How to distinguish a carduelis male from a female: recommendations and tips

Carduelis is a genus of small and unusually beautiful songbirds. They have bright plumage and are famous for their musical abilities. In their arsenal of more than twenty tunes. You can enjoy his singing every day. One of the most common species is the black-headed goldfinch, which can be found throughout Europe and Western Siberia. It is about him that will be discussed later. Of course, to determine the sex of Carduelis, it is best to consult a specialist. But there are times when it is not possible to find an experienced ornithologist.

External signs of difference

The black-headed goldfinch is one of the beautiful and common birds of our forests. You can see the difference between a male and a female with a certain skill according to all secondary signs. We suggest that you yourself learn how to distinguish a carduelis male from a female. The very first thing you need to pay attention to is the outward signs of similarity or difference. The plumage of birds of both sexes is almost the same, but the red “mask” of the female is slightly smaller and paler. Under the base of the beak, the width of the strip is about 4-6 mm, while in males it is 8-10 mm, that is, almost twice as wide. The first signs of difference are noticeable, starting from the upper body of the bird. The black color of the “cap” on the male’s head does not have any graying, unlike the female.

Carduelis cap

Carduelis body dimensions

Look at the bird and determine who it is, male or female just does not work out. It is necessary to know at least approximately the sizes of birds. If two or more birds are nearby, then this simplifies the task. How to distinguish a carduelis male from a female in size? It can be considered lucky, because you can clearly see the difference in volumes. Males look a little larger than females. If there is a comparison of birds of about the same age, then the size is an actual sign.

Birds, like humans, can differ in body proportions and sizes. The body length is approximately 12 centimeters, and the bird weighs only 20 grams. The wingspan is 20-25 centimeters. In all respects, they are even less than a sparrow.

carduelis sizes

What secret hides a strip under its beak

Absolutely all Carduelis have a red stripe under its beak. As already mentioned, in males it is more pronounced, brighter. In a female, she is two times smaller and more dull. Many lovers of these songbirds, on the question of how to distinguish between a carduelis male and a female, are advised to pay attention to this particular sign. Carefully examine the strip and plumage under the beak of the bird. The fact that the female is dimmer than the male is easy to explain. This makes them less visible to predators at the time of chicks hatching.

What feathers above the beak of a bird

Stripe differences

According to the standard, the male was larger and the head was larger, and, naturally, its beak is larger. But not only the dimensions speak of the difference. You need to carefully consider the form. In females, the beak is weaker and less curved.

Female Carduelis

You need to carefully consider the feathers above the beak. In males they have a scarlet pure color, and in female goldfinches they are raspberry, of a colder shade. But to rely on the fact that this sign can accurately determine the gender of the bird is not worth it. Because living conditions and food affect the color of plumage in birds. It turns out that the shape of the beak and the color of the feathers above it is another of the signs and the answer to the question of how to distinguish between a carduelis male and a female.

What color feathers on the chest

When comparing birds to determine sex, it is advisable to take individuals of the same age. The spots on the chest of the carduelis can also suggest the floor of the bird. It is necessary to examine the breast of the bird. In the male, the contrast between brown and white is stronger. Experienced breeders give advice on how to distinguish between a carduelis male and a female:

  • Sex can be determined by the presence of a greenish or yellowish color in the feathers of males on the chest.
  • Catching the Carduelis, you need to take it in your hands and turn your abdomen towards you.
  • Blow on feathers of feathers in place of brown spots.
  • If the feathers shine in gray or brown, then this is a female.
  • A green or yellow tint is visible on the underside - this is a male.

In some cases, there are birds that do not need feather blowing. The green color on the chest is clearly visible and so. You need to know that females in age can have a brighter color.

Carduelis, which turned out to be in captivity, are easily mastered in other living conditions and quickly become tame. They are undemanding to food, beautiful and beautifully perform any melody.

Once heard the tunes of their relatives, in the future they will certainly be performed. And here it is already necessary not to look closely, but to listen to the voice of the carduelis. The difference in trill performance is very noticeable. The female sings in a crackling voice. Goldfinch sings more pleasant melodies. The male stops singing when it is time to molt.

If the bird was recently acquired, then it may be silent for some time. However, it is considered unreliable and does not always allow this trait to distinguish a carduelis male from a female. How to do it with 100% accuracy? Almost impossible. However, you are lucky if you see goldfinches in the mating season.

Mating behavior of birds

In nature, birds live in rare forests, deciduous groves, alternating with open areas, parks and near rivers. Another goldfinch loves orchards, copses and small groves. There, on the tops of trees, he can make a warm and comfortable nest, lined with poplar fluff. The moment comes when the female invites to mate. Goldfinch sits on a branch and begins to solo, show all his musical abilities. At the same time, he spins, spins in all directions and even bows, as if he was giving a concert. With such boastful behavior, a goldfinch pretends to be. At this time, the bride flies up to him. How to distinguish a carduelis male from a female in this case, we think, is understandable.

For home keeping of your favorite bird, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the house: a good large cage and regular cleaning.

Carduelis multiply safely at home. These birds have no concept of bondage, but there is a comfort zone. The task of a breeder of goldfinches is to create for them these conditions. The best thing is to put a couple of birds in love in a spacious enclosure.

With all its splendor, carduelis have a drawback. They can be very pugnacious and cannot get along with anyone.

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