animals. Many people today prefer to choose an unusual pet: some want to catch up with fashion, others just love amphibians and reptiles. Before deciding to start a turtle at home, you need to make sure that you can look after it. Many mistakenly believe that turtles are quite unpretentious, but this is a misconception. They require close attention and proper care: they need a place for maintenance, special nutrition. An important question is what to name the turtle. After all, all living things have their own name, and the turtle is no exception. Below are the criteria by which you can choose a suitable nickname for the animal. Of course, first of all, you should like the nickname and correspond to the characteristics of the animal. The turtle, unfortunately, is unlikely to respond to its name, but still you need to treat it gently, with attention, taking into account all its needs and requirements. Care is necessary for every living being.
Personality traits
When you bring the turtle home, take a closer look at its behavior. Maybe the turtle is active, shows curiosity and love of life? It may happen that she will tend to hide in the farthest corner and will not want to communicate with you. Like any animal, it needs to study the surrounding space, to master the future territory.
The name of the animal can be selected based on the characteristics of the character: if fidget, then Shustrik or Poprygunya, if calm, then Tisha or Khavrosh. Perhaps your turtle loves dandelions? Then it can be called the Sun or Sunflowers. Then the question of what can be called a turtle will not seem to you as complicated as at the beginning.
Bug size
Adults can reach a length of 30 centimeters or more. If you took a small animal into the house, you can still determine how it will grow. Turtles vary in breed and belonging to a particular family. An animal of a dwarf breed can be called by these names: Kid, Cute, Ball, Fluff, Fluffy. Large animals fit the names Giant, Big, Zeus, Napoleon.
Shell color
Turtles vary in shell color. There are animals with a dark shade of shell, light and a shade of woody color. All these features can be used to select the appropriate nickname. What to name a turtle? Chernysh, Belyanochka, Fifteen, Chess player, Square, Cube.
Such names will involuntarily cause a smile in your friends and quite dispose to the animal itself. If the nickname will be liked not only by you, but also by those around you, then the animal will be very popular in the house.
Animal sex
Choosing the name of the turtle, you should consider the gender of the pet. What to name a turtle girl? You can come up with a lot of interesting, beautiful and original names for a baby: Mary, Ella, Bella, Betsy, Betty, Kesey, Cleopatra, Safi, Flepy, Josephine, Margosha, Jasmine, Manyunya, Squirrel, Marquise, Star, Tina, Lessi, Tila, Helena . The names of the ancient goddesses sound very original : Aphrodite, Aurora, Diana, Demeter.
If you are thinking about how to name a boy’s turtle, then the following list of names you will surely like: Kaftan, Hedgehog, Count, Demon, Hercules, Poseidon, Hercules, Skull, Fidel.
Choose an unusual and rare name for your pet so that the turtle feels exceptional and unique. It should be remembered that in many cases the choice of a nickname determines its behavior. The more original you call it, the more peculiar it can become.
How to name a land tortoise
If you took the reptile home and are now racking your brains over what name to give it, then there are a few simple options: Sand, Haze, Lapochka, Slider.
In principle, a special difference between the names of terrestrial and aquatic turtles cannot be identified. Only depending on their species, it is possible to emphasize the features of movement and their environment.
What you don't need to call a turtle
There is one delicate point regarding the name of the turtle. I would like to warn especially original owners from giving human reptilian Russian names: Vasya, Masha, Sasha, Misha.
Imagine how you would react if your neighbor called the dog your name? Surely they would have felt at least strange. So you should not put your good friends in an uncomfortable position. Imagine you will pet your pet and say: “Misha, Misha, Mishutka! What glorious, wonderful you are! ” And your friend Michael will sit and frown from an extreme degree of awkwardness and embarrassment. Not only will you make a person blush, but it may also seem extremely offensive to him that he is compared to a reptile. Different people can interpret this situation in their own way.
Whatever name for your pet you choose, make a choice at the call of your own heart. If you do not know what to name the turtle, then consult your children: they always have a fountain of ideas for different occasions. Perhaps they will offer some good variations of the name. Surely your children will want to take an active part in the life of the pet and will themselves think about what to name. The daughter will probably want to christen the girl a turtle with her beloved foreign name. Turn on your imagination! Surprise, invent and fantasize together! Joy and positive emotions to you from communicating with your favorite!