Today around the world they know and love dogs of the Jack Russell Terrier breed. Which is not surprising - small, funny, good-natured, they simply idolize their masters and at the same time perceive them as the source of the most fascinating entertainments. Such a dog will be an excellent choice for a family that decides to have a pet. Of course, first you need to learn about the Jack Russell Terrier breed standard, character and other subtleties, so that later you do not have to regret the bad choice.
The British, like any other peoples of Europe, love hunting. It is no coincidence that many dog breeds bred here were primarily intended for hunting. The fox hunt enjoyed and enjoys immense popularity. A group of people on horseback chase the red cheat with the support of a pack of nimble dogs, trying to quickly catch up with her. However, often a fox simply hides in a hole. How to get it from there? It was on this occasion that the fox terriers, terriers intended for fox hunting, were bred.
But perfection knows no limit. Therefore, the breeders continued to breed the ideal dog for such a hunt. Fun, fast, hardy, smart and compact so that she could climb into a fox hole.
The result of many years of selection was precisely the Jack Russell Terrier. The standard of this breed provides for small dimensions, so that the dog easily enters the hole of the fox.
But the creation of the first representative took many years. And this merit belongs entirely to John Russell. He was born in the English county of Devon back in 1795. Later, he chose the path of the priest and received the nickname Jack at work. He successfully combined the work of a clergyman with fox hunting, spending his free time to improve his usual fox terrier, and as a result he managed to breed a completely new breed. Of course, it was the Jack Russell Terrier.
Therefore, we can confidently say that it was England that became the birthplace of the breed.
Of course, today the lion's share of representatives of this glorious breed is not used for hunting at all. These are just cute pets that are madly loved by adults, children and the elderly. Well, they fully reciprocate, adoring the owners as much as a small but warm heart allows.
Appearance description
Now, we briefly describe the Jack Russell Terrier breed standard.
To begin with, as mentioned above, these dogs are not too large - they rarely go above 30 centimeters at the withers. It is not surprising - after all, they were initially bred for burrow hunting, and the breed standards have remained the same, although dogs are rarely used in hunting.
The ears are small, neat, erect at the base and hanging at the tips. On the one hand, due to its small size, it would be harder for a predator to cling to them. On the other hand, the land when visiting the hole did not fall into the ears, as it would be with the standing ones. But completely hanging ears impaired hearing, so this was the standard set by Priest Russell.
The coat is short, dense and mostly white. The earth and clay stuck to it less during the hunt. And thanks to the white color, the hunter could definitely understand who jumps out of the hole - his favorite dog or fox. Therefore, the risk of accidentally injuring a pet was sharply reduced.
Many beginner breeders are interested in how much the Jack Russell Terrier weighs. Miniature dogs - with proper nutrition and a fairly mobile lifestyle, their weight is about 5-6 kg. So even a child can easily carry them in their arms.
These are the parameters for Jack Russell Terrier that Standard No. FCI 345 sets. And many breeders - both professionals and amateurs, they are quite satisfied.
Of course, before you start such an active dog, you should find out the character features of the Jack Russell Terrier.
Yes, his character is very cheerful and easy, so there will definitely not be any extra problems with the content. Such doggies just love to play, to please their owners. But at the same time they have a surprisingly independent character. Therefore, this terrier does not get along well with other dogs. The one exception is when they grow together. So, it is desirable that the puppy spend a lot of time surrounded by other dogs - socialization will definitely not become unnecessary.
Exactly the same picture with the children. On the one hand, a dog will become the best companion for games for a child - you definitely won’t get bored with it. On the other hand, the Jack Russell Terrier will not let you humiliate yourself by tugging your ears and simply overly disrespectful treatment. This is a small but very proud dog. And she will defend her honor very harshly. This rule should be immediately reported to the child so that subsequently there are no unnecessary problems.
But if your apartment is already inhabited by small animals, for example, rats, hamsters, rabbits and cats, then you can’t do without problems. Still, the destruction of small rodents has always been one of the specialties of terriers. It would be almost impossible to explain to them, despite a sharp mind, that it was impossible to strangle a master rat in any case.
Suitable diet
Jack Jack Russell Terrier is sure to have no problems. You need to feed them twice a day, but quite tightly. About 75% of the diet should be meat and offal, and the remaining quarter should be vegetables. It is best to cook meat products, and add cooked vegetables to an almost ready broth. A great choice would be potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, carrots - some contain a large amount of vitamins, while others are very nutritious, so the dog will be full, and health will not leave it for many years.
Twice a week, you can give raw meat - little by little - beef and chicken. A good addition to the diet will be boiled fish - preferably marine - as well as eggs.
Do not forget about dairy products. Jack Russell Terriers enjoy cottage cheese and milk with pleasure. Older dogs can be given kefir or yogurt two to three times a week - this will improve digestion and normalize stool. Hard dogs are very fond of - it is convenient to use it during training and just as a reward.
But some products should not be given in any case. For example, fatty pork, spicy and salty foods, chocolate and tubular bones. Of course, the dog really wants to enjoy what the owners eat. And they really like sweets. But these products will cause serious harm to health, so you simply can not give them.
In general, caring for these dogs is not too complicated. First of all, due to the fact that the Jack Russell Terrier standard provides for a short, dense coat. It is enough to comb out a pet once every couple of weeks so that he does not strew the furniture and floors in the apartment with wool.
There are also no problems with washing. In addition, washing them too often is not worth it - only if the dog fell out heavily in dust or dirt. Wool dries quickly, and they are not too afraid of the cold.
But the claws can cause a lot of problems. They are very sharp and hard. The dog does not cost anything to leave a deep wound on the skin of the owner or to rip upholstery of upholstered furniture. So at least a couple of times a month you have to deal with such an unpleasant procedure as shortening nails. Fortunately, the dogs are not too strong, and even if they break out, it is quite possible to cope with the task alone.
Dogs should walk and move a lot. Still, they are real fidgets who will be very bored of sitting or lying motionless for hours. This must be remembered when starting such pets.
Possible diseases
Most thoroughbred dogs have disease specific to them. And the Jack Russell Terrier is no exception.
In general, there are few diseases, which cannot but rejoice. Still, dogs are hunting and not too spoiled. But sometimes there is deafness, moreover, congenital. But usually this happens only with long inbreeding.
Deviations such as collie eyes, hip anomalies, and Legg-Perthes disease can also cause serious problems.
Dogs are not prone to obesity, but with malnutrition and low mobility, such a nuisance can also occur.
If you do everything right, feed the dog with suitable food and provide the necessary activity, then the terrier will easily live 13-15 years and even more!
To whom would such a pet suit?
In general, the Jack Russell Terrier standard receives excellent reviews from the breeders. But here it is worth remembering that they need activity. Therefore, not all people should start them. For example, if you live alone and spend all day outside the home. Or the elderly.
No, it is better to get them to large families in which one of the members will always be at home so that the dog does not get bored. It is also advisable for him to provide long, exciting walks. Otherwise, excess energy will cause many problems for breeders. Their sharp teeth can leave marks on almost any shoe and other objects that the dog can reach. You can rest assured that as a result very few things will remain of your things.
But you should not scold them. Still, the owner himself is to blame for having brought a dog whose natural energy cannot be directed into a peaceful direction. Take a little walk with her, but better - take a run. Then the dog will spend an excess of strength, and at home he will simply enjoy peace, quiet and rest. In this case, you can’t even dream of a better companion.
Movie popularity
Jack Russell Terriers are highly intelligent. This helps with training, and also makes them a good choice for filming in films.
For example, the breed’s popularity has skyrocketed since the release of The Mask, with Jim Carrey in the lead. His pet belongs to this breed.
Also, the representative of the terriers can be seen in such films as “Difficult Child 2”, “Crimson Tide”, “My Dog Skip”, “Beginners”, as well as in the series “Paws”. So, I must admit - few breeds can boast such popularity in the cinema.
Breed Reviews
In general, the breed receives mixed reviews. Breeders who have studied the features and habits of these dogs well, never regret having acquired an amazing jack russell terrier. Those who bought the loud commercials and world-famous breeds often become disappointed and regret their rash act.