What kind of food is this - Bosch? And what is he famous for? Dog food is produced by the German family company Bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co. Manufacturers claim that the feed contains only natural ingredients.
The feed line is quite diverse. Separately, there are feeds for pregnant, lactating bitches and puppies. According to reviews, dog food Bosch is quite good. Let's talk in more detail about him.
Features of this feed
In addition to being manufactured by a German company, manufacture and packaging are also made in Germany. This is a big plus.
Manufacturers pride themselves on excellent quality feed ingredients. There is a certificate confirming this. The products that make up Bosch dry dog โโfood are suitable for human consumption. That is why the company has a certificate stating this fact.
Bosch belongs to the feed of super-premium class. How much this is, we learn in the following paragraphs.
If the products that are used in the production of super-premium dog food can be eaten by a person, this speaks volumes. For example, that there are no artificial additives, dyes, flavor enhancers and chemical elements in its composition. What does Bosch feed consist of?
Producers claim that meat for production is purchased in Australia, rice - in Italy. The remaining ingredients are grown in Germany itself.
At the heart of the feed is fresh meat. But somehow very little of it, only 20%. In addition, it is not indicated whose meat is part of the composition. But it is written that both meat flour and hydrolyzed meat are added here. Again - whose?
With the protein component sorted out. What else is included in Bosch Super Premium Dog Food? The dog receives carbohydrates from corn, rice, millet and barley.
In old versions of feed, the composition was wheat and wheat flour. This product is not very useful for dogs, can cause allergies. He was replaced by rice. This culture is easily absorbed by the canine organism and is considered the least allergenic.
The content of vitamin B is high in barley. Millet is an intercessor of the cardiovascular system. Keeps it from diseases.
We continue the analysis of the composition. Fats, which are included in this feed under the guise of fish oil and fish meal. There are also products that stimulate the work of the digestive tract, and improve digestion. These include beetroot pulp and chicory.
Blueberries have a beneficial effect on canine vision. Cranberries protect the urogenital system of the animal.
At first glance, the composition of the feed "Bosch" is not bad. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Feed Benefits
It all starts with meat. A dog is a predator, carbohydrates alone in the form of cereal crops will not be enough for it. In this feed there is meat, itโs already good:
- Quite a lot of animal protein.
- The food is "stuffed" with vitamins and minerals.
- Lack of artificial additives and flavor enhancers in the Bosch feed.
- The dry diet proposed for dogs contains components that have a beneficial effect on the coat, joints and digestion of the animal.
- Rich lineup. There are plenty to choose from.
- Prevalence. Food can be bought at any pet store.
- Average price.
According to reviews, dog food Bosch is very good. But there were some cons:
- Not enough meat. In addition, it is not indicated whose it is.
- Too many cereals.
- The presence of meat ingredients is lower than in similar feeds.
Let's talk about the series
The Bosch feed line in the Russian market is presented in three series. The first of them - Bosch High Premium - takes into account the breed characteristics and age category of its consumers. The second - Bosch Life Protection - is hypoallergenic and suitable for dogs prone to allergic reactions. The third - Bosch Bio - is an organic series.
Feed for small breeds
Bosch dog food reviews for small breeds are excellent. The hosts are happy with everything. Consider what the manufacturer offers its four-legged consumers:
- Mini Light - designed for overweight dogs.
- Mini Adult - as a part of a feed rice and a lamb. Suitable for adult dogs.
- Mini Senior - designed for dogs whose age has crossed the seven-year milestone. This feed has a reduced fat content. But a rather high content of dietary fiber.
- Mini Junior is suitable for puppies from 2 months.
Lamb & Rice Food
Bosch lamb and rice dog food is dietary. Lamb - low-calorie meat, rice does not contain gluten. Suitable food for all breeds of dogs. Based on these two ingredients, the following categories are distinguished:
- Adult dogs of small breeds.
- Puppies of all breeds.
- Adult large and medium dogs.
- Pets with sensitive digestion.
Feed for young dogs
Their composition includes not only rice and lamb. Food is also produced with poultry and spelled, with slave and potatoes. Young dogs needing an additional source of vitamins are best fed with the latter. Fish is absolutely not an allergenic product.
- Bosch junior maxi is suitable for puppies older than 2 months. For large and giant breeds. These breeds include dogs weighing more than 25 kilograms.
- Medium junior consists of poultry and corn. They are fed medium-sized puppies.
- Junior with lamb and rice. Designed for puppies with sensitive digestion.
- Mini junior puppies eat small breeds.
Adult dog food
This is an Adult series. If we figured out the food for Bosch junior dogs, now it's time to talk in more detail about Adult foods:
- Bio Adult is made for older dogs. Contains poultry, apples and pears. Manufacturers claim that all ingredients are grown without the use of chemical and GMO fertilizers.
- Adult with salmon and potatoes. Designed to feed dogs kept in the apartment, and whose activity level is average.
- Adult dog food with lamb and rice. Also suitable for dogs with medium activity.
- Bosch adult menue is ideal for dogs whose activity is medium or high.
- Adult with millet and bird. For dogs active.
Food for older dogs
According to reviews, Bosch dog food for older animals meets their needs. Unless, the granules are a bit large. Before offering a pet food, granules are poured with water and allowed to soften:
- Mini senior - dog food from 7 years old, small breeds.
- Senior is suitable for older dogs of medium and large breeds.
- Maxi senior - old and large and gigantic will appreciate it.
How to feed a pet
If for some reason the owner has decided to transfer his pet to a new Bosch brand food, then he should follow some rules:
- Feed replacement is done gradually.
- It all starts small. On the first day, 1/7 of the new food is added to the usual food. Accordingly, this part of the old feed is removed and replaced.
- On the second day, they replace already 2/7.
- And so they act gradually, throughout the week. Until the feed is completely replaced.
- If the pet's ears are red, the dog actively and regularly scratches them, then the food is not suitable. Will have to look for an alternative.
- The pet should have access to drinking water at all times.
- Food is the main food. It can not be used as a reward during training.
- Puppies from 2 to 3 months are fed 6 times a day. The required dosage is indicated on the food package. It is important to note that there she is a daily allowance. The owner should divide the daily rate into 6 parts.
- From 3 to 4 months, puppies have 5 meals a day.
- From 4 to 6 months, pets are fed 4 times a day.
- From 6 to 9 months - 3 times a day.
- From the age of 9 months, the pet is transferred to 2 meals a day.
Feed Price
Bosch dog food reviews are good. Many are satisfied with its price. For large dogs, it is better to purchase a bag weighing 15 kilograms. It will turn out more profitable. Such a bag will cost 4500-6500 rubles. It all depends on the region in which the owner lives and the composition of the feed.
A small package weighing 1 kg costs about 700 rubles. 3 - kilogram packages can cost 1,500-1700 rubles.
Host reviews
What reviews about Bosch dog food can I hear from pet owners? Let's try to reproduce the big picture:
- Dogs eat this food with an appetite.
- No digestive problems.
- The coat looks good.
- Animals are active and cheerful.
- Allergies have not yet been identified in any Bosch-fed dog.
What veterinarians will say
Reviews of doctors about this feed are almost the same. Here is what they say:
- The food is suitable for most dogs. They have no problems with stools. Weight is stable, appetite is excellent. Allergy, if it occurs, then in one of the fifty dogs. This is due to the individual intolerance of certain components.
- The quality of the feed is good, but it is not the best among the super-premium feed. However, scrupulous Germans strictly monitor production technologies. The ingredients are high-quality, the manufacturer has certificates confirming that the products from which the feed is made are suitable for human consumption. Pets that feed on the Bosch brand do not experience health problems. Except in very, very rare cases.
What conclusions can be drawn?
Bosch dog food, according to reviews, is positioned as a super-premium class. In fact, the meat content is too low for this class. Super-premium level feeds should contain at least 40% meat. Moreover, with a mandatory indication of what it is. And this is besides hydrolyzed.
The high content of cereals, in particular corn, is also confusing. This cheap crop is filled with economy-class feed. There is no special value in it.
Therefore, if it is possible to feed a pet with holistic feeds, it is better to give preference to them. Bosch does not reach the super-premium level.
We reviewed Bosch dog food. We highlight the main aspects:
- It is made by a German company. Packing is carried out in Germany.
- Manufacturers have certificates confirming the high quality of the products of which the feed is made.
- The line is quite rich.
- Food is produced for large and giant, medium and small dog breeds.
- Only three series. The first is suitable for pets with sensitive digestion, the second, based on ingredients such as rice and lamb, is suitable for all breeds, and the third is made from the most natural products.
- Separate series produce feed for pregnant bitches and puppies.
- The price category of feed is average, they are available, you can purchase at any pet store.
What would you like to say in the end? Nutrition is the basis of the basics, this is understandable. But for the dog, the social component is also important. Communication with your beloved owner (correct), regular training and physical activity, long walks - all this contributes to the health and longevity of pets.
Do not neglect the visit to the veterinarian. Complex vaccinations have not been canceled yet.
Proper maintenance, excellent care and feeding with quality food will extend the life of the dog. Perhaps it is your dog who will become a long-liver, and will please the owner of 15 years, at least.