Chilean degu squirrel: care, food, home maintenance. How much does degu squirrel live?

Degu - Chilean squirrel (lat. Octodon degus) - is a rodent from the genus of eight-teeth. The birthplace of this animal is the foothills of the Andes of Peru and Chile. Locals call degu a shrub rat. And more recently, the degu squirrel has settled in homes and apartments as a pet.

squirrel degu

Disputes of scientists about this rodent

For the first time, European naturalists discovered the Chilean squirrel in the 18th century. In the scientific world, there was a lot of controversy about it, since scientists did not know what kind of creature it was. It was suggested that the degu protein is a relative of rats, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and mice. However, after all the collected material was systematized, the debate subsided, and it was attributed to the genus of the eight-tooth somniferus.

Description of Chilean Squirrel

The rodent has a rounded head, a short stocky neck, a flat nose, an arched back. The front legs of the animal are shorter than the hind legs. The hair on the tail ends with a small stiff brush. The squirrel's hair is coarse, its color is gray-brown, may have an orange tint, and yellow-cream on the stomach. The length of the animal along with the tail reaches 40 centimeters, the weight of an adult is 300 grams. However, when the rodent is kept in captivity, the mentioned parameters will be less. Many will probably wonder how long the animals in question live . Actually, the squirrel century is short-lived. As a rule, the average life expectancy of brisk beauties does not exceed 4 years. But "under the wing" of the owner, these terms are increasing. Not an exception and degu protein. How long does the animal live at home? With proper care, the squirrel will please you for at least 6-8 years.

degu protein how many lives


Everyone knows that if a predator grabs a lizard by the tail, then it will simply throw it away and subsequently grow a new one for itself. Also, crayfish easily part with their limbs. But the degu protein with a sharp jerk (or strong fixation) for the tail loses the skin covering it. The skin is easily removed (just like a stocking) from the musculoskeletal base. In this case, the leather case remains with the predator, and the animal itself eludes death. Subsequently, the squirrel gnaws off the tail. The wound heals quickly enough. True, then the animal becomes uncomfortable jumping and climbing, but such a physiology contributes to the survival of this species in nature.

degu chilean squirrel

Sensory organs

Protein degu has poor eyesight. Due to the position of the eyes, rodents have a wide view, which helps them to respond to danger in a timely manner. However, this feature does not allow to clearly perceive objects at a distance. But the hearing in this animal is very sharp. Between themselves, proteins communicate with high-frequency sounds. The human ear does not perceive this range. Rodents easily distinguish sounds made by animals in minutes when they are aggressed by the enemy, which also contributes to survival. In addition, the Chilean squirrel has a highly sensitive sense of smell. When moving, she always keeps her nose up, due to which she is able to pick up the most delicate smells that are in the air. This feature allows the rodent to navigate in nature.

The next sensory organ in proteins is vibrissa. These are thin hairs acting as organs of touch. Thanks to them, the rodent even at night is perfectly oriented in space. Vibrissae are extremely sensitive, in contact with some kind of obstacle, they send signals (nerve impulses) to the brain, due to which the animal gets an idea about the objects surrounding it. Responding to the slightest fluctuations in air, these hairs allow the protein to estimate the distance to a particular object.

Now let's move on to the organs of taste. They are very developed in the rodent. Thanks to this, the animal avoids the fate of being poisoned, because it will never eat food with toxic impurities. Chilean protein simply will not eat foods for which it has negative experience.

degu at home


The reproductive maturity of the female begins at 12 weeks, the male at 16. The degu squirrel at home can reproduce throughout the year, and in the wild, in the southern part of its habitat, from late February to November. In the northern regions, this period is somewhat shorter. The duration of pregnancy in the Chilean squirrel is 87-93 days. Usually 3 to 10 babies are born. Squirrels are covered with hair, have developed teeth and partially open eyes. The average weight of the calf is 14 grams.

The female feeds the young animals with milk for 5-6 weeks, until the squirrels have reached a certain degree of independence. The peculiarity of the Chilean squirrel females is that they are immediately ready for new mating immediately after birth. The family of these rodents is distinguished by a division of responsibilities and developed social behavior. Before birth, the female obtains food on her own and protects the habitat. After the birth of the offspring, she continues to forage, and the protection of the family lies with the male.

homemade degu squirrel

Homemade degu squirrel

Despite the not very attractive appearance (we mentioned that the creature is very similar to a rat), these rodents are often bred as pets. Animals are very distrustful and timid. Before you purchase Chilean squirrel, you must create the necessary conditions for its maintenance. Remember that the key to the peaceful coexistence of people and animals is positive emotions, both for the pet and for the owner.

Chilean Squirrel Housing

The construction of the house for your pet is very important, because the animal is constantly in it. He should be cozy and comfortable. The cage should have good ventilation, be spacious (area up to 1 square meter). The height of the walls is at least 70 cm. Plastic cages for the content of these rodents are not suitable, since at one point the squirrels will gnaw through the rods and scatter around your apartment. The house should be located in such a way that direct sunlight does not fall on it. In addition, degus do not like annoying strong smells, music, a working TV and high temperature. It is not recommended to take the cage outside, as these animals are not adapted to our climate.

Chilean Squirrel Care

Inside the house, pebbles, roots and branches of trees should be imposed, because degu loves to gnaw bark and wood. And they like different shelters. A wheel can be put in a cage, because these are very active creatures, they need to constantly move. In addition, you will need to put bowls for different types of food. The drinker is best fixed to the wall.

As a bedding it is better to use compressed corncobs, white paper or rags. Sawdust is not recommended, since rodents often have an allergic reaction to them. Cleaning should be done as it gets dirty, but at least once a month. Once a day, you need to put a bath of sand, in which squirrels like to swim. After the procedure, it should be removed, otherwise the rodent uses the tank for other purposes (instead of the toilet).

squirrel degu than feed

Squirrel degu: what to feed?

In nature, these animals feed on dry herbs, tree bark, roots and seeds of plants. Here on this and build a diet for your pet. Pet stores sell special feeds adapted for Chilean squirrels. If you are not happy with this option, then the mixture can be done independently. They need to include various grains, oatmeal, cereals, dried peas. In addition, hay is a very important component of the rodent menu, so it should always be present in the feeder. Also, degu should eat at least 50 g of fresh green grass per day. Chilean squirrel eats apples and pears, carrots, radishes, and cauliflower with pleasure. However, before giving the animal vegetables and fruits, they must be thoroughly washed in running water and wiped dry. Nuts and sunflower seeds are considered a special treat , but do not abuse these foods, because your pet will begin to have health problems due to obesity.

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