Should I take Oscillococcinum during pregnancy?

Oscillococcinum is a new generation homeopathic medicine. It has no contraindications and is recommended for the treatment of all, without exception. But women during pregnancy deserve special attention. After all, they should think not only about their health, but also about the health of the unborn baby. Can I take Oscillococcinum during pregnancy?

Everyone knows that during the expectation of a baby, the body of women is prone to a decrease in immunity. As a result, the likelihood of contracting infections increases, endangering not only the health of the mother, but also the unborn child.

If the disease still made itself felt, then it must be treated, and not let it drift. The situation is complicated by the fact that during this period the use of antiviral drugs is not recommended . Many expectant mothers, fearing for the health of their child, prefer treatment with homeopathic medicines, for example, Oscillococcinum. During pregnancy This tool is allowed.

The composition and scope of the drug

The manufacturer of the drug is the French pharmaceutical company Boiron Laboratory. Available in the form of granules of white color, which are odorless, easily soluble in water. The product is intended for the treatment of colds and viral infections. The main composition of the product includes extracts of the liver, heart of wild Barbarian duck. Additional substances are lactose and sucrose.

The Barbarian duck, like other waterfowl, is the main carrier of influenza viruses. The internal organs of the bird, brought to the appropriate concentrations, have an antiviral effect. As a result, taking Oscillococcinum during pregnancy gives the effect of a “like-like” treatment, which is the main homeopathic principle.

Oscillococcinum - instructions for pregnancy

It is better to take Oscillococcinum at an early stage, when the first signs of the disease appear. In such cases, one granule of the drug should be placed under the tongue and wait for it to completely dissolve. The procedure should be carried out another 2 to 3 times with a six-hour break.

In a more complex form, the drug is taken one granule in the morning and evening, a quarter of an hour before or one hour after a meal.

Here, as with the use of other medications, it should be remembered that in the first trimester of pregnancy , any medication is contraindicated. This can affect the growth and development of the fetus.

Doctors opinions

Due to the fact that this drug has a rather weak concentration, many doctors question its effectiveness. Data from clinical trials confirming the significant effect of the product does not exist.

Some experts say that apart from sugar, there is nothing more in the composition of this drug, and the effectiveness of the treatment is due to the effect of the placebo effect. And it’s better not to spend your money, but to start taking a normal course of treatment. But here opinions differ.

First, not everyone believes in a placebo effect. Secondly, many mothers use this tool to treat their children, who are not able to inspire themselves with the positive effectiveness of the drug and are safely cured. This indicates the effectiveness of the tool.

Homeopathic doctors have an undeniable position. They argue that when used correctly, absolutely all homeopathic products are effective. And Oscillococcinum is no exception. Oscillococcinum during pregnancy does not carry any danger and harm to the development of the fetus.


Since Oscillococcinum does not carry any danger during pregnancy, then you can try it. There will be no harm to health from this. The only risk is losing your money. If it does not help, then this treatment method is not suitable and should not be bought in the future. With a good outcome, safe and effective treatment can be obtained.

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