Cheap dogs: list with photos

Dog breeding has long been a profitable business. But not every dog ​​is worth fabulous money. After all, the puppy's price depends not only on whether there are champions in his pedigree, but also on how rare his breed is. The list of budget dogs available to the ordinary owner included French bulldogs, chihuahuas, Russian tois, beagles, middle schnauzers, pugs, Pekingese and Wolfspitz. Today's publication will provide a brief description of inexpensive dogs.

1. Pug

The birthplace of this breed, the first mention of which is dated 600 g BC. e., is considered China. According to some reports, it was bred on the basis of the short-haired Pekingese “Luo Jie”. These dogs came to Europe at the end of the 16th century, and the first official standard was developed in 1888.

inexpensive dogs

Pugs are inexpensive dogs, the cost of which starts at 8,000 rubles. Therefore, they can often be seen in city parks. They are easily recognized by their voluminous head with a flattened muzzle, wrinkled forehead and large expressive eyes. The height of these animals varies between 25-35 cm, and the weight is 6-10 kg. The compact body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with short hair of black, apricot or silver color.

Pugs are cheerful, friendly dogs that can’t tolerate loneliness. They get along well with other pets and may not be the only dog ​​in the family.

2. Pekingese

This is one of the oldest breeds, the origin of which is associated with many legends. China is considered her homeland, and among the owners were local monarchs. It came to Europe during the war with Great Britain and quickly gained popularity among professional breeders.

Pekingese are inexpensive small dogs, the price of which starts at 8,000 rubles. These animals grow from 15 to 25 cm at the withers, and weigh no more than 5 kg. On a rather large flat-faced head there are slightly convex round eyes. The compact body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with luxurious long hair of almost any color.

Pekingese are stubborn beings endowed with a highly developed sense of self-esteem. They are incredibly brave, jealous and touchy. They do not tolerate rough treatment and need constant contact with people. These small animals have a delicate sense of a change in their master's mood and will not be imposed if their owner is not disposed to communication.

3. Wolfspitz

The history of these animals, descended from an ancient peat dog, began in the 16th century. Initially, they were used to protect barges plying the Rhine River. But over time, they turned into ordinary pets, perfectly coping with the role of a fun companion and companion for active walks.

small inexpensive dogs

Wolf Spitz - inexpensive dogs, the price of which starts from 10 000 rubles. Their growth ranges from 31-48 cm, and the weight is 15-21 kg. Outwardly, they resemble a fluffy gray cloud. And with their pointed elongated muzzles, a touching, smiling expression never leaves.

Wolfspitz is an active, contact and curious dog. He gets along well with children and is completely devoid of aggression. He quickly becomes attached to his masters and is suspicious of outsiders. But, despite the natural incredulity, a reliable defender will not work out of him, since he extremely rarely flings his teeth.

4. The Schnauzer

The exact origin of these animals is still unknown. According to one version, they are distant descendants of peat dogs that lived in modern Germany several millennia ago. The first standard and club of breed lovers appeared in 1890.

inexpensive dogs spitz

Schnauzers are inexpensive medium-sized dogs that you can buy for even 10,000 rubles. They grow up to 45-50 cm at the withers and weigh no more than 20 kg. A square body with a well-developed chest is covered with thick, hard hair that requires trimming.

The Mittelschnauzer is an active and very agile dog who knows when to become serious. He is extremely devoted to his master and, if necessary, is ready to protect him from danger. With the right upbringing, an excellent companion is obtained from him, who does not show unreasonable aggression towards either people or animals. He is very contact, playful and friendly, which means that he is ideally suited for the role of a family dog.

5. Beagle

The origin of these animals remains a mystery to this day. According to one version, their ancestors are hunting dogs described by Xenophon in the IV century BC. Currently, they are widely distributed in Italy, France and England, and Australians use them for hunting kangaroos.

Beagles are inexpensive dogs, photos of which are posted in this article. The minimum cost of such a puppy is 10,000 rubles. Depending on gender, the height of an adult varies between 32-40 cm, and the weight does not exceed 12 kg. On a proportional head with a trapezoidal muzzle and a well-defined stop, there are large, widely set eyes and hanging long ears. The whole body of such a dog is covered with short white coat with brown and black spots.

inexpensive dogs for an apartment

The beagle is endowed with all the qualities inherent in a born hunter. He is very cheerful, proactive and curious. He gets along well with children and coexists quietly under one roof with cats.

6. Toy Terrier

This is one of the youngest breeds that appeared in Russia in the XX century. It was bred on the basis of English toy terriers and quickly gained popularity outside its historical homeland. Today, you can even buy such an animal for 10,000 rubles.

Toy Terrier - an inexpensive dog for an apartment, characterized by miniature dimensions. The height of the adult does not exceed 30 cm, and the mass is not more than 3 kg. On the small wedge-shaped head of the Russian toy, there are huge expressive eyes and large triangular ears that immediately attract attention. The dog’s compact, graceful body is covered with short or long hair of blue, red, brown or black and tan color.

photos of inexpensive dogs

Russian toi are emotional, playful and mobile creatures. Despite their miniature size, they need training. After all, a poorly educated one is an angry aggressor, capable of showing hostility not only to strangers, but also to members of the master's family.

7. Chihuahua

The birthplace of these animals is considered Mexico. Many centuries ago, miniature dogs, called techichi, were pets of local priests, leaders and wealthy nobles. At the end of the XIX century, they got to America and quickly gained serious popularity.

Chihuahuas are small inexpensive dogs whose starting price is 12,000 rubles. Their height ranges from 15-23 cm, and the mass does not exceed 3.5 kg. Representatives of this breed can be easily recognized by a beautiful head visually resembling an apple.

Chihuahuas are funny and intelligent creatures infinitely devoted to their owners. Despite their miniature size, they are very brave and can be aggressive towards their larger brothers.

8. French Bulldog

Experts still have heated discussions about the origin of these animals. According to one version, their ancestors were Spanish dogs guarding cattle. According to another theory, they descended from dwarf English bulldogs. Be that as it may, in 1903 they were recognized as an independent breed with an officially registered standard.

inexpensive medium-sized dogs

French bulldogs are inexpensive dogs, which can be purchased from 6000 rubles. They grow up to 30-33 cm at the withers and weigh no more than 15 kg. They can be easily identified by a heavy square head with a flat nose and a massive, slightly protruding lower jaw. The compact stocky body of such a dog is covered with short smooth hair of fawn, tiger or two-tone color.

French bulldogs are endowed with a calm, balanced disposition. They are not prone to manifesting causeless aggression, but sometimes they become jealous.

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