A cat that does not fade. Species of rocks

Many owners of long-haired cats are unpleasant when the animals molt and the hair is found throughout the room. It is often necessary to do the cleaning, and in fact some may be allergic to such substances. So that the cat does not fade, you need to choose the right breed. All fluffy pets molt, only to a different degree. For them, this is considered an ordinary seasonal process, which involves dumping the old fur and updating it to a new one. This allows cats to become adapted to different climates.

a cat that does not fade

Shedding takes place in 2 stages. Before the onset of winter, old wool is discarded, after which new ones grow. Then it happens in the spring, when preparation for the summer is needed. Therefore, if there is an allergy, you need to familiarize yourself with which breeds of cats do not fade. They require special care and maintenance.

Breeds with weak molting

Which cats do not molt? There are several breeds that do not have this process, or it proceeds to a small extent. These include:

  • Sphinxes.
  • Peterboldov.
  • Don sphinxes.
  • Devon Rex.
  • Cornish Rex.

Each animal has its own characteristics. These cats will be most suitable for those who are allergic to hair.


Many believe that sphinxes are completely absent. But this is not true, it is there, but short, it is like suede. Such animals appeared in Canada due to selection. As a result, cats with a small body, a reliable skeleton and strong muscles began to be born. Pets are friendly and reasonable.

so that the cat does not fade

This is a cat that does not fade. The Canadian sphinx has sweat glands that form the color of the animal. Pets require special care - they should be regularly bathed. In Rostov-on-Don, the Don Sphinx was bred. A bald breed was formed due to a dominant gene.


The breed was bred in St. Petersburg as a result of crossing the Don Sphynx with an ordinary cat with short hair. The result was graceful cats with an unusual color.

what cats do not fade

By type of wool, the St. Petersburg sphinxes were divided into:

  • Naked cats - they have no hair.
  • Flock cats have short but fluffy hair.
  • Cats with fur lengths up to 5 mm are included in the velor group.
  • Animals with curly and coarse hair are called brushes.

Although these breeds have a little hair, they gradually become bald. Peterbald is a cat that does not fade. It is suitable for all people.

Devon rex

Such animals have shaggy, thin hair, similar to suede. They molt, it is not very noticeable in comparison with other breeds. Cats have not only small sizes, but also hypoallergenic hair.

Devon Rex can be chosen for people suffering from allergies. The breed was bred in England. These mischievous pets can become the best friends of any person.

Cornish Rex

This is a cat that does not fade. They are considered friendly animals that have velvety wavy hair. Loss of wool is carried out without a trace. Animals are similar to all other breeds that do not have long hair.

cats that do not fade and do not smell

The list of non-shedding pets is considered the main, but there are other cats that are not subject to molting. They do not cause inconvenience to their owners. Many are interested in whether there are cats that do not fade and do not smell. In this case, you can take the Siamese breed, American Shorthair and British. There is no strong odor from the European shorthair and exotic munchkin with short legs and an elongated body.

How is molting eliminated?

If there is already an animal with hair, then the owner should provide maximum care for the pet so that the molt is not pronounced. With a seasonal change, the cats' fur coats are combed out so that the hair does not get tangled up, which only scissors eliminate. In the pet store you need to buy a regular comb, but you can choose a furminator - a device that removes the outer layer, undercoat. To do this, there is also a slicker with which you can remove thin hairs spreading throughout the room.

Shorthair breeds are suitable standard combs or brushes - gloves. The latter is very convenient to use: you need to put a scaffold on your hand, and you can pet your pet. Animals have a problem swallowing hair that accumulates in the stomach. In season, the pet should be given a special paste that removes wool in a natural way.

Why does an allergy appear?

A cat that does not molt does not cause inconvenience to the owners. People may be allergic to some animals, but this does not happen on the hair, but on the protein, which is in the saliva of pets. When washing, saliva remains on the wool, and yet it is dangerous for sensitive people. Other cat excretions are also considered reasons. An allergen is an enzyme located in the sebaceous glands.

what breeds of cats do not fade

Before purchasing a purebred breed of cats without wool, you should consider that they are expensive. And care is quite difficult. They need constant attention, balanced nutrition, and thorough care. The best choice would be shorthair breeds, in which seasonal molting is not pronounced. Modern breeders are working on the creation of animals that will not cause allergies in humans.

If an allergy has arisen sharply, you do not need to immediately think about your pet. It is necessary to pass tests and identify the real causes of this phenomenon. You should not immediately get rid of the animal, because allergies can appear due to other factors. When buying a pet, a person is responsible for his life. Therefore, you need to think in advance whether it will turn out to be a careful owner for the cat.

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