Help for children in kindergarten. Help form for kindergarten

Each parent is faced with the issue of admission to kindergarten. The whole procedure begins with an appeal to the head of the preschool institution. You can bring your application throughout the year, which must be accepted. In addition, there is a list of additional documents that should be provided to the head of the garden:

  1. Child's birth certificate - original.
  2. Help for children in a kindergarten of a special sample about the health of the baby. The local pediatrician is engaged in its design. He directs the baby for examination by highly qualified doctors and, according to the results, issues a certificate.
  3. An extract from the vaccination card will be required, confirming the vaccination and stating that the child has no infectious diseases. Moreover, it is valid for three days.

children's certificate in kindergarten

The procedure for registration in kindergarten

Before enrolling the baby in the kindergarten, he takes the necessary tests. They are valid throughout the month. If anything is found in them, then the child is simply not allowed to visit this institution.

Special card

A children's certificate for kindergarten and tests are important documents, but the main one is the medical card. After all, it is in it that the entire characteristic of the health of the baby is displayed, which is drawn up directly by the pediatrician. It should contain records of certain doctors, these are:

  1. Orthopedist.
  2. Surgeon.
  3. Oculist.
  4. Neurologist.
  5. Speech therapist.
  6. Dentist.
  7. Otolaryngologist.
  8. ECG recording.
  9. Record of all analyzes.

After analyzing all the data on this card, a help form is issued in kindergarten about the good health of the child. After all, the district doctor on the basis of it draws a conclusion about the neuro-psychological, physical condition of the child sent to kindergarten. Moreover, he can make notes about allergic reactions, about attending additional classes, as well as about preventive vaccinations for the baby. It is important to note that the medical card must have a polyclinic stamp on the front. In addition, the pages inside are required to have the seal of the pediatrician, as well as the head of the kindergarten.

help to the child in kindergarten

Mistakes of doctors in the medical record

Strikethroughs are permissible in such a document, but a correction is written on top of an erroneous diagnosis. In this case, a triangular-shaped seal should be placed next to it. Parents need to be very careful when a child draws up a similar document. After all, the presence of errors subsequently means their correction, you will again have to contact the children's clinic. The most common common errors are:

  1. Information about vaccinations in the medical and vaccination cards does not match.
  2. There may be a difference regarding the health group and the diagnosis itself.
  3. Information about the surname, name and date of birth may be entered incorrectly.

All these points need to be taken into account and care must be taken in advance for the correctness of the medical card so that the child’s certificate in kindergarten is issued without loss of time for additional re-issuance of the necessary documents for admission to this institution. In addition, she will then be required more than once for the entire period of the baby’s stay in this institution.

Help after illness

A document about a previous illness is given to the baby only on condition that there was an appeal to the clinic due to illness. In addition, there must be a mark on the outpatient card . Treatment in a hospital also provides for a subsequent examination by a pediatrician and a certificate of recovery for the baby. Then you can safely attend kindergarten.

help in kindergarten sample

The help form for kindergarten is always standard, it has:

  1. Information about the surname, as well as the name of the child.
  2. The date of his birth.
  3. Information on what date the sick leave was issued and finished.
  4. Also the diagnosis itself.

Help after the break

In the event that there was no appeal to the clinic, a certificate is issued after the break. Its registration is carried out by the district doctor at the place of residence. He examines the baby and makes sure of his healthy condition. Further, instead of the diagnosis, he writes that the child is healthy. Moreover, there should be a note that there was no contact with infectious patients. Then the date is indicated when the child can start attending kindergarten.

There is a difference between references

Help form for kindergarten

Of course, both references are almost the same, but for parents the difference is obvious. The thing is that the certificate issued after the illness determines the period for which you do not need to pay for kindergarten. When visiting this institution for no particular reason, you have to pay for the missed time. Therefore, a child needs help in kindergarten precisely for health reasons.

Document after vacation

A children's certificate for kindergarten is required after the holidays. After all, a child has the right to rest, like any adult. Therefore, in the summer, his rest period is up to 75 days. This period is not paid, but it is necessary to warn the group educators about this beforehand. In addition, a statement is written for the head of the preschool educational institution on the leave of the child. During the parental leave period not in the summer period, the child rests without payment. True, you will need to leave a statement in advance for the manager, as well as provide confirmation in the form of an extract from the parental leave order . After the vacation is over, you must again contact your local doctor, because you will need a certificate in kindergarten. A sample of such a document also contains information about the child and instead of the diagnosis is marked "Healthy". This is an important distinction between references.

Good reasons for not attending kindergarten

Help form for kindergarten

The main reasons, each of which should be indicated in the certificate, are:

  1. Disease.
  2. The period dedicated to summer recreation.
  3. Parents leave confirmed by an official document.
  4. Treatment of a child in a sanatorium.
  5. Conducting a medical examination.

If a kindergarten certificate for children has such reasons, then this period is no longer paid by parents. Therefore, each parent needs to know about these points.

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