Moonshine - has long been recognized - the drink is tasty and environmentally friendly. Within reasonable limits at the celebrations, he improves mood and gives joy. Therefore, many do not rush to the store for massive alcoholic delights, but prefer to use the moonshine still for the induction cooker and brew this drink on their own.
Benefits of Homebrewing
Beginners always have a choice: use home-made equipment or purchased equipment. The easiest way to get a moonshine for an induction cooker, as the experience of many has proven that it is an excellent device for making high-quality strong alcoholic drinks at minimal financial cost.
Having an apparatus for the production of moonshine, which is a design of distillation cube, cans and a steam hose, it is possible in 60 minutes to get 1.5 liters of an excellent alcoholic beverage. The process is carried out independently - by distillation of the mash. The advantages of moonshine for induction cooker are undeniable.
Its positive qualities include:
- the material the fixture is made of is usually food grade stainless steel;
- excellent performance;
- reliable tightness, because the not-so-pleasant smell does not spread indoors;
- safety during the workflow;
- simplicity in operation;
- ease of care;
- a large degree of purification from toxic impurities.
How to choose a moonshine?
There are small secrets that you need to know when the question arises, how to choose a moonshine for an induction cooker. There are a lot of varieties, but not all are suitable for this type of plate. Therefore, many nuances play a role, and if you adhere to the instructions, the life will be very long.
You should know that there are various types of cooling in moonshine devices. If it is a flow-through type of cooling, the device can only be used if it can be connected to a water supply or running water.
The role and volume of the apparatus plays a role. After all, how much alcoholic beverage will be obtained depends on this factor. There is a rule - do not fill the distillation cube more than ¾ of the volume. In this case, greed can cause droplets of liquid or foam to get into the steam tank or refrigerator, and this will significantly complicate the distillation process.
A sukhoparnik, or a reflux condenser, may be absent in some devices, but nevertheless, thanks to this device, the quality of a liquor improves significantly. And most importantly, the liquid is purified from harmful impurities during distillation.
It is worth paying attention to the neck: the wider it is, the more convenient it is to fill in all the ingredients, and then clean after the end of the process.
In order for the unit to heat evenly, the bottom of the distillation cube does not have to be perfectly flat, but it is necessarily thick if an induction cooker is used for moonshine. The metal must withstand high temperatures and not be deformed. Not all moonshine still comply with these qualities, and therefore do not withstand heavy loads.
Is an induction cooker suitable for brewing moonshine?
Recently, an induction cooker is no less in demand than a gas stove, it works from electrical voltage and is very safe to use. The principle of its operation is that it has a built-in inductive coil. A current flows through it, and the capacitance that is on the surface is heated. But not every dish can be used in the process of its operation. And, nevertheless, the induction cooker fits the moonshine still perfectly. If we take into account the efficiency, then it has a 90 percent rate on induction cookers. For gas, this is only a 50 percent indicator.
Manufacturers were able to achieve such innovations that now induction cookers are programmed to recognize the diameter of the dishes, as a result, the heating area is automatically measured. There are also built-in programs that make it possible to select the required heating, as well as the right time.
If splashes hit the surface of the stove, which remains the same cooled even during operation, the smell arising from burnt products will not be felt.
Such stoves save energy and heat. To regulate the process, it is convenient to use the built-in thermometer to prevent boiling of the mash.
Single burner induction hob
Choosing a moonshine for an induction cooker, its bottom may be with slight defects - with dents or bulges. Contact with the heating surface will still be maximum, the temperature will be automatically adjusted. The thickness of the bottom of the apparatus plays a role, but nevertheless, the metal itself plays a large role. Induction cooker cannot heat aluminum containers. And cast-iron products are suitable for her, since the composition contains iron. But a distillation cube made of cast iron is a rarity.
The single-burner induction cooker for moonshine is most convenient for use; a large tank can be placed on it. But if the diameter of the heating surface of the plate exceeds the diameter of the distillation cube, heating will be much faster and more intense. When the diameters coincide, the quenching of the magnetic radiation occurs.
A moonshine is used at home for an induction cooker of such a design, which has a degree of protection, with a safety valve and a thermometer. And the stove itself is equipped in such a way that if alcohol vapors break out, then ignition will not occur. Although this type of stove is considered safe, you should not touch the surface with your hands during its operation: although the induction current is considered weak, it can cause harm to humans.
"Japanese" miracle
Which induction cooker is best for a moonshine still, the buyer is primarily interested.
The Japan apparatus is considered universal because it makes it possible to prepare not only high-quality moonshine, but also brew tasty beer.
It has a dual refrigeration unit, a reflux condenser, and a large neck. The bottom of the unit represents 4 mm of a surface made of steel. It is produced with the help of "Japan" up to 28 liters of liquid.
This device is quite expensive, but the maximum return on its performance. He has many components, and a special device allows you to not connect to a water source.
Premium Award
"Magarych 12 L Premium" is a fairly well-known moonshine for an induction cooker. Customer reviews say that it helps in the production of whiskey and cognac, and other aromatic alcoholic beverages. It is made of stainless steel with a 3 mm bottom. The quality of the device is high, which allows you to operate it for a very long time. After work, it is easy to disassemble and clean.
Engaged in the production of moonshine, to have an induction cooker is both convenient, profitable, and financially completely inexpensive. And most importantly, an environmentally friendly and tasty drink will always be stocked for guests.