Sour-milk infant formula belongs to the medical category, which are used to correct health problems in infants to restore and normalize the digestion process. Their use, frequency and dosage are prescribed only with the permission of the pediatrician.
Medical nutrition
There are several types of infant formula intended for treatment:
- for nutrition of premature babies, enriched with a complex of vitamins, proteins and proteins with high calorie content for quick weight gain;
- for babies with iron deficiency anemia (low hemoglobin);
- lactose-free and soya mixtures - suitable for children with intolerance to protein from cow's milk;
- antireflux - for babies suffering from regurgitation;
- hypoallergenic, containing hydrolyzed protein;
- sour milk, which is prescribed for babies to solve digestive problems.
Sour-milk infant mixtures have a probiotic effect and normalize the digestion process in newborns and infants due to the content of useful substances and microorganisms in them, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, forming microflora in the intestines and stomach.
The main components of such mixtures are coagulated milk proteins, fermented under the action of bifidobacteria or lactobacilli, thermophilic streptococcus, etc. In their composition, they are as close as possible to human breast milk and are intended for children from 0 to 1 year. Packages with such mixtures are always labeled KM (fermented milk).
Varieties and composition
Fermented milk mixtures for children by consistency are classified into:
- dry sour-milk mixes for baby food ("NAS", "Nutrilon", "Baby", etc.);
- liquid (Agusha, Bifilin).
Classification of mixtures by degree of adaptation, i.e. compositional similarities to breast milk:
- adapted, i.e. as close to breast feeding as possible - labeled “1” and used for children from birth to 6 months, some up to 12 months;
- partially adapted - marked with the number "2", they are given to children from six months;
- unadapted, which include fermented milk products (sourdough, yogurt, kefir), which can be used for children from 8 months.
The process of preparing the mixture and fermenting the milk consists of several stages:
- milk protein is split into easily digestible fragments (peptides, peptones, free amino acids), which reduces its ability to cause an allergic reaction;
- there is a breakdown of milk fat and the accumulation of free acids, which can be absorbed for a small activity of degrading enzymes;
- lactose under the influence of microorganisms turns into lactic acid, forming important biosubstances: bactericidal (nicosine, nisin), vitamins and enzymes.
The composition of adapted mixtures also includes additional components: vegetable oils, minerals and vitamins, which brings them closer to breast milk in composition.
Advantages and positive action
Sour-milk infant formula has many advantages, due to its beneficial effect on the children's body:
- easy to process, as protein is used in a curdled state, which facilitates its assimilation to babies with problems in the production of enzymes;
- does not cause allergic reactions;
- contain ferment of live bacteria that inhibit the development of pathogenic and toxic microorganisms in the baby's intestines;
- normalize the digestion process and help the intake of iron-containing substances in the body.
One of the important indicators of the components of the mixture is osmolarity, i.e. the number of osmotically active particles in 1 liter of solution, which determine the concentration of proteins and salts. When developing the composition of the mixture, this indicator is calculated so as to provide a load on the kidneys of the child in the parameters acceptable for his body. The osmolarity of human breast milk is in the range of 240-280 mOsm / l. Therefore, the mixtures are made in such a way that this parameter does not exceed these values.
Prescribe a mixture for children for medical reasons:
- regular stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea);
- decreased appetite;
- increased risk of infection by adverse conditions;
- intestinal colic;
- gastric dyspepsia (poor digestion);
- phenomena of dysbiosis;
- for premature infants with insufficient weight and delayed recruitment;
- anemia, rickets;
- low levels of digestive enzymes in the body.
Sour-milk mixtures are also recommended by pediatricians for babies who need a rehabilitation course after taking medications or antibiotics, for the prevention and feeding of children with reduced immunity.
Below is a rating of the best mixtures (according to reviews of mothers and pediatricians).
1st place - mixture of "NAS"
Baby formula "NAN" sour-milk is produced by the Swiss company "Nestle" in the age categories of children:
- “1” - from 0 to six months;
- “2” - from 6 months. up to 1 year;
- “3” - after 10 months.
"NAN" has a balanced composition, delicate sour-milk taste, viscous consistency due to the addition of maltodextrin, which helps to quickly saturate the child and normalize stool, if there is a tendency to diarrhea.
Its main components: demineralized whey, vegetable oils, lactose, skim milk, cultures of bifidobacteria, potassium citrate, magnesium chloride, vitamins, etc.
Assigned baby food "Nan" sour milk for children to stabilize the digestive functions:
- improves intestinal microflora;
- restores the body after intestinal disorders;
- boosts immunity;
- protects against infections;
- increases the digestibility of protein, calcium, iron and lactose;
- acidity pH 4.75-4.9, which does not have a negative effect on digestion.
The advantages of the NAN fermented milk mixtures include its age-specific use, reduced osmolarity and the content of easily digestible protein, which makes it ideal as a main food for a child, since birth, hypoallergenic. Calorie content per 100 g of product is 519 kcal.
The disadvantage is the presence of vegetable oils, about which information by the manufacturer is incomplete.
2nd place - Nutrilon mix
Baby Nutrilon sour-milk mixture is produced in 2 types: “1” for infants from 0 to 6 months. and “2” - from six months to 12 months. In its acidity, it is as close as possible to human milk (pH = 6.4), i.e. is the most "non-acidic." "Nutrilon" is prescribed for babies with hypersensitivity to digestion with an insufficient amount of breast milk in the mother or his absence.
It consists of: vegetable oils, demineralized whey, maltodextrin, whey protein concentrate, skim milk, a complex of vitamins and minerals, soya lecithin, fish oil, taurine, yeast, thermophilic streptococcus and bifidobacteria, etc.
Its main advantages are the presence of natural enzymes, which positively affects the digestion of newborns and children up to 12 months. Included in the composition of palmitic acid (position "beta") helps better absorption of fats and calcium. It can be used for constant feeding.
The disadvantages of the Nutrilon mixture include the lack of nucleotides and the wrong ratio of casein to whey proteins of 50:50, whereas in breast milk it is 60:40.
3rd place - Nutrilak
Dry fermented milk formula for baby food Nutrilak differs from the standard in improved taste, lack of palm and rapeseed oils. Recommended for children with functional digestive disorders (constipation, colic), to restore the composition of the intestinal microflora after illness or infections, after antibiotic therapy. The mixture has an improved fat composition, contains starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, tuarin, inositol, minerals and vitamins, L-carnitine, lutein. It is often prescribed 1-2 times a day in combination with another diet to improve digestion in babies.
Nutrilac also includes beneficial substances: Omega-3 and lutein, which are important for brain development and improve visual acuity, nucleotides (useful for maintaining the immune system) and probiotics.
The disadvantages of its composition include: high osmolarity and protein content, lack of gradation by age, there is no zinc among the components.
Agusha in 4th place
Agusha fermented milk mixture is sold in liquid form in small, aspirate packs of 204 ml each with a short shelf life (10 days when stored in a refrigerator at + 2-6 ° C). Available for 2 age groups: “1” for infants (0-6 months) and “2” for babies from six months to a year.
The Agusha brand was registered in 2001 and became the first among baby food produced in Russia. All mixtures and fermented milk products of baby food are developed in a specialized scientific center of the Research Institute of Nutrition RAMS and undergo clinical testing in medical institutions in Russia.
The composition of the infant formula includes: lactose, vegetable oils, maltodextrin, cream, concentrated milk whey protein, a complex of minerals and vitamins, bifidoacetophilic starter culture, nucleotides and water, 3.5% fat content. Preservatives are absent. Agusha for children from 6 months. additionally contains corn oil and fructose.
The main advantage is its liquid consistency, which seems convenient, because the mixture does not need to be prepared, it is impossible to make a mistake when dosing, just shake and warm up. When stored in liquid form, protein molecules best retain their beneficial qualities.
The disadvantages include: lack of information on osmolarity and vegetable fat content, high protein content and a small list of useful elements.
Another liquid mixture that has recently entered the Russian market is Bifilin. It has a unique composition, as includes live bifidobacteria capable of reproduction. Doctors recommend it not only to children, but also to adults to improve and restore the microflora of the stomach and intestines. However, for newborns, pediatricians do not recommend it because of a mismatch in the pH level, it is not adapted.
5th place - "Bellact"
Sour-milk baby food under the brand name "Bellact" is available in 3 formulas: "1" from 0 to six months ;, "2" for babies 6-12 months. and “3” - an adapted milk drink for children from 10 months. It is produced in Belarus, used for mixed or artificial feeding of children with a tendency to gastrointestinal tract and intestinal dysfunctions (with constipation), as well as for allergic diseases.
In terms of quality and composition, the mixture is as close as possible in the ratio of whey and casein proteins 60 x 40 to breast milk, which can be used for basic nutrition.
The composition of Bellact includes:
- the optimal ratio of proteins that are easily digested after fermentation;
- whey proteins make up 60%;
- the ratio of linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids is optimal, therefore their activity is higher;
- polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are a good building material for baby brain cells, have a positive effect on the retina and increase immunity;
- nucleotides that improve the regeneration of the intestinal epithelium and stimulate the maturation of the immune system;
- a probiotic strain of vifidobacteria BB12 to improve the composition of the intestinal flora, which significantly reduces the risk of acute infections, stimulates the synthesis of a protective immunoglobulin;
- a complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the optimal development of the child's body.
According to the reviews of mothers, such a sour-milk infant formula is poorly soluble in water, but no other shortcomings have been noticed. Cost refers to inexpensive products.
6th place - "Baby" sour milk
The adapted fermented milk mixture "Baby" is well suited for feeding children from birth to 6 months. (class "1") and up to a year ("2"). The manufacturer is the Nutricia company (Netherlands). Its advantage is the proximity in acidity to breast milk.
All the ingredients of the Sour-Milk Baby formula contribute to comfortable digestion and are a source of balanced nutrition for the baby from birth to six months. The main component is fermented protein and lactose, and also includes whey protein concentrate, skim milk, vegetable oils, mineral and vitamin complexes, fermentation of lactic acid and bifidobacteria, choline, inositol.
Its beneficial effect on the child’s body is to normalize and create comfortable digestion, promote regular stool and reduce colic.
However, there are several disadvantages: it is not suitable for children prone to diarrhea, has a high osmolarity (300 mOsm / kg), and the optimal ratio of casein to proteins is 50:50.
How to choose a sour milk formula from birth
For newborn babies with digestive problems, only adapted mixtures that are similar in composition to breast milk are suitable. They are marked with the marking “1” or “KM”.
For the main feeding of the baby, the following mixtures are optimally suitable: Nutrilon, Bellact and NAS, which can be used to feed the baby before feeding is started. However, it is better to select, focusing on the reaction of the child and his body, after consulting with a doctor first.
The sale of infant formula is carried out by many shops, pharmacies, and they can also be purchased online. For example, a wide range of children's products and toys is very popular in the Detsky Mir online store. Sour-milk mixtures, hypoallergenic, for different ages of babies and from various manufacturers can be selected at optimal prices.
Rules for the introduction of sour milk mixture in the diet
Recommendations of pediatricians on the introduction of fermented milk mixtures in the diet:
- the baby can not be immediately transferred to sour-milk food;
- should be introduced gradually, trying to replace the usual feeding of the mixture with the therapeutic in parts;
- mix different mixtures in the same bottle is strictly prohibited;
- first they give ordinary food, and then they give a small amount of sour milk: due to the unusual taste, some children may refuse to eat it, therefore, it is necessary to give the first time in a small portion of 20 ml;
- then replaced with clinical nutrition several times a day, only then you can switch completely to feeding with such a mixture;
- nutrition with such a mixture is usually prescribed by a doctor for medicinal purposes for a short time, and after normalization of the stool and digestion process, you can return to the usual mixture.
According to the ratings of experts and reviews of mothers, the best are mixtures of "NAS", "Nutrilak" and "Nutrilon". However, when choosing more often it is necessary to take into account the personal taste preferences of the child: one product he may like to taste, another - not.
All of these mixtures act on the body of babies in a similar way, so when choosing the best nutrition, sometimes you have to try several brands of mixtures in a row.
With the introduction of any sour-milk mixture, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby and his body, because possible and negative manifestations:
- allergic reactions (rash, redness of the skin);
- diarrhea or vomiting, increased spitting up;
- the child becomes lethargic and weak, gaining weight poorly;
- sleep disturbances.
In such cases, parents understand that this mixture of baby sour-milk food is not suitable, so it is recommended to seek the advice of a pediatrician and try another one.
Mix recipes for children
Many mothers whose children have grown up, and the boxes with the mixtures are still left, prepare delicious dishes from them. Any mixture (both powder and liquid) is suitable for them.
A few recipes and examples of what to cook from a baby sour milk mixture:
- The most popular are pancakes and pancakes, which are cooked in the usual way, but instead of milk, a diluted mixture is added;
- Tender sweet baby curd - it is prepared in the standard way from any mixture: heat the liquid in a saucepan, add kefir or sour cream and put overnight, warm in the morning to +40 ° C, set aside for 15 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth.
- Mannik from Agusha: 2 sachets of the mixture, 2 eggs, ½ tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. semolina, ½ tbsp. sugar, salt, soda or baking powder. Mix semolina and "Agusha", leave for 2 hours, so that the cereal swells. , , . , , 30-40 . + 180 °. .
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