This question is perhaps one of the most frequently asked by feline owners. And even more so, if these are owners of cats who are preparing to become (or have already become) mothers. So it was with us: safely slipping through such a complex and tremulous process of giving birth to our pet, we watched the development of the kittens and looked forward to the next stage of their development - opening the eyes, small blue buttons.
For us, all this was the first time. Having already read a sea of literature, “driving” into the search engine “when the kittens open their eyes” in all conceivable and unthinkable cases and declensions, trying to find out something new, we watched, looking into the faces of kittens several times a day.
And then we realized (experienced owners, of course, will smile, but for us it really was the first time): the period when kittens open their eyes is only an approximation. And the indicated dates do not always coincide with the templates. We saw the eyes of the first kitten on the eighth day of his life, and the very last - only on the twelfth.
The development of kittens is not always the same and is laid by nature long before their birth. Influencing factors, of course, are heredity, the condition of the mother cat during childbirth, the course of the birth itself and the content of the nursing cat in the lactating period.
The first week of their cat life, the kids were completely helpless. All their abilities boiled down to a quiet squeak (when the cat went for a walk, leaving them alone), clumsy crawling and greedy swallowing of mommy's milk. Weight gained quickly. And by the second week they doubled. Fortunately, there were few kids and plenty of food. The second week clearly indicated growing up. Kids gained strength, ate a little less, movements became more confident, albeit still clumsy and funny. For stronger children, the eyelids began to open (the eighth day), and you could see the dull blue eyes, still unable to see the world. I must say that in some breeds, the dates when kittens open their eyes can be only two to three days (for example, sphinxes and Devon Rexes), and sometimes the periods are delayed up to two weeks (like redgalls). Actually, like a suction period. Those who already have experience in raising babies are well aware that when kittens open their eyes, they enter an independent life. At this time, the first lure is already beginning (in most breeds after the second week), cats leave the children farther and for longer time intervals, which means they feed less and less.
The ability of the caudate to perceive the world visually quickly improves almost immediately after the eruption of the eyelids. Observations indicate that in cats, girls the ability to see appears a little earlier than in cats, boys (but heredity, too, should not be overlooked).
How do kittens open their eyes? The first sign is the opening of the eyelids, and through a small click you can already see the eyes themselves. During this period they are blue (regardless of what color will be later). The vitreous body, which lies between the retina and the lens, is initially unclear (it will become transparent at about the sixth week). Pupils have not yet responded even to bright light (a reaction to light can be seen no earlier than a day after eruption). Such characteristics suggest that the vision in babies is still weak (or absent altogether).
In the second week, the ears also change. They open and stand upright. Development ends around the tenth week. At the same time, there is also the opening of the passages (auditory) that connect the auricle with the eardrum. Kittens begin to respond to various kinds of sounds (and especially to the voice of their own kind). This is evidenced by their alertness, raising and turning their heads, sniffing, moving the tiny ears so far, shuddering.
The time when kittens open their eyes is a turning point in their cat-like vibrant life. They become fun, adventurous and for the first time start their funny cat games. The cat may try to move the children to a different, darker place. Perhaps this is the call of her maternal nature, an attempt to limit the excessive activity of the helpless so far crumbs and thereby avoid the danger of falling into the clutches of an agile predator. She carefully takes the baby by the scruff of the neck (at this point the cat has nerve endings that initiate a specific fading reaction when the body suddenly relaxes and its legs are compressed) and tries to move it somewhere under the bed, behind the sofa, or even in the closet.
At the same time, the kids learn to walk, although their movements are funny because of the weak legs, which are still poorly able to hold body weight. The first claw release and the desire to hit a neighbor in the face during the game are observed. It is advisable not to miss this time and accustom kittens to their hands, because later they will start to run wild and will be more incredulous and cautious, adopting a protective posture in response to every touch. Right now their character is being formed and to some extent it depends on you what an adult cat will have.
Do not miss the days when kittens open their eyes - this is truly a wonderful time, full of admiration and positive emotions for you and your tailed pets!