NBSP - what is it? Empty space that matters

Simple space and special character & nbsp; only one thing is similar: they mean the separation of words, tags, attributes and other markup elements. However, the use of the usual space is relevant only to increase the readability of the page content and for the convenience of working with it in a text editor.

nbsp what is it

For the browser and its JavaScript language, the number of spaces between words, tags and other elements does not matter.

Applying spaces

Space is the most needed character. Although it is "empty", but very useful. Even in the good old days, when such characters as “line feed” and “carriage return” were important, any number of spaces anywhere in the code was used only to increase its readability. But the empty space itself was "very much appreciated."

7 nbsp

, , () . (pascal) ":=" (PL/1) ";", - "" (PHP) - "$" , "", .

, , , - .

, . - , . . , nbsp. ? .

: , ,

. - .


  • __ ;
  • _ ;
  • .


  • ;
  • ;
  • .

"_" , .

, . , MS Word ( ctrl+""), .

, , . , , .

nbsp 5

, MS Word , , .   - , .

, . . .


7. 5.  FreeBSD

HTML- : "7. 5. " , .

, , . , , . img , , .

. , , h2 p.

,  .


Author's example is not a picture

PHP nbsp. ? . JavaScript.


( , ) - " ", " ". , , , .

echo print_r «». (PHP):

  1. echo "2____!"; // "_" " ".
  2. echo "2 !"

, justify. 2 , , "!" - .

NBSP - ?

, . , . , MS Word. "" , , - .

2 nbsp

, , tab .

HTML. , , , : ", , 3- ..." - , .

" ,  3-  ..." - , .

nbsp 3

- . , .

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