Mating of a British cat by all clubs is allowed only at full maturity (do not confuse with the genital when the first heat occurs in the life of an animal). If you really want to get strong offspring and are afraid to harm the health of your pet, abandon the early incidents. Usually the first two (or even three) estruses are skipped.
Since we are talking about pedigree animals, we recall that the mating of a British cat will be fixed only after receiving an expert assessment (for ladies with an assessment the minimum is “very good”, and for gentlemen it will be “excellent”). Titled individuals (champions) are exempted from compulsory exhibitions. No more than three cases are allowed in two years.
A British cat mating performed at the age of one and a half years is considered ideal. An earlier pregnancy will certainly affect your health. In later cases (after reaching the age of two), it poses a psychological problem: a cat that does not receive a cat in the hunting stage can scream (moreover for days), get nervous (up to the manifestation of aggression) and even sometimes refuse to eat.
The owners, exhausted by such torture, are forced to resort to drugs that reduce desire ("Antimäu", "Kontraseks", etc.). The result is hormonal disruptions, diseases of the reproductive system (up to endometritis, pyometers (purulent uterus), malignant neoplasms, malformations of the offspring and even infertility).
The cat that is being prepared for mating should be 100% healthy, vaccinated against rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, rabies, calicivirus infection, lichen, chlamydia (do not forget to put marks in her personal veterinary passport) and is glazed (at least a week before mating).
Your pet will let you know about the readiness for grooming the cat with special complaisance (it becomes very affectionate), a continuous demand for attention, friction against the legs (legs of chairs, corners, furniture), folding the tail to the side when stroking (with characteristic trembling), trampling on the paws. When applying a white napkin to the loop, a small spot (white, transparent) should appear. This is exactly the time when you should call the owner of the breeding cat (the manufacturer is chosen in advance).
If you live in different cities, take a supply of food, a cat toilet with filler, bowls and a pedigree. Please note: if your pet seems to be owners of the groomed manufacturer (with fleas, dirty ears, dirty, with smudges under the eyes, emaciated), you can easily be denied mating. By the way, do not forget to cut the claws of your beauty, so that “in a fit of passion” she would not ruin the fur coat to her boyfriend.
Usually mating British fold cats occurs without the intervention of the owners. But for some unpleasant moments it is worth stopping. Firstly, heat can stop drastically due to stress. Secondly, you can miscalculate the date. Absolute readiness will be determined only by a cat, and instantly. The male, sniffing the traces of the lady brought to him, is either instantly excited, confirming his readiness with a voice, or turns away indifferently (ignores, leaves at all). In the second case, the mating of the British cat will not take place, and you will have to wait for a new "hunt". If the girl really flows, and you brought her on time, and the groom has already begun the courtship ritual, you can leave the couple alone. The cat’s behavior will tell about the mating that took place: she stops hissing at her partner, allows him to lie nearby and even graciously accepts the licking of her fur coat. Even if you do not observe the mating process, you still do not miss the fact itself: when copulating, the cat is supposedly in pain and screams loudly. At this moment, she rushes to the partner with the "cuffs" (which is why her claws are cut off). But after a second the pain goes away, and the cat begins to roll on the floor (most likely from pleasure).
If you have no experience in this matter yet, and you are clearly worried, and even nervous, think about an instructor who really knows what British cats are mated (in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in almost all major cities you can find it through the club) .