Why after ovulation pulls the lower abdomen? What are the pains after ovulation?

The female body is a very complex structure. Indeed, in order to bear and give birth to future offspring, it takes a lot of endurance, strength and health. Many women learn about a desired pregnancy due to the characteristics of their reproductive system and various internal sensations. So, if you have a lower abdomen after ovulation , then this can be considered one of the signs of an accomplished miracle. We will try to figure out whether in all cases such symptoms indicate fertilization.

after ovulation pulls the lower abdomen

What gynecologists say about such pain

Pain during ovulation for the most part is not any pathology. Throughout the world, gynecologists consider such sensations to be an absolutely physiological process. Painful phenomena are characteristic primarily for young girls (up to 20 years old), however, they can also occur at a more mature age.

As for the duration of pain after ovulation, it is normal to experience discomfort for a maximum of 24 hours. Such a phenomenon does not require any special treatment, for the most part it does not cause a woman significant inconvenience and passes on its own within the specified time.

When to go to see a doctor

If you notice strong pain in yourself that lasts more than 48 hours, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. As a rule, if you find any pathology, you will be prescribed painkillers or hormonal birth control pills.

Before visiting a doctor, pay attention to how your stomach hurts after ovulation, and also collect additional information that may be useful to you at the appointment:

  • What days of the menstrual cycle do you experience discomfort.
  • Places where pain is most clearly felt.
  • The duration of the discomfort.
  • The presence of any additional symptoms.
    pain after ovulation

Possible causes of pain

The ovulation process itself represents the exit of an egg capable of fertilization into the fallopian tube. Throughout the woman’s childbearing period, this process is cyclical and repeats on average once every 21-35 days. In some cases, changes in the cycle are possible, as a rule, this event may be associated with certain external and internal factors, including abortion and the postpartum period.

Pain after ovulation can be justified by a number of reasons. First, we’ll try to clarify what happens in the female body in different phases of the menstrual cycle. The first two weeks after the last menstruation are characterized by growth of follicles. Approximately on the fourteenth day, the follicle leaves the egg and breaks, and the so-called corpus luteum forms instead.

If you have a lower abdomen after ovulation, then this may be due to:

  • Stretching of the ovary during the growth of the follicle.
  • Breakthrough ovarian wall ovum.
  • Irritation of the abdominal cavity caused by minimal internal bleeding of the ovary during ovulation.
    stomach ache after ovulation

Pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation of a physiological nature can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • suddenness of discomfort;
  • a sensation of pain on one side only;
  • The regular, monthly nature of the recurrence of pain.

In rare cases, weak bloody discharge can occur, roll weakness and nausea, pain can be felt in the lumbar region.

Pregnancy and pain after ovulation

If, after ovulation, the lower abdomen is pulled and sexual intercourse took place without observing protection, then it is just right to think about replenishment in the family. At the same time, it should be remembered that only an ultrasound procedure can confirm pregnancy with absolute accuracy, while indirect signs can lead you to an erroneous conclusion. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen after the onset of ovulation and unprotected intercourse may well indicate that a new life has begun to arise in the woman's body and a powerful hormonal restructuring is taking place.

What does the process after ovulation look like in the case of a supposed conception? The egg, having met with a sperm, forms a zygote, the purpose of which is to reach the uterus, where its further growth and development will occur. Usually, the process of fixing the zygote occurs at the very end of the menstrual cycle, and it is it that is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In addition to pulling pain, such possible signs of pregnancy as:

  • frequent mood changes;
  • rejection of pungent odors;
  • increased appetite;
  • hypersensitivity.

Often, tingling in the lower abdomen after ovulation of a woman is considered a clear sign of pregnancy. However, you should know that the cause of pain can be an infection, an inflammatory process, internal trauma, hormonal changes.

If pregnancy has already been confirmed to you, and the pain in the lower abdomen continues for a long time, then this condition is a cause for concern: it may well be a sign of a threat of miscarriage.

pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation

Pain Disorders

If you have a lower abdominal pull after ovulation, this may also be a sign of a rather serious health problem. These include gynecological and other diseases, including:

  • rupture of an ovarian cyst;
  • ovarian rupture due to cyst growth;
  • cystitis;
  • severe overwork;
  • appendicitis.

In most cases, tingling in the lower abdomen after ovulation is not so scary, but if you are concerned about this fact, then it is better to consult a doctor. He will not only conduct a detailed examination and prescribe all the necessary tests, but also give appropriate recommendations that will help reduce pain.

Pros of Painful Ovulation

There are pluses to pain during ovulation.

tingling in the lower abdomen after ovulation

Thanks to this feature of her body, it is much easier for a woman to calculate the time favorable for the conception of a child. Or, on the contrary, make your own schedule of safe days. Of course, you should not rely 100% on such data, but the likelihood of their veracity is very, very high.

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