Tea in early pregnancy: which one to choose?

The period of pregnancy is the time when a woman pays the greatest attention to her health. In addition to planned visits to doctors and tests, girls should take various vitamins that help the baby develop properly.

Also, many habits in food and life fall under special attention. For example, uncomfortable, but beautiful high-heeled shoes for a long time go deep into the closet. Harmful snacks from fast food are excluded from the diet. Together with them, a woman refuses smoked meats, an excess of sweets and other products.

But the fact that a woman is in a position does not mean that she does not want to drink. It is clear that coffee and alcoholic beverages can no longer be consumed. But I don’t feel like drinking less. Therefore, the main ally of a pregnant woman becomes ordinary water. But she can get bored over time. Therefore, it is not surprising that women in position are looking for drinks that can be drunk and pregnant. And tea comes to mind first. But since varieties and fees are different, you need to know in advance which tea you can drink during pregnancy. To do this, you do not even need to see a doctor.

Tea during pregnancy

Can I drink tea during pregnancy?

Tea is a good substitute for your favorite coffee or sodas. During pregnancy, women have to carefully monitor their diet. They refuse many products. Therefore, many are wondering whether tea is possible during pregnancy.

Doctors note that in moderate quantities it can be drunk while carrying a child. There are fees that have not only an amazing aroma, but also help get rid of various ailments.

What is available for consumption?

What teas can I drink during pregnancy? Types and fees of tea can be found quite a large number. But not all of them can be drunk while carrying the baby. For this reason, women are interested in what teas during pregnancy in the early stages, as well as later, can be included in the diet.

While carrying a child, you can drink black, white and green tea. However, you need to carefully read the composition and not abuse the drinks. It is also permitted to brew fruit and herbal preparations. But at the same time, you need to pay attention to the list of prohibited varieties of tea during pregnancy.

Black tea

Although black tea does not contain such a large number of trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the fetus, like green, you should not completely exclude it from the diet during pregnancy.

Tea and pregnancy

This drink saturates the body with vitamins C, K and B. It is also rich in pantothenic acid. Tea contains fluoride and calcium. In addition, it helps to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system during gestation. It has a positive effect on the heart with blood vessels.

But with all the good points, black tea contains a significant amount of caffeine. Frequent use of this variety can lead to serious problems. In pregnant women, the level of magnesium and iron decreases, the tone of the uterus increases. The risk of miscarriage is also increased.

Green tea

Green tea is a drink that helps to enrich the body with antioxidants, which strengthen the body's cells, protecting them from destruction. Also, this type of tea during pregnancy saturates the body with selenium, zinc and magnesium.

The use of this drink allows you to normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels. It strengthens the immune system and helps keep tooth enamel in good condition. This tea during pregnancy is recommended to be included in the diet by many experts. It normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels, which does not allow diabetes to develop during gestation.

However, leaning on green tea during pregnancy is not worth it. This variety contains almost as much caffeine as coffee. But it is absorbed much more slowly. Green tea reduces the content of folic acid and prevents the absorption of iron. And this can lead to a delay in the development of the fetus and disorders of the nervous system in the child.

hot tea

Doctors say that you need to drink green tea with great care. The drink should be weak. Drink it should be an hour before or after a meal. Also, only 1-2 cups per day should be consumed.

White tea

Unlike black and green, white tea has virtually no contraindications. Pregnant women can safely include it in their diet. Also, this variety stands out for its bright aroma and rich taste.

This variety has several important beneficial properties. It has an antimicrobial effect on the body. And this is exactly what pregnant women need, who absolutely can not get sick.

Fluoride and calcium, which is rich in white tea, will help save teeth and bones during gestation. Also, this drink helps calm the body after a long day. However, do not take it as an analogue of valerian. Tea cannot be drunk during stress.

Do not forget that tea, although it has a positive effect on the body, can also cause serious problems and ailments. Therefore, do not drink more than three cups of the drink per day.

Maternity Drinks


Hibiscus tea is also advised to drink during pregnancy, but it should be consumed with great care. It should not be brewed for long, the drink should be weak. Drinking it is in very small quantities and only with a cold. Then it will help to cope with the virus and strengthen the immune system.

If you drink hibiscus often and a lot, then you may encounter the problem of lowering the pressure. And this can seriously harm both the woman and the fetus. Therefore, do not abuse this drink.

Blooming Sally

This tea is also allowed to drink for pregnant women. It is rich in carotene, manganese, vitamin C. In addition, iron and amino acids are present in its composition. It helps women in a position to protect themselves from colds. Also, this tea is an indispensable tool in the fight against morning sickness. Ivan tea removes toxins from the body and stabilizes the metabolism.

Due to the fact that this variety has no contraindications, it can be consumed in any volume. At the same time, it helps the fetus develop normally.

Linden blossom

With a cold during pregnancy, linden tea is an indispensable tool. Harvesting helps lower fever, get rid of chills and improve immunity during illness. Doctors also recommend drinking linden tea under stress - it helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

In such cases, you can drink linden tea without fear. The daily rate is about four cups. However, as soon as the symptoms of stress and colds have passed, the linden collection should be postponed to the far shelf. Tea can cause heart and kidney problems.

Mint and Melissa

Peppermint and lemon balm tea is a remedy to combat bad mood. Gathering also copes well with morning sickness and heartburn. In the early stages, you can drink up to five cups per day.

Useful properties of tea

Doctors say that during the last trimester it is better to exclude drinks from mint and lemon balm. They can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.


Many people know that chamomile tea is a healthy drink. Often, parents also steamed flowers to calm the child or protect him from the common cold. During pregnancy, this tea also helps to cope with many ailments. For example, chamomile helps with severe toxicosis, constipation and bloating.

It is also an indispensable sedative. Chamomile normalizes sleep and helps to overcome depression. The daily norm of tea is four cups. It is not recommended to drink it for people with gastritis and individual intolerance.


Tea with raspberry leaves will help cough, flu, and lung problems during pregnancy. Also, this collection copes with nausea, stress, pain in the stomach and a rash on the skin.

In a few days, raspberry tea will help get rid of pain and cramping. But drinking too often is not worth it. He has a list of contraindications. At the same time, do not forget that raspberries can be drunk only when the gestation period is from eight weeks onwards.

Forbidden teas


Ginger tea helps pregnant women deal with many problems. So, it helps to improve appetite and digestion, has a positive effect on memory, and has a sedative effect. Tea is enriched with vitamins and carbohydrates.

It is recommended to brew it in the evening, and drink it in the morning. However, do not make the drink too strong. Although ginger tea is quite useful, it has a list of contraindications.

Tea should not be drunk by women in a position who have problems with the stomach, heart, and liver. It is also not recommended to drink it for people with high pressure and at elevated temperatures.

Varieties of tea that are not worth drinking during pregnancy

Having learned what tea you can drink during pregnancy, you can only choose the collection to your taste. However, this must be done with caution. And all due to the fact that there are fees and herbs that are contraindicated for use while carrying a child.

So, wormwood and ginseng have a teratogenic effect. Parsley, aloe, St. John's wort, oregano and tansy can lead to miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy. You can have tea during pregnancy from periwinkle, cloves, barberry, knotweed and viburnum, but only in the first half of the term. The field of the fourth month, these herbs can cause a miscarriage.

Also, doctors recommend with caution regarding fees with sage, licorice, mint and hops. These herbs can cause serious hormonal failure. But the mistletoe, rosemary, passionflower, celandine and muzzle have a toxic effect on the fetus.

In early pregnancy, tea from calendula, thyme and peony should be excluded from the diet. In the later stages, a nettle decoction can cause sudden bleeding. Also, parsley should be excluded not only from fees, but also from the daily diet. Depending on the term, it can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

Delicious tea


There are already proven generations of tea recipes during pregnancy, reviews of which are almost completely positive. Those who were dissatisfied with these recipes, as a rule, are women with individual intolerance to certain herbs.

One of the most common recipes is quite simple. In the same volume, mix raspberry leaves, alfalfa, mint, nettle and white tea. In one liter of boiled water add three tablespoons of herbs. After that, leave the tea to brew for several hours. Then during the day you need to use it. Pour the leftovers. However, such tea can only be drunk for a period of eight weeks or more.

A fairly simple collection can help with morning sickness. The leaves of mint or lemon balm need to be thoroughly kneaded. Then mix two tablespoons of the collection with half a liter of green tea. Insist and drink during the day. However, such tea is not recommended for drinking for a long period, since herbs affect hormones.

With anemia, you can not resort to the help of medicines, but brew a tasty and fragrant tea from mountain ash or currant. Mix one tablespoon of the collection with one glass of boiled water. Give a little insist and drink during the day.

Can I drink tea during pregnancy? Sure. Chapters - do not abuse it and comply with the doctor’s instructions, and also do not include prohibited charges in the diet.

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