What is reborn, not everyone knows. But the appearance of these dolls, so similar to real babies, caused an ambiguous reaction in people. Someone believes that this is a very high-quality and cute doll, and some believe that selling such babies is blasphemy, because they are so similar to people. In this article, we will find out what reborn is and find out who gets them and why.
Small copies of real children
This doll looks like a newborn baby. The features of a real child give them realism: banners on the arms and legs, shaggy and sweaty hairs, a direct look. The composition of its manufacture includes plastic and vinyl, they, in turn, are carefully processed. There is no shine on such dolls, their “skin” is matte and similar to real. In general, the word reborn is translated from English as “reborn”. The composition of the material from which such dolls are made even adds a flavoring similar to the smell of babies. They release not only healthy babies, but even premature babies!
The nails of the dolls are made of a special gel to create the effect of real ones, and the eyelashes and hair are so similar to natural that they can’t even believe in the artificiality of such kids. Modern baby dolls are equipped with various functions: they suck a dummy, open and close their eyes, cry and spit up. And some even know how to breathe and simulate a heartbeat! A sort of "perfect" child. No need to wake up at night to feed, treat the tummy and rocking your arms. Tired - turned off and everything.
Manufacturing technology
The first reborn dolls appeared in America in the 1990s. Initially, they were published as figurines for aesthetics and collectibles. But later they gained wild popularity among ordinary inhabitants. In our country, they learned about what reborn was in 2008 and immediately won the interest of our residents.
The cost of such a doll is undoubtedly high, because it takes at least three weeks to make it. The cheapest can be purchased at a price in the region of 5-6 thousand rubles, and individual copies can cost more than one hundred thousand! The manufacturing technology of such dolls is called reborn.
At the first stage, the doll is cleaned of industrial paint and allowed to dry. Then they give the doll a skin color of a natural shade, draw capillaries and veins.
The most difficult stage is working with hair. Each hair must be threaded into a reborn doll. The photos depicting such dolls are so realistic that it is not always possible to understand: a real child or a toy is depicted on them.
Who buys these dolls?
Initially, artificial babies were made for beauty. But later there were those who began to acquire them with completely different goals. Many elderly, single women who have long raised their own children, as well as those who are not able to get pregnant, began to look at such realistic babies. Some saw in them the opportunity to recall motherhood again, they buy clothes, ride them in a stroller, shake in their arms. Psychologists note that no plastic doll can replace a real child. If a woman begins to treat the doll as a real child, this may indicate some mental deviations.
From time to time on the Internet you can find blogs of owners of such dolls in which they describe the life of their reborn, his "skills", "behavior on a walk", etc. And this may seem strange. Of course, it is worth distinguishing a real baby from a toy. You need to understand what reborn is, and be aware that this is just a doll. Yes, realistic. But she is inanimate. She can’t really breathe, smile, grow. And never replace a real child.