Configuring Windows 7 Proxy: Tips

Apparently, a lot of users of modern computer systems have heard about the concept of "proxy server." However, not everyone can clearly imagine what it is and for what purposes it can be used, not to mention setting up a proxy server on a local network or on a single PC. Let's try to expand the horizons of such users somewhat by offering the simplest explanation with a detailed description of the simplest settings.

What is a proxy server and what is it for?

First, a little about the term itself. In general, it is generally accepted that a proxy server is one of the types of software installed on a remote computer terminal, which, in a certain sense, is a kind of connecting link between a user computer or a group of computers connected to a local or virtual network and the Internet resources that are accessed through the browser or when accessing installed programs.

A request indicating the usual URL from the computer is sent first to the remote proxy server, and only then it is redirected to the requested site. The server itself checks for the presence of the available page components in the browser or system cache (if the request is made by another program), and only then downloads the contents to the local terminal. The server itself has its own IP address. Thus, the concept of a proxy server can be considered both as software and as the most ordinary remote computer.

User anonymity when using a proxy server

The main advantages of such access include ensuring the anonymity of users on the Web, since the request for the resource is made exclusively on behalf of the server, not the local computer, as well as the ability to organize access to the Internet for more PCs on the network.

Standard proxy setting in Windows 7 for all users and other OS of this class

All settable parameters are simple enough to set them on individual computers, and for local networks. True, in the second case, it is best to configure the proxy server on Windows 7 in the local network not on every PC in the network environment, but on the central server through which all terminals are connected and managed. In this case, the settings will be applied to all user machines without exception.

Now let's move on to setting up the proxy server in Windows 7 “Maximum”, since it is this modification that has become especially popular and is used most often today. Please note immediately that the options below are equally suitable for system versions higher or lower.

First of all, you need to call the active connections section (ncpa.cpl), you need to select and go to the properties item through the PCM menu.

Allow Internet Connection Sharing

Since we are talking about setting up a proxy server in Windows 7 for all users, in the settings window the access tab is used, on which the points for setting permissions to access the Internet connection and manage connections by other users are activated.

Then, through the “Control Panel”, you need to call the browser properties window and click on the network settings button on the connections tab, then set either the automatic settings item to active or specify the necessary options manually.

Setting up a proxy server in Windows

In particular, you will need to enter the proxy server address yourself and assign the desired port. In most cases, the ports are set to 80 or 3128, and the system usually determines them automatically, so you can leave the port selected by default unchanged. Then it remains just to save the changes and, just in case, perform a complete reboot of the terminal.

Preferred settings on the local network for individual users

As for the proxy server settings in Windows 7 on separate PCs, networked or not, the steps here are completely similar to those described above. However, if we are talking about local networks, it is undesirable to set the proxy point for local connections active, since the proxy servers themselves are quite slow, and when making requests between computers on the Network, it may take longer for these operations than for a normal connection ( sometimes the connection may disappear altogether).

Note: to activate the use of proxies with automatic parameter detection, you can also use the registry editor (regedit).

Proxy activation in the registry

Setting up a proxy server in Windows 7 in this case boils down to getting to the Internet Settings directory in the HKCU branch and through the Software section. On the right side of the window, find the ProxyEnable key, double-click to open the parameter editing window and set the unit to the current value. Upon completion of work with the registry, a computer restart must be performed without fail.

Configuring a proxy server in Windows 7 for browsers

In principle, you can activate the use of proxies not in system settings, but directly in browsers.

Example of redirection when setting up a proxy server in Opera browser

However, even when accessing such an item in the settings, you will be redirected to the Internet properties.

Another point is that turning on the use of a proxy when activating an additional extension as a VPN client does not work out solely for the reason that both proxies and VPNs are kind of anonymizing and work on similar principles (only all encrypted traffic is transmitted to the VPN through a special tunnel).

Connection errors

Despite the simplicity of setting up a proxy server in Windows 7 or in any other operating system of this class, you can sometimes encounter the appearance of unauthorized failures. As mentioned above, do not use a proxy server for local connections. On individual terminals (especially when using modems of mobile operators), it is often necessary to enter only those server addresses that are provided by the provider and only if the operator supports the use of such a connection.

List of Free Proxies

Finally, to fix the failures, you can use additional addresses of free proxy servers that are available on the Internet for free access.

Note: for local networks, the problem can be eliminated by using static IP addresses on user machines, but the parameters of the main gateway must necessarily intersect with the proxy server options.

Brief Summary

This is a brief summary of everything related to setting proxy server settings. As for the appropriateness of using such a connection, in most cases it is recommended to use it only if the operator or provider has declared such support or there is an urgent need for it. If you wish, of course, you can make the settings yourself, but be prepared for the fact that the speed of access to Internet sites can drop quite a lot, not to mention the speed of downloading content of any type.

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