Although all manufacturers of computer components strive to make their products as reliable as possible, so that in the face of fierce competition, gain a foothold in the market, this is not always possible in full. The cause of periodically occurring malfunctions can be internal defects of microcircuits, poor-quality elemental base, flaws in logic circuits, etc.
Perhaps every computer owner knows the problems with the video card. If we analyze the percentage of calls to service centers, it becomes obvious that this kind of malfunction is almost a third. The problem with the video card can manifest itself in completely different ways. So, for example, an error in the GPU operation makes it impossible to launch three-dimensional applications, and damage to memory cells leads to stripes on the screen. Of course, to accurately determine the cause of the problem with the video card should be considered comprehensively.
Alas, laptop owners are also at risk. Problems with a laptop video card are as common as in full-fledged personal computers. In addition, a negative additional factor is added in laptops - the effect of high temperature.( ). . , – . – .
Problems with the video card - this is not a reason to panic. Sometimes the reason for their occurrence is commonplace. So, if extraneous stripes are displayed on the screen, you should turn off the computer's power, open the system unit cover and find the video card. This is a large board in which the wire from the monitor is connected. You must carefully inspect the corresponding connector on the motherboard and the sliding contacts of the video adapter. If the video card is loosely fixed in the connector, which is typical for a bolt-free connection (in some cases), it’s enough to accidentally slide the case slightly so that the hard “monitor-video” cable partially pulls the card out of the connector, breaking the electrical contact. We return the card to its place and fix it. Usually, performance is restored.Also, problems with the graphics card may occur due to insufficient cooling.
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( BGA-). «» NVidia. 9600GT. .
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