A few words about acclimatization in children

So the long-awaited vacation has come, we go on vacation with the whole family, and when we arrive there, our baby begins to feel unwell. So his condition is affected by unusual weather conditions. How to get acclimatized for a child and is it possible to prepare for it in advance? This is the question that interests us, because we want to experience only pleasant feelings from our vacation.

acclimatization in children

Determine the concepts

Acclimatization is the process that helps the body adapt to new conditions. When changing time zones or a sharp change in temperature, this phenomenon is more complicated. It usually takes about two days. And if there is a change of time zone, then about three days.

Main symptoms

In order not to confuse this process with poisoning or the common cold, you need to clearly know how acclimatization in children goes . Often this condition appears at the very beginning of the vacation. It is accompanied by general weakness, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, fever, nausea and disruption of the digestive tract.

Features of acclimatization in children

how to get acclimatized for a child

Toddlers become very irritable and often naughty. This condition can last more than seven days. Therefore, going on a trip with the whole family, plan your vacation for at least three weeks, then the process of acclimatization in children will be much easier. If your child is allergic, then such reactions may occur. When collecting a first-aid kit on the road, be sure to put antihistamines there .

What to do to reduce the level of manifestation of acclimatization in children?

Try to swim in the sea as little as possible in the early days. Do not be in direct sunlight. Sunbathe only during the permitted hours. Give preference only to natural fabrics. Be sure to purchase a sun umbrella and special protective equipment. Give your child as much water as possible. Let it be water and juice. Discard carbonated drinks completely. Try not to overeat. Do not go from winter to summer. This will only exacerbate the problem that you have. Try to pre-temper your baby. Before traveling, focus on the vitamins of groups A, E, C. Let your child eat fruits and berries.

how is acclimatization in children

Cranberries, currants and pomegranates are considered especially useful. When you arrive at your destination, let your child rest, gain strength and get used to the temperature difference. Try to travel by train. So it will be easier to perceive changes in climatic zones.

The consequences of rest

When you return home, you may experience re-acclimatization. Such a process is sometimes more difficult than acclimatization itself. You should not immediately lead the child to a garden or school, as his well-being can dramatically deteriorate. Try not to spoil your journey together. Before you go on vacation, talk with your baby, pay close attention to his nutrition. To reduce the risk of acclimatization in children, refuse various vaccinations before traveling. Let your journey bring you real pleasure!

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