When a baby appears in a family, parents (especially mothers) try to choose for him all the best and most useful things that they can give. The same applies to the nutrition of the peanut, especially if the baby has some health problems. How "Similak low-lactose" helps in this case, the reviews of parents will help to figure it out.
The best choice is ...
Colic, constipation, regurgitation ... How would you like to wish each mother that she not only did not encounter this, but did not even hear these words. But, unfortunately, this happens in very rare cases. Most often, the epic with the selection of dry milk formula for the baby lasts a rather long time. Usually mothers will try three, four, or even more options. And not always the one on which they stop turns out to be ideal.
Perhaps, only the low-lactose mixture “Similak”, reviews of which contain many good words addressed to manufacturers, can be brought close to that. But who says what? First things first.
About lactase deficiency
What does this insufficiency mean at all? Speaking literally in a nutshell, it is intolerance to milk sugar, which is one of the main components of female breast milk.
It would seem that here is incomprehensible? Indeed, by its nature, a newborn baby should perfectly tolerate this particular component. In fact, it turns out completely differently. In recent years, children are increasingly being diagnosed with lactase deficiency. What causes this and why this happens cannot be explained even by pediatricians who have observed this situation many times. Many versions are put forward in turn, for example, a mother eats non-natural foods at a time when she is feeding her baby, the ecology is far from perfect, and a lot of others.
In most cases, lactase deficiency can simply be corrected with lactase preparations (this is an enzyme that helps digest lactose - milk sugar).
How, then, can "Similak low-lactose" help? Reviews of mothers who resorted to such a mixture clearly speak about this.
The main thing is not to abuse!
Unfortunately, not everything is not always so simple. In some cases, failure is not corrected only with the help of drugs. The peanut begins to lose its weight, diarrhea appears (only in very rare cases of constipation), the baby is tormented by gas. In this situation, doctors are forced to resort to certain measures, which are based not only on medicinal enzymatic preparations. They are considering the transition of the baby to a low-lactose specialized mixture.
So in the diet of infants, “Similak low-lactose” appears. According to pediatricians, for newborns such a mixture is the best solution. In their opinion, mothers who choose her, are absolutely right step.
And yet, even if necessary, the decision to switch to a low-lactose mixture should be clearly justified and more than once weighed. Lactase deficiency should be confirmed by analysis of feces for carbohydrates. There is no need for abuse of medicinal mixtures, because they are quite far from the composition of natural breast milk and have only a healing function.
It is in this matter that pediatricians try to convincingly sound for young parents "Similak low-lactose". And the advice of doctors is better to listen.
On the pros and cons
About how the Similak low-lactose mixture helps, parent reviews give clear answers. From the first day, or after two or three (which of the kids is like that, everything is strictly individual), the children stop tormenting with gases. Before applying this treatment, parents often used a vent tube. And after a couple of weeks (or even from the first days), the kids began to gain weight. After the children switch to Similak low-lactose, the reviews of the mothers indicate that the babies gain weight in just a few days, which they have lost over the past month.
But such a wonderful mixture has some disadvantages. Not a very convenient spoon. It is designed for 60 ml. If you want to prepare a baby, for example, 150 ml of the mixture, then mothers usually use a spoon from another mixture.
The powder does not mix very well if the mother uses water with a temperature slightly warmer or a little colder than recommended.
For some mummies, it is inconvenient that there is no shelf to level the mixture in a spoon.
In general, these disadvantages are only for parents. But many do not pay all this attention, because in the first place is the health of the beloved child, and not their personal convenience.