What to do if a dog is sick? The dog vomits foam: causes and methods of treatment

Dog nausea is not uncommon. It is not always a sign of a pet’s disease, sometimes nausea and vomiting are part of the body’s natural processes. However, nausea in a dog is an occasion to pay close attention to the pet’s health status. Consider what to do if the dog is sick. Causes of vomiting and symptoms of concomitant diseases. Methods of treatment and prevention.

Causes of Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are natural processes aimed at trying to rid the body of the accumulated toxins in it. Even vomiting serves to clear the stomach of foreign objects or excess food. Let us highlight the possible causes of nausea in a dog:

  • poisoning;
  • worm infection;
  • infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • the appearance in the esophagus of foreign objects;
  • binge eating;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • overheating.
    Dog nausea

Nausea and vomiting can indicate a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, neoplasms and serious inflammatory processes in the body. Basically, vomiting is only a symptom of the disease, therefore, for its treatment it is necessary to diagnose the root cause of the dog's well-being.

When nausea and vomiting are normal

Vomiting does not always indicate an animal’s disease, sometimes it is part of the body’s natural processes and does not pose any danger to the dog.

Quite often, puppies regurgitate food when switching to solid food. This is due to overeating, in which case regurgitation is a normal occurrence. Still vomiting often occurs in older dogs, although in this case it is better to go for a preventive examination at the veterinarian.

Dog nausea and vomiting are possible when switching to a new feed. The body of the dog may not accept some components of the new food. In this case, it must be changed to another.

If the dog absorbs food very quickly, it may be gagging from overeating. Even vomiting in the animal may be due to strong feelings and stress.

On the road, the dog can be rocked, because vomiting in the dog after a trip by car is natural.

It happens that the dog is sick after vaccination. If the animal vomited once, there is nothing to worry about, however, if vomiting continues, you need to see a doctor.

The dog is sick

During walks, dogs often eat grass, and after they vomit bile. This is a normal process - so the pet cleanses the stomach. It is worth remembering that such vomiting is considered normal if it happens no more than five times a month, in addition, there should not be blood and worms in the vomit.

Disease symptoms

Dog nausea is a signal for the owner to pay attention to the pet’s health status. It is necessary to try to note all the symptoms that accompany vomiting. This is necessary to make it easier for the doctor to diagnose a disease that causes nausea in the animal.

We highlight the main symptoms that indicate a dog’s disease:

  • frequent urge to vomit;
  • constant belching after eating;
  • a drop in pet activity and appetite;
  • loose stools;
  • pet vomits blood;
  • vomits the dog with foam;
  • worms in vomit and feces;
  • increased or decreased body temperature;
  • increased salivation;
  • chills;
  • hard breath;
  • abrupt change of behavior.

Dog vomits foam

After food from the stomach enters the intestines, the stomach still continues to produce gastric juice. Together with it, the walls of the stomach are covered with special mucus, which protects the organ from acid. This mucus contains mucopolysaccharides and proteins. If a dog swallows air, due to a chemical reaction, this mucus turns into foam.

Dog vomiting

Vomiting in a dog with white foam in itself only indicates that the dog’s stomach was empty. If this happened once, then do not worry about this. However, if vomiting in a dog with white foam is repeated over and over again, this may be a symptom of a more serious illness. In this case, urgently need to show the animal to a specialist.

It happens that the dog vomits yellow foam. The mechanism here is the same as that of vomiting with white foam, but in this case, excess gastric juice is still removed from the stomach. A more saturated yellow color may indicate the ingestion of bile into the stomach.

Vomiting blood

Vomiting of blood in a dog is a very dangerous symptom in which you need to urgently consult a veterinarian. Blood in the vomit may indicate damage to the esophagus. This can happen due to sharp fragments of bones or foreign swallowed objects.

Blood in the vomit is also a symptom of infectious diseases. Even blood in the vomit can be a symptom of poisoning by poisons.

In case of liver problems, blood is released into the stomach, and then comes out with vomiting. With long-term use of potent antibiotics, bleeding in the stomach may occur.

Even if vomiting with blood was an isolated case, the animal still needs to be taken to the veterinarian for examination.

Vomiting of bile

Vomiting of bile is also an alarming signal, indicating serious problems with the body of the animal. The main possible causes:

  1. Gastritis and other chronic diseases of the stomach.
  2. Parasites.
  3. Long starvation, which is why gastric juice and bile accumulate in the stomach.
  4. Stomach upset.
  5. Stomach ulcer.
  6. Liver disease.
  7. Overeating after a long fast.

If the dog vomits with yellow foam, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to make an accurate diagnosis. The accumulation of bile in the stomach may indicate a serious infectious disease of the pet, which can lead to his death.

Vomiting as a sign of internal disease

Sick dog

Frequent vomiting in the dog on an empty stomach can indicate gastritis. If vomiting occurs some time after eating, foreign objects may enter your throat or stomach. A dog can be very sick because of cholecystitis, pancreatitis and hepatic colic.

If a dog stinks of urine or ammonia from its mouth, the animal may have kidney failure. If a sweet smell or smell of acetone comes from the mouth, diabetes is possible. The smell of rot can indicate problems with the teeth or intestines.

If vomiting in a dog is accompanied by diarrhea, fever or fever, we can talk about a serious infectious disease. If the dog is sick and shakes, the cause may be a disorder of the central nervous system.

Fountain vomiting may be associated with obstruction of food from the stomach to the intestines. Most often it is observed in puppies.

First aid

What to do if a dog is sick? It is necessary to limit the animal in eating for several hours (from 4 to 24). After you can give a small portion. If the dog vomits again, urgently need to see a doctor.

Dog treatment

Water can only be given boiled or bottled in small portions every half hour. Large portions of water may cause vomiting again. You can also give the dog ice cubes, which she will lick.

Vomiting is dangerous because it can cause severe dehydration. It is necessary to raise the fold of skin on the back of the animal, holding it with two fingers. If after you remove your hand, the crease does not disappear, this indicates a lack of fluid in the dog's body. If the dog itself refuses to drink, water can be drawn into the syringe and slowly injected into the mouth. A dropper may be needed to restore fluid levels in the body.

If the dog fainted, you need to turn it on its side and stick out the tongue from the mouth so that it does not choke on its own vomiting.


Often, when a dog vomits, the owners are more interested in the question of how to stop vomiting and nausea itself, while they do not seek to find out the reasons that caused the dog to feel unwell. This approach is wrong and even dangerous. Nausea and vomiting are just symptoms of a serious illness. It is pointless to treat one symptom, while ignoring the cause of its appearance.

Dog treatment

What to do if a dog is sick? First, the animal must be taken to a specialist to diagnose the disease that caused vomiting. The doctor will conduct an external examination of the dog, take all the necessary tests, and then make a diagnosis. First, you need to treat the root cause of nausea.

For the treatment of nausea use:

  • special diet;
  • short starvation;
  • painkillers;
  • drugs that remove toxins;
  • drugs for nausea;
  • surgical intervention.


Most often, digestion problems in dogs come from improper feeding. When feeding a dog with natural food, it must be remembered that different diets are suitable for different breeds of dogs. The dog cannot be fed what the owner eats. Such food is not balanced enough, does not contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

When feeding ready-made dry feeds, you need to choose only the premium foods that breeders recommend for your dog breed. Feed the animal in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The dog should always have clean drinking water available.

Dog food

Free access to the animal should not be household chemicals, sharp pricking objects. From an early age, you need to wean the dog to pick up trash from the ground, as well as carefully monitor the animal during walks.

Every few months, the dog needs to be given anthelmintic drugs. Periodically, the animal should be taken for a routine examination at the veterinarian. Pay attention to any changes in the behavior or health status of the dog.

So what if the dog is sick? To begin with, it is necessary to note other symptoms of the disease that can be observed in the animal. If vomiting in a dog is not more than several times a month, then panic is not worth it. However, if the animal is vomiting constantly, if blood or bile is found in the vomit, and if the dog has other symptoms of the disease, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

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