Military Intelligence Day. history of the holiday

Almost every profession in our country corresponds to a professional holiday. Military intelligence officers also have it. The fifth of November is celebrated because on that day a department was established that coordinates all army intelligence agencies. The first Military Intelligence Day was celebrated in 1918, when Leon Trotsky signed a decree. The Registration Office created by Trotsky subsequently became the basis of the well-known GRU of Russia.

Military Intelligence Day

However, one should not think that until this day in Russia there was no military intelligence service at all. This dangerous profession has existed in Russia for several centuries. The first scouts worked for the good of the Fatherland back in Kievan Rus. Then information about the enemy was collected not only by military detachments and messengers, but also by ambassadors with merchants, as well as ordinary residents of border settlements. For the first time, the Day of Military Intelligence appeared under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (by his order in 1654 the Secret Order was established ). The emperor continued the work of the king. In 17156, Peter I changed the military charter, legitimizing the Intelligence Directorate that already existed then.

The next emperor, who decided to improve intelligence, was Alexander I. He initiated the creation of the Barclay de Tolly Secret Affairs Expedition, and Russian Military Intelligence Day fell on January 1, 1810. Two years passed, and the Expedition was called the Special Chancellery. This department belonged to the War Ministry. In addition to counterintelligence, the Special Chancellery was in charge of operational, tactical and strategic intelligence.

Russian Military Intelligence Day

Intelligence played a particularly prominent role in World War II. During the first six months of the war, ten thousand people were sent to the German rear. Partisan detachments were also created by the military intelligence department. Military experience was not in vain. For four years, its organization was improved and its effectiveness improved, internal rules and traditions arose. Perhaps that was when Military Intelligence Day began to be officially celebrated.

All this experience was applied during subsequent military conflicts. The organization of military command and control has been shown to be effective during Middle East conflicts, as well as operations in Chechnya, Yugoslavia and other hot spots. The Hero's star during this time was awarded 692 scouts.

November 5th day of military intelligence

Modern intelligence is an institution that receives and processes data about the enemy (probable or acting). On November 5, the day of a military intelligence officer is celebrated by several departments within the Intelligence Directorate. Under the "roof" of one control combined counterintelligence, tactical and strategic intelligence. Tactical intelligence supplies the necessary information to any one military unit, helping its commander make the right decision. Strategic intelligence "specializes" in the capabilities, plans and vulnerabilities of other states. The data obtained by this intelligence is used to establish the country's foreign policy. Counterintelligence is designed to combat foreign intelligence "offices." People celebrating Military Intelligence Day are rightfully considered the “eyes and ears” of the Russian army.

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