Old Age Pension: Types and Features of Appointment

For citizens who reach a certain age and therefore are not able to provide for themselves financially, the state provides for the payment of pensions.

An old-age pension can be of two types:

  • old-age labor pension;
  • old-age social pension.

The purpose of each type of payment has its own characteristics and features.

Old - age labor pension is a monthly monthly payment that is assigned to people who have reached a certain age, established by law, and have the appropriate work experience. It aims to compensate for wages or other income that was characteristic of the period of employment.

An old-age pension is made up of individual components:

  • base;
  • insurance;
  • funded.

The size of the pension and the payment procedure are determined by the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

An old-age labor pension may be paid after reaching a certain age, as well as subject to at least five years of insurance experience. For men, the retirement age reaches 60 years, for women - at 55 years.

Some categories of citizens have the right to retire at an earlier age.

This applies to those who:

- worked in special conditions,

- in the Far North,

- performing certain activities over a specified period (medical, teaching staff) - long service pensions,

- certain categories of persons with disabilities,

- - mothers having many children.

The base part is set in a solid amount (this is the so-called total size). The following factors influence its size: disability, reaching eighty years of age, the presence of dependents. In this case, an increased pension is established. If there are several factors at the same time, the amount of the pension is established in an even larger amount (paragraph 4 of article 14).

In accordance with the general Federal law of July 24, 2009, the base part was included in the insurance part (the so-called fixed size).

The fixed size of the insurance part from February 1, 2011 is 2963 rubles 07 kopecks.

The funded part is the ratio of the amount of accumulations on insurance payments to the number of months of the period in which pension payments are planned.

The funded part is the only component of the pension, the size of which depends on the citizen. It can be invested by any organization of the choice of a citizen (public or private).

Social retirement pension

The state old-age pension is assumed by the state to be paid to citizens who have reached 65 and 60 years of age (for men and women) and have no five-year work experience , as well as to citizens of the small peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (for men and women )

An old-age social pension is intended for receiving incapacitated citizens who have reached old age and are not eligible for a retirement pension. For this category of citizens, social pension is actually the only source of material support.

It is characteristic that a social old-age pension can be paid from an age exceeding the generally accepted retirement age by five years. Early social benefits (such as old-age labor pensions) cannot be obtained.

Only citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to receive state payments, in addition, foreign citizens and stateless persons who permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.

A citizen may receive such a benefit from the state after applying for a social pension.

There are some features that adjust the social old-age pension. Such payments are not made in cases where persons over the age of 65 and 60 (for men and women) are engaged in work or other paid activities under a civil contract. That is, to receive the state old-age allowance, citizens should not be officially registered as working.

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