Malawian cichlids: content features, breeding

Malawi cichlids owe their name to Lake Malawi, located in East Africa. According to various sources, from 500 to 1000 various species of fish live in its bowels , the largest number of which belong to the family Cichlidae. The aquarium lovers in these fish are attracted by a striking appearance, as well as a behavior feature.

Malawian cichlids

Cichlids: Description

In appearance, these underwater inhabitants are very diverse. Their body may have an elongated torpedo shape, as, for example, in predators - African lepidiolamprologus and American crenicius. But Severum, angelfish and discus are distinguished by high and flattened bodies. They live in reservoirs with a sufficient number of plants among clusters of branches and coastal plexuses of roots.

They are helped to hide by their dividing color - vertical black stripes reproducing the change of shadow and light. But the colorful, eye-catching color of certain African cichlids makes it possible for them to notice from afar and recognize the enemy - a male of their breed or a female (the tone of both individuals varies quite significantly).

With excitement, most species of fish can almost instantly change the shade: it becomes beautiful, contrasting, spots and stripes form. The same thing is observed during spawning: females of Nannakar green are painted in patterned black with a checkerboard pattern, and females of some apistograms take on an expressive yellow color.

aquarium cichlids

What breeds exist

Species of Malawian cichlids are very diverse and they are divided into two groups: mbuna and utaka.

The first category includes samples that choose the coastal area. They feed on small invertebrate animals, however , algae are the main share of the diet. Fish have a rather unusual mouth shape, which they specifically use in order to peel off algal deposits from stones without difficulty. But if cichlids are the main animal food in the diet, this can lead to obesity or lead to a loss of ability to reproduce.

The second type of fish are larger. They can reach a length of 17-20 cm. They prefer more spacious areas for enhanced hunting. Utakas are much better adapted to swimming than mbuns. The tone of the females is unattractive and not very prominent, as a rule, gray shades and small transverse lines. Malawi cichlids feed on 80% food of animal origin.

cichlids description

Melanochromis Auratus

It is considered the most popular species in Lake Malawi. Distributed everywhere and does not have richly displayed color options. In nature, it does not exceed more than 10 cm in size. The coloration of females and males varies markedly. Males are almost black with a pale pink longitudinal stripe extending in body length from tail to head. In females, two diametrical lines lie in amber-yellow color: one in the middle of the trunk, and the other in the surface of the body. Fish eat everything, but when feeding it is necessary to pay more attention to plant foods, as animals are prone to protein intoxications as a result of overeating animal food.

Melanochromis Johanna

These are the most popular aquarium cichlids, distinguished by a fantastically chic yellow-orange hue. Males with the advent of puberty completely change their tone, becoming blue-black with two expressive azure stripes along the body. The males are slightly larger than the females and are distinguished by more pronounced spots, similar to eggs in the area of ​​the anal fin. Their dimensions in the natural environment do not exceed 8 cm.

species of malawian cichlids

Aulonocara Maleri

Among fans from all over the world, such cichlids have several names - “Orange Aulonkara”, “Yellow Peacock” or “Sunbird”. Fish are found on the islands of Namalenji, Maleri, Chidunga and many others. Males are medium-sized, up to 9.5 cm. The size of the “giants” can reach up to 13 cm, however they form a small natural population. Females of gray, characteristic of all Aulonokar colors, are 3-4 cm smaller than males.

Haplochromis Borlya

Malawian cichlids of this species are universally considered to be almost the most luxurious fish. The individuals are distinguished by an orange-red body color behind the gill covers. Males outside the spawning stage are covered with 3 oval dark spots on the body, which are placed diagonally. Haplochromis grow up to 15 cm, females are slightly smaller.

Malawian cichlids content

Malawian cichlids: contents

For their existence, it is desirable to have an aquarium with a minimum volume of 150 liters, so that the animals feel comfort in their home. Water should be purified and transparent. Aquarium inhabitants need to change 30% of the amount of water every week, as they are extremely sensitive to changes in its size. And it will be better to pre-defend water. Mandatory need a strong aeration and filtration. The best water temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees. The total hardness is 4-8 degrees, and the pH level is 8-8.5.

The relief involves a large number of shelters, such as sinks. Aquarium cichlids also like to rummage in the ground (it should not be very low-lying, but not too large). Therefore, with the use of algae in the aquarium, you need to worry about them having a powerful root system, or you can just cover them with pebbles.

food for Malawi cichlids

Eating fish will also not be difficult: they eat ice cream, live and dry food for Malawi cichlids.

How to breed fish

Many varieties of this breed are not monogamous, they do not have constant partners, and the male can spawn with different females. But some individuals, on the contrary, find a pair for themselves and always spawn together in the future.

Fish are bred, laying eggs in holes dug in the soil, on plants or stones. The peculiarity of breeding cichlids is their feature of carrying eggs (sometimes fry) in the mouth. This method leads to the fact that most of the females are not able to refrain from eating in aquarium conditions, and they swallow or spit out eggs. However, many of them torment themselves with exhaustion, but still create offspring.

It is possible to find out whether Malavian cichlids are suitable for breeding by the presence of 2-3 mm of the anal hump, which in the female, ready for spawning, in the form of a cropped cone, and in the male - pointed. The female lays 3 to 8 eggs at a time, while the male immediately fertilizes them. The total number of eggs in diverse varieties is different. Usually fry are hatched after 2-4 days.

Both the female and the male can watch the caviar, as well as the fry, together. There were times when young parents ate the first clutch of caviar.

By and large, it can be noted that the cultivation of such unusually beautiful underwater creatures is a rather complicated process, and not even all aquarists do it. But still, you can try to try your luck at breeding these wonderful fish.

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