How to tie a narrow tie. Types of Nodes

Narrow ties include those whose width does not exceed 6.35 cm (or 2.5 inches). They are popular, as a rule, among young people under 30 years old. How to tie a narrow tie? There are several ways. And they are relevant due to the fact that this part of the men's wardrobe is increasingly appearing in the everyday life of a strong half of humanity, and not just on the catwalks.

How to choose a narrow tie?

It should immediately be noted that there are no special options for a narrow accessory. Ways to tie a tie up to 6.35 cm wide are exactly the same as for any other. Another thing is to understand that not all options will fit a narrow model. And you also need to know what clothes you can wear this accessory with.

how to tie a narrow tie

The most important thing is to keep the proportion. The width of the tie should not exceed the width of the lapels of the jacket with which you plan to wear a tie. The best option is when the width of the lapels and tie is the same. Well, or at least as close as possible to equality. Single-breasted jackets of Italian or English style with two buttons will be an excellent choice when it comes to a narrow tie.

Who needs a narrow tie?

The answer to the question of how to tie a narrow tie may be useless for some. Ectomorphs - thin tall men - these are the people to whom a thin tie will suit perfectly. Because on larger men, a narrow tie will look ridiculous, and it would be better for them to choose a standard accessory in width so that it does not look like a rope hanging around the neck. Even European jackets with two buttons look thin on much better and more organically.

Narrow ties are a youth accessory. Therefore, men over the age of 35 who put on a narrow accessory will look solid and frivolous. Instead of a narrow tie, it is better to choose a standard-width model with an extraordinary print, if you really want to look original.

tie ordinary knot


There are also several etiquette rules that should be considered if a person uses a tie in his wardrobe. These rules are associated not only with the matching width of the lapel and tie. It’s not even knowing how to tie a tie. This is a series of strict rules. Following them, you can be considered a person with good taste, if, of course, there are some doubts about yourself:

  • The tie should be in harmony with the print and color of the rest of the clothes. The main rule, so as not to overdo it, is to use at least three colors in an image at a time.
  • A short thick neck should not be “weighted” by large wide knots. Therefore, for people with such a neck, it is better to choose the simplest single node.
  • A man, unlike a woman, cannot afford to complement a suit with many accessories. Therefore, you need to ensure that you do not go too far and do not look sloppy, resembling a parrot.
  • A man with an ectomorph body type may not always wear a thin tie. If he is a mature age, then the tie will also look ridiculous, showing that its owner as if cannot adequately put up with his age.

ways to tie a tie

How to tie a narrow tie to a beginner?

A newcomer to wearing ties can choose the easiest way. This method is to tie the accessory onto a simple knot. A simple or ordinary knot has many different names, for example, ancient German, quadruple, etc. There are even several legends about how exactly the name of this site appeared.

A tie with a regular knot looks asymmetrical and slightly sloppy. But, despite the negligence, it looks stylish. The simplest knot can be tied like this:

  1. Put a tie on the neck face up. Fold the wide part to the narrow. Keep in mind that it should be lower.
  2. Throw the wide end to the right side.
  3. Braid with a wide end to a thin strip of tie. She will be below.
  4. Draw the big end over the small again.
  5. Insert a wide end into the loop formed on the throat from the bottom up.
  6. Put it in the outer small eyelet.
  7. Tighten and straighten the loop.

Step-by-step instruction: how to tie a narrow tie?

A simple but more elegant way is a double knot (double Windsor). To ensure that the look is not messy, this site requires a shirt with a wide collar.

To tie a narrow tie, as the duke of von Windsor did, can be done in two slightly different ways. At the first, at the end, the knot is straightened so that folds remain on it, and at the second, a small dimple is made instead of them. To make a dimple out of the folds, you need to click on the tie just below the knot with your finger, while holding the knot with the other hand. In this case, a recess will appear, which must be squeezed out, tightening the tie to the end.

how to tie a tie with a double knot

But the dimple holds less in time than folds, because it, in fact, also represents a fold, but only one and too short to hold well enough, unlike the usual folds of a double Windsor.

So, here is a way to tie a tie with a double knot:

  1. As in most cases, we hang a tie around the neck with the front side out and the wide end lowered lower.
  2. Having drawn a wide end under the narrow, we take it to the right.
  3. As in the previous method, we again display the wide end over the narrow one.
  4. Repeat the second action again.
  5. And once again we send the thick end up.
  6. Now you need to pull through the throat the long end from the bottom up.
  7. Putting, as in the previous method, into the wide half that has formed on the outside of the ring, we tighten the loop.
  8. We straighten it.

Another way

To tie a narrow tie differently, there are several ways. There are fewer of them than for the wide one, since most will look ridiculous. But, as you know, a narrow accessory may not look good with everyone. We examined two ways. So, there are also popular names of tie knots that can be used by young people without fear of looking ridiculous:

  • Universal node. Suitable for all ties, but may not look very stylish.
  • Elegant knot. The extra round gives it more elegance than other options.
  • Woolen knot. Good for thin woolen ties and wide collars of shirts.
  • Pratt Knot. It is characteristic for him that the narrow half is on the wide, and not vice versa.

how to tie a narrow tie step by step instructions


A plain tie and a narrow European suit require even minor additions to create a complete look. First of all, this is a tie clip. It can be replaced with a handkerchief embedded in a pocket on the chest. The combination of a handkerchief and a clip will also look stylish. The best thing on a man is a silver clip. It can be an accessory made of silver or special chrome steel.

name of tie knots

Do not be afraid to wear a narrow tie. Yes, this makes the young man stylish and pleasant in appearance. But after all, it’s time to fight the stereotype that a man should be “a little prettier than a monkey”.

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