Guinea pig is a very amusing animal. She is affectionate, quickly getting used to the owner. Talking with him, uttering a gentle whistle. It looks pretty cute.
Not surprisingly, many are trying to breed animals. How pregnancy of a guinea pig passes and childbirth, it is possible to learn from article.
Matching couples
It all starts with the selection of future parents. They must be of the same breed. Mating guinea pigs of different breeds is not allowed. Otherwise, you can get mestizos, and not purebred offspring.
In addition, pigs are selected and wool. Both parents should have the same length. This does not mean that you have to measure each hair with a ruler. Just pigs are selected short-haired or long-haired. Crossing individuals with different lengths of hairs is not recommended.
The main emphasis is on the health of future parents. It can be determined visually, but it is better to contact veterinary specialists. In the veterinary clinic, you can make the necessary tests and accurately verify the excellent health of the pigs.
The animals to be mated should look good. A clean coat and a clear look are signs of health. This also includes the fatness of pigs, their mobility.
Age for mating
Guinea pigs become sexually mature early. At the age of 5-7 weeks they are ready for mating. This applies to both sexes.
The first estrus of a female lasts a day. It occurs every 14-20 days. Knitting too young "young lady" is impossible. Young mating is also not useful. Not parents, but cubs, will suffer the most. "Piglets" that were born will have deviations. It could be:
The optimal age for knitting is from 4 months to a year. This applies to females. The first time she should give birth in this time period. First births after a year can have dire consequences.
As for the male, he is knitted in 5-7 months. This age is considered ideal.
It lasts from 60 to 68 days. Compaction of the abdomen appears on 21-28 days after mating. During pregnancy, the female needs rest. It is desirable to put it off the male.
Before babies are born
Before giving birth, the behavior of the guinea pig changes. She becomes lethargic and sleepy. It can lie in its nest for hours. Refuses food, but drinks with great desire. Experienced breeders recommend watering the animal with a rosehip broth. Of course, it needs to be cooled. Two drinkers are installed in the cage. One for clean water, the second for rose hips.
As mentioned above, the expectant mother refuses to eat, but does not disdain her favorite treat. Treat her to the taste of the animal.
One week before delivery, the male is planted (if before this the couple lived together). The pig needs complete peace, it is advisable not to touch it once again. Temporarily have to forget about picking up a pet in your arms.
Preparatory process
The birth of a guinea pig passes quietly. This happens if the female has experience. We will talk about possible complications below.
A week before delivery, a general cleaning of the cell is carried out. She is thoroughly thoroughly washed. Disinfecting feeders and drinking bowls. The old filler is removed. New falls asleep in a thick layer. The pig receives hay and a clean rag for the nest, although you can do without fabric.
If the pelvis has expanded in the animal, and the genitals have taken a convex shape, this indicates the imminent approach of childbirth. Breeders say that before the process, the vaginal membrane disappears in the females. This is the film covering it during pregnancy.
Process has begun
How are the births of guinea pigs? Very quiet and quiet. The pet begins to give birth late at night or closer to the morning. She chooses a nook in a cage. During the process does not make any sounds. However, the females, the first-born, can peep, but they do it very quietly.
Expectant mother squats. A baby is born. It is in the amniotic membrane. The female tears it up and eats it. In the same way, the destruction of the placenta and umbilical cord.
The birth of a guinea pig is fast. Babies are born with an interval of 4-6 minutes. There are 4-5 cubs in a litter. Rarely, six babies are born.
Babies are born
The birth of a guinea pig (you can see the babies in the photo below) is fast. Cubs are born prepared for a new life.
They have wool, like adults. The eyes of newborns are open, a couple of hours after the birth of the baby, the baby begins to walk around the cage. After two to three days, the offspring begins to eat "adult" food, but they feed on mother's milk until they are one month old.
Complications during childbirth
During childbirth how to help guinea pig? It is very rare that a pet requires host intervention. She copes with the process herself.
But sometimes there are risks. If the female is pushing, and the babies are in no hurry to be born, this is a reason for intervention. The best solution is to call a veterinarian. Otherwise, the woman in labor and the cubs will die.
If the baby is stuck in the birth canal, the situation requires urgent intervention. The owner of the pig should help her. We warn you right away, it is unlikely that the newborn will succeed in surviving, but it will be possible to save the female.
The owner thoroughly washes his hands. Introduces two fingers into the vagina of the pet, gropes for the fetal head. You need to grab it with your fingers and pull it very carefully. It is better to do this simultaneously with the attempt of the female.
Inexperienced mother may refuse to bite the umbilical cord. She is scared of the painful process. She is not up to the release of the calf from the amniotic membrane. The host takes on this function.
It is necessary to wrap the baby in a napkin. The amniotic membrane is torn. The baby is wiped dry. The umbilical cord is cut with manicure scissors. After all the manipulations, the newborn is placed on the nipples of the mother.
Postpartum complications
How to take birth in a guinea pig, we found out. As a rule, they do not require intervention. We spoke about actions in an unforeseen situation.
The female may experience postpartum complications. If she refuses food, this is not a cause for alarm. Other persons do not eat for several hours after giving birth, but they do not refuse their favorite treats. In the case of lethargy and unwillingness to eat absolutely nothing, it is necessary to call a veterinarian.
Sometimes there is slight bleeding. It can last several days. There are few discharges. If the bleeding is heavy, especially on the third or fourth day after childbirth, this is an occasion to contact a veterinarian.
The female has only two mammary glands. They are located closer to the inguinal region. Very rarely, but mastitis occurs in a nursing mother. The mammary gland becomes red, inflamed and swollen. When touched, the female is in pain. This is expressed in the desperate squeak of the animal.
How to help a pet? First, express milk. It is necessary to squeeze the nipple with your fingers until milk appears. The first drops should be removed, wipe the nipple with a napkin with a soapy solution. Then rinse with a clean cloth. Massage the mammary gland for 5-7 minutes.
It is important
The birth of a guinea pig is a responsible process, but not too complicated. Preparation for mating and childbirth is much more troublesome. Maintaining a guinea pig family after childbirth requires some knowledge.
Future parents should have a good weight. The minimum is 700 grams, the maximum varies from 1 kg to 1.2 kg.
Before giving birth (four days), the female is constantly thirsty. Make sure she always has access to water.
Above we talked about the benefits of a rosehip broth. You can also give the future mom tomato juice. Do not salt the drink. It does not replace water, it goes as an additional food.
From mating roan guinea pigs and "Dalmatians" receive non-viable offspring. There is a very high risk of getting cubs with a lethal gene. If they are born alive, they will have deviations.
If one of the future parents is sick, you will have to postpone the mating until it is completely recovered.
The female is ready for fertilization 13 hours after giving birth. Re-knitting must be avoided. This is a very big load on the body of a pet. Other breeders neglect the health of the mumps and get offspring from it 4-5 times a year. Such females do not live long, their body is destroyed very quickly.
A male cannot tie a female when she does not have estrus. This is due to the presence of a membrane that closes the entrance to the vagina.
It is advisable to keep heterogeneous animals separate from each other so that there are no too frequent mating. Twice a year - the best time for the birth of offspring.
The cubs are separated from the mother at the age of one month. They are already independent at this age. Brothers and sisters are planted by gender. Do this to avoid early and closely related mating.
You can not knit close relatives, as you get ugly cubs.
At home, the birth of guinea pigs is very fast. Cubs will soon become "independent." They can eat adult food on the third day after birth. They freely move around the cell, run and jump, but with their mother are up to a month old. She feeds the babies.
It is not recommended to take them away from the female until 4 weeks. Too early weaning is fraught with health problems in the pet. And socialization will suffer from this.