The threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy

The threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy is a fairly common diagnosis in recent years. However, with timely access to specialists and competent actions of doctors, it is possible to survive it without negative consequences.

The threat of miscarriage in the early stages. Possible reasons

First of all, these are, of course, various kinds of hormonal disorders. So

risk of early miscarriage

some women are diagnosed with a deficiency of the hormone progesterone, and it is he who is responsible for maintaining the pregnancy. Experts say that its role is especially great up to 16 weeks, and then the placenta itself takes on the main functions. Progesterone deficiency typically occurs in the following cases:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the genitals.
  2. The consequences of an abortion.
  3. .

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treatment for miscarriage


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risk of early miscarriage treatment

As a rule, in this case, specialists prescribe bed rest. A future woman in labor should not go to work, much less engage in physical labor. It is better to devote this time to reading positive literature and not to worry at all. Treatment for a threatened miscarriage also implies a lack of stress. Some experts prescribe valerian or motherwort. An excellent solution is considered to be the so-called yoga for pregnant women. In the classroom, women not only communicate and share their experiences (positive thinking), but also perform breathing and gymnastic exercises aimed at relaxing the body. In especially serious cases, gynecologists prescribe hormonal drugs, the main effect of which is to replace the hormone progesterone.

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